Welcome to The Emerald Skull - A 2 Player Co op Challenge Created by Juggacly and Smok3Monsta oooh looks scary don't it, being all green and what not? And a little mysterious. Pick it up and you're a winner. This map is a two player co op challenge designed to test your team work and problem solving ability. Simply make your way to the end of the map and steal the Emerald Skull to complete the challenge. All solutions to complete this puzzle are logical and there is no glitching required. So don't be concerned about looking for hidden objects in walls or using the fixed weapon glitch, etc. You must be able to double jump to complete this map - to do this simply stand on your team mates head, jump, team mate jumps, then you jump again to greatly increase your jump height. You will not be able to complete this map as an Elite so make sure you're player type is set to Spartan otherwise you will not get past the initial spawn section. I have included 4 checkpoints along the way so make sure you shoot the fusion coils when you see them as these are your checkpoints. And yes, if you were wondering, this map is as fun as it is pretty. Good luck and enjoy. If you have any questions on beating the map feel free to ask The stupid shall not pass Hope you can swim Make your way to the caged falcon There are your checkpoints - you will be teleported straight back to where you left off if you die Pretty aint it? Pretend it's a boat Made it! Stuck yet? Here's a few different walkthroughs that may help you. TheLegendaryCustoms (channel-not-in-use-anymore) Halo Reach map- The Emerald Skull (Walkthrough) - YouTube DuelWieldingGamers THE EMERALD SKULL Walkthrough - YouTube xKINNGSHAUNx Halo Puzzlemasters Ep.2: The Emerald Skull - YouTube
loved your map man, including being able to see it a wee bit early! Ill try to get the walkthrough done ASAP!
Very well thought-out. It didn't take me and my friend much time to solve it, he's like a genius or something, except for the golf ball part. My favorite part was one of the first parts, where you have to shoot the crates into the water. I didn't know they floated! Nice job and I hope to see even more Co-Op Puzzles.
Hey juggo i fixed a few bugs in the map and gametype such as object respawn times and the golfball part. Also made some tweaks to the gametype. You might wanna consider downloading to keep our fans happy
ok i checked it out yesterday looks a bit different with the golf ball bit but i didn't notice anything else.
I actually fixed the mongoose section, the golf ball part (to prevent people shooting the ball over the wall and the spawn time of a number of items to 1 second. Only small changes i know but they do improve the map nonetheless. Anyway its up to you if you want to update the post accordingly but im guessing you probably wont. The updated map and gametype are available in my fileshare for anyone interested Anyway i wish you best of luck with your future forging and on that note i bit you adieu as i am over reach
I just completed this map with a buddy, and man, it was a blast. Do you have any more puzzle maps? I'm looking forward to your next one, I hope it turns out to be a 2 player puzzle as good as this one.
ok has been updated, sadly all 500 downloads were lost but atleast now its a bit easyier. and makes it alot more enjoyable. [br][/br]Edited by merge: thankyou, glad you liked it, and it just turns out i am making another one, this time it might not be a two player Co op, cause im getting pretty far into it, and im trying as hard as i can i've got some different ideas for this one, but it might not be out for a couple of weeks, if not maybe a week. when its complete i'll let you know
Just played this map with my friend, lots of funs but we found a glitch or "cheat" with the golf balls we just hit the fusion cole and it blow up? dont think that was the point =)
Another fantastic map. If you do decide to pull out of reach, I think I might cry ;-) ENJOYMENT Many puzzle maps have one major flaw in them; they so are ridiculously difficult that not even the creator knows how to pass them. Others are too easy, its merely a matter of timing a jump right. Youve found a great balance. Your map requires good, strong logic, and more importantly, good communication. Theres no better feeling for me than going home after a long days work and firing up this map for the first time with my best friend, and thinking through it together. Whilst the puzzles arnt too easy, they arn't too hard, and once thought out, can become fairly easy when practised. I feel you've got the difficulty/skill balance just right on this one. DURABILITY The biggest flaw in your map, i'm afraid to say is a lack of replay value. Once youve finished it, there seems to be no reason or desire to make you want to come back, ever. However, this