CLOUD RULER TEMPLE This is a remake of Cloud Ruler Temple from Elderscrolls IV: Oblivion. During your quest in Oblivion, this is where Martin is kept safe, guarded by the Blades. Comparison Pics: This is the outside: This is the outside ground area: The front: Inside the Main room: Other Screenshots: Front Doors: Spoiler The Ramparts: Spoiler The Armory/Weapon Storage/Training room: Spoiler The Dining Area: Spoiler The Master Bedroom: Spoiler Sleeping Area: Spoiler Map Differences From Original: -ramparts not curved -mongoose instead of horse -many objects missing, replaced, or substituted. Basic Overview: Spoiler Gameplay: Slayer, 2-8 players. Weapon Layout: Spoiler 7 DMRs 1 Shotgun 1 Needler 1 Sniper 5 Plasma Grenades 4 Frag Grenades 16 Assault Rifles (no extra clips, designed for looks but accessible through jetpack) Extra: Thanks for checking out my map, please leave any feedback. THANK YOU! Wow thanks everyone so much! I really didn't expect so much positive feedback at all! It took a lot of time and patience with 2 xboxes, reach on one and oblivion on the other.. (and a bit of time away from the gf =/ ). I"ve been toying with the idea of making another one and all this awesome feedback is encouraging me to do so... but I don't know when exactly... we will see! Thanks so much, I can't tell you how much I appreciate it! =] Blessings of Akatosh upon you! =] -GtaTomV
I've never fought a mudcrab more fearsome than this. Brilliant work! The Adoring Fan would approve. I've played Oblivion to death, so I really appreciate the finer points of the map. Particularly the main room, the glow of the fire really sets an epic tone. While I don't think a game of Slayer would exactly play very well, I'm glad you included it in case some people do feel like waging battle on the mountaintop fortress. That said, have you looked into FX at all? The combination of Purple and Nova might create a really cool snowy, glow effect on the outside. It might ruin the inside of the temple though. Congrats on the awesome map, keep forging!
This is super accurate, considering ive logged over three days palying elder scrolls 4. The aesthetics are awesome and very resourceful. It just doesnt seem like a halo map, if you know what I mean. Dont take it the wrong way, this is truly an impresive work of art, but the fps aspect of the map doesn't seem fun, but then again i haven't played it. Non the less, good job
This does not look bad at all. I had never played Oblivion but I can tell this is very aesthetically pleasing. From the real pics, to the pics that you made, I can say it looks pretty god damn accurate. The only problem is the front doors. Could of been more creative. I think you should have put this in the Competitive section due to the fact that you may play it. Other than that, Im looking forward to be seeing KoTH, CTF, 3-Plots, and maybe even invasion. 8/10
"Capital!" Thanks for the positive feedback everyone! I worked a lot on this and it's kool to see that some people like it =] [insert random oblivion quote here] TitanC005: I did try Nova with Purple FX and it looked pretty nice, it kinda gave that glowy-oblivion feel, but it made the ramps really bright and the forgeworld backdrop weird so I took them off. I actually didn't get to see what effect it had on the inside of the temple. Mulelish21: The fps is really only bad when your on the ramparts looking towards the temple. It could probably be fixed by replacing the ramps on the roof with something else, but I don't know what exactly because I think I don't have many piece options left. Mocha: Nice sig by the way. I used a lot of flag stands in place of candles from the actual map, so to make it ctf playable I would have to delete those... maybe I will and add other objectives to upload a playable version seperate from the aesthetic version? I don't know anything about 3-plots or invasion, maybe when I have some time I'll look them up and add those too.. I don't want to make any promises because I don't know when that will be, I'm sorrry =//
I always admired Japanese architecture (but despise anime) and this temple derived just from that. This temple played an important role in the main storyline for Oblivion, and come get katanas out of this. Beautiful and creative use of forge objects. I was looking at what you did with the roofs and I admire your craftsmanship. Out of every section of the temple I would have to say that the small guard towers over the front gate reached out to me the most. I also liked what you did with the fire combining teleporters and flag stands, and I always like to see fireplaces in maps like these. This aesthetic piece is well polished on the inside and out, and very accurate to the portrayed Cloud Ruler Temple. You have my definite props on this one.
This is unfreakingbelievable, honestly I've played the **** out of Oblivion and Morrowind so this is of coarse a definite download for me. You did an amazing job on capturing the aesthetics, but mostly you hit the spot on hitting the unusual japanese, or akaviri architecture, great job, and I'd love to see more oblivion maps.
AWESOME!!!! oblivion was/is the greatest game ever! and halo reach is #2. i played that game so much! my congratulations, this is truly great, the design is so "realistic" (compared to oblivion) and the layout looks wonderful. my one tiny peeve is the outer wall, it inst curved perfectly but looks fantastic even if not perfect. i would love to see more maps from oblivion! (maybe the imperial waterfront, or the Cheydinhall dark brotherhood sanctuary)
love oblivion maps did you know that the new elder scrolls skyrim is coming out this year (2011) cant wait to see what you make next status:downloaded
Man. it looks to me like a lot of good work and planning went into making this map. Real sweet in the pics and I'll DL to take a close look see.