A CO-OP Puzzle MAP Hello and welcome to my 3th CO-OP Puzzle map on Halo Reach! This puzzle is a lot more difficult than the the previous one. You and your buddy are in a trainingcamp to become part of the special forces. Your skills and brains will be tested just like your teamwork does. Difficulty rating: 8/10 Length: 6/10 Average time: Puzzle novice: 2 hours/ Medium puzzler: 1/1.5 hour/ Puzzle Expert. 30 minutes/1 hour I will post some screens: Can you crack the code to succesfully complete the next challenge? If you cracked the code you can proceed. If you did not. You DIE. How do you and your buddy both proceed trough this no-jump area? Possible the hardest challenge ever. Can your find the exit in the room of distraction? ( ask for help if you dont find it ) Are you fast enough? Hidden part. You must be creative! If you manage to get here. You are worth it to be part of the special forces! Hope you all gonna have fun. Please give me some feedback. Post it when your stuck and i will help you!
Need a hint on the first part . How do two people get passed the blue barrier [br][/br]Edited by merge: Nvm we got it [br][/br]Edited by merge: In my opinion your first one was better bcz it was longer. This one was hard but some parts were very easy
Just Played you map well made, tricky at one part "room of distraction" but heres a thing that made me kind of pissed that we hade to restart the map because we died with the evade near the end so no way to finish or get back to get it. but keep up the great work
I need help on the room of distraction. I figured everything else out but I can't find the exit in this room.
This puzzle map is extremely entertaining with a friend. <- (obviously) The obstacles are creative without being frustrating, and although large parts of it hinge on the double jump tactic, it is still enjoyable, EXCEPT for the third checkpoint. you gave us a checkpoint, but no evades next to it, forcing a re-run of the second checkpoint everytime you die. Me friend and i spent and hour and a half doing the puzzle, and another 45 minutes redoing the whole thing to get evade. Also, it is possible to cheat on the die part, by shooting it down youself from the ramp that the golf ball rolls down (the second one) other than that, it is a fantastic map