is a common fault in puzzle maps. Perhaps you could make alternative pathways? The fact that there are no "honour rules," so to speak, is very beneficial. Also, the checkpoint system works perfectly. Well done on that one. Lastly, via your smart use of solid kill barriers mean that your map is 100% inescapable, and nearly unbreakable. The only break I discovered was to do with the football part, in which the ball could be blown up or lost if it was placed next to a fusion coil, and thus leaving you with a long respawn wait. Perhaps set the spawn timer to 1 second? AESTHETICS Youve created a consistent design here. Whilst it isn't that appealing, it is done to the benefit of the map. The linear design means that landmarks and so forth are not really needed. However, at certain times you do have to do a bit of searching about for where you need to be, and that can become a bit frustrating. I understand why you had to use coliseum floors on this one, to allow for a much bigger map. From time to time, there are a few simple designs that help to indicate the direction of play. These are very useful. My favourite part of this map (aesthetically speaking) is the water-ghost section. The change of scenery is very welcome, and it helps to add to the flow of the map. The skull design, whilst fairly unattractive, is the best you could do in forge. Perhaps you could have pushed the light back a bit? At present, it looks like it belongs on antiques roadshow. Maybe the emerald skull just wasn't to be. The beginning of the map seems fairly rushed, as if you didn't know what to do when you started off. Whilst everything is well forged, the spawn in a glass box and exit through checkpoints is pretty boring. There is so much more you could have done with it. Perhaps allow a section in which from the spawn, you must guide your blinded team mate through a maze by looking through the windows? ORIGINALITY Again, here, you have outdone yourself. Many of the challenges you include are completly new, fun and interesting. My favourite bit was possibly the soccer ball section where you shot the ball to move it up a wall, with your team mate on it. Also, the floating section was done to perfection. Its well layed out and clear, but still requires some thought and skill. The ghost section was also incredible and well layed out. However, many of the challenges used are very common, such as the first one in which you must stand on your team-mates head, or a simple head jump up a wall. OVERALL/FINAL THOUGHTS Another great map. However, a few minor flaws and lack of creative flair at times seems to have cost you a few extra brownie points. Your puzzle map is that rare but oh so enjoyable combination of challenging but not too challenging. The idea of co-operation is well maintained and thought out. However, too often one person is given a head jump up, for instance, and performs the task, whilst the other player has to sit and wait it out RATINGS: Enjoyment: 9/10 Durability:9/10 Aesthetics: 7/10 Originality:10/10 ___________________________________________________________________ OVERALL 35/40 Well done! Keep forging!
Thanks Oli we really appreciate the time you have taken to write this review. The feedback you have provided will be very beneficial because although i've said i am done with reach, i still plan to make a few improvements to the map including fixing the glitch mentioned in an earlier post. In regards to the green light i do realise this would have looked better with the skull inside the light, but if you do this the skull cannot be picked up. Anyway we might push back the light as suggested and see what sort of aesthetic improvements we can make with our remaining $35 budget. Also with the initial spawn section, I know the set up may seem a bit strange but the spawn box is a device I use in all my maps which serves a duel purpose 1. to stop being glitching through checkpoints and to ensure the checkpoints work as intended, and 2. To prevent people playing as as Elite. In terms of aesthetics i always thought the map was quite pretty but perhaps i am biased in a manner similar to a parent who will always find their child cute, no matter how ugly that child may be
like the last quote ;-) Thanks for taking on my advice. I am trying to get into the review hub, so nice feedback on my first one is a good start Thanks!! [br][/br]Edited by merge: Oh yes, and enjoy your walkthrough! YouTube - THE EMERALD SKULL Walkthrough
Sorry for the long wait of The Ruby Skull. It Will be Ready to Use in a couple of days Thankyou For all the support! [br][/br]Edited by merge: Sorry for the delay, i knew the opening of The Ruby Skull was going to be in a few days but "someone" on my friends list deleted the starting and some of the main points. Hope to realease it soon!