Rent-a-car Crash-up Derby

Discussion in 'Reach Mini Game Maps' started by Darth Human, Feb 13, 2011.

  1. Darth Human

    Darth Human Guy from Reach
    Senior Member

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    Rent-a-Car Crash-up Derby
    4-16 players

    This map takes place in a 16 player compatible warthog arena (yes there are 16 warthogs). The gametype is king of the hill, and each player must smash/crash/shove all the other warthogs to win the round. Welcome to Crash-up Derby! Inspired by laxman91.

    (If you would rather just watch a video instead of reading, just scroll down and press play)


    The map itself contains 16 warthogs, each on their own ramp. There are also 4 mine pits in the middle of the map. Anyone pushed into one, will explode, and be shot back out. The dome also contains 4 “jail cages” for the people who die during the derby. Each cage comes with 2 plasma grenades that can give game altering effects, however they do not damage the other players. Instead they just shove 'em around into a hole or off the map if you're lucky. This is mainly to give the player something to do while they wait for the next round.

    NOTE: If you want to spice some things up, you can change the vehicle set option to the following:
    (This option can be found under the "weapons and vehicles" catagory)

    (Default) Warthog = Warthogs
    Covenant only = Ghosts
    Mongoose = Mongeese​

    Also try using teams! Just enable teams.


    Each player spawns next to their warthog at the beginning of each round. Each round is 2 minutes long, and the goal is to be the last man inside the hill. The hill is above the ground to a certain point that will only count people inside a vehicle. Timed objects begin to appear after the 1 minute mark.


    1 minute remaining: 4 man cannons spawn at each corner of the platform. Players who get caught in these will be shot into a cage and will be blown up. Another grav lift is also spawned in the middle of the platform. Players who get sucked into this death lift will be launched into a spiked room, and die.

    30 seconds remaining: 4 kill balls spawn above the capture plates on each side of the platform. A grenade launcher is also spawned in each of the 4 cages.

    10 seconds remaining: 1 kill ball is spawned above the center grav lift.

    Here is a video of what to expect in Crash-up Derby:

    Here are some of the gameplay screen shots:

    Watch out for the man cannons!​

    Only one man can survive​

    Warthog ****​


    Darth Human​

    Testers: Big thanks to,
    BIG Wojo 68
    Holaman x
    Oakley HiDef
    The Grim Dealer​

    This is the funniest thing I have ever seen in this game.
    Sorry Zeus, but I just had to show this lol...
    #1 Darth Human, Feb 13, 2011
    Last edited: Oct 28, 2011
  2. GameTime49

    GameTime49 Forerunner
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    its like monster jam had a baby with robo rage... nice

    map looks like lots of fun and will have 1 more download
  3. lrush97

    lrush97 Forerunner

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    Looks fun, going to download it now. Definately one I'm going to play with my friends I haven't lost to Black Ops tomorrow. :'(
  4. Darth Human

    Darth Human Guy from Reach
    Senior Member

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    Hopefully this will bring them back to halo =)
  5. Jon Tree Jk

    Jon Tree Jk Forerunner

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    this game never gets old! played several hours of this and still not bored. theres always something funny every round. really love the pits and man cannons, they make it feel more dangerous and people have to watch the time. best mini game yet!
  6. lrush97

    lrush97 Forerunner

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    Hopefully, but I think the new map pack will just pull them back to Black Ops again.
    Anyway really good map, I had fun playing it. :)
  7. Arctic Hunter

    Arctic Hunter Forerunner

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    Wow when I first saw this I was speechless. This game had everything from the gameplay to the aesthetics to even a fun twist in game. This is a very nice map you have map and should play very well. the way you executed the soft kill zones on cars, Death by mine holes and being shot into the jail bars. Truly amazing and I laughed when I watched the video and the guy ran straight into the hole. Haha well great map! Want to see more!
  8. Oakly HiDef

    Oakly HiDef RivalMass
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    This is by far my favorite monster car map. The layout is great and the way the map becomes progressively harder keeps things interesting and fresh. There is enough room to manuever but not so much that you feel safe. A slight nudge might send you over the edge or into one of the amazing mine pits.

    The details in this are great, especially the central lift which seems to eat cars alive and spit out their flaming bodies. All this adds to the gameplay and makes it much more enjoyable.

    Even if you die you respawn in a booth from which you can still mess with drivers by throwing grenades and using increasingly powerful weapons. Ive only won once at this game but being on the sidelines is just as fun as being down in the hill.

    There are no boring moments at all and the balance is just amazing. This is an extremely solid game that is great for any sized party.

    Just one of many fun minigames from Darth
    Well done
  9. Oli The G

    Oli The G Forerunner
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    A good map, but it seems to be lacking that something special ;-)


    What can I say? It's a typical crash up derby. What could have made this extra special is that you could (and should) have applied your own personal twist to this gametype. Perhaps only mongooses? Maybe making it so if you fall out, you cannot move, and are at the envy of everybody? Or better yet, change the gametype to infection and make the zombie have to push everybody in, but stay alive himself. For example, one person put in "gamechangers" that do exactly what they say on the tin. They encourage something other than drive around for a bit, which is get out, and trap your opponents.

    Having said that, the gameplay runs flawlessly and as you intended it to. In the 3 games I played of it I saw no griefing or refusal to play.

    When I play on this map, I always end up larfing my head of, although that applies to all versions of monster trucks in halo.

    What i'm getting at is that its enjoyable, but it has nothing to make it that bit more enjoyable than the competition.

    The games last a good amount of time. Its not so short it's over before you get started, but its not so long everybody falls asleep behind the wheel. If anything its a little bit fast. Again, increasing the size of the map would vastly help


    Its a solid box. No escaping here! There is a vast replay value and it always makes people come back for more crashing and exploding. Even still, eventually, as people develop their tactics, it becomes boring. Everybody has a game plan. The lack of explosions becomes dull.

    Your gametype is well created. There are no "honour rules" and there is nothing that would require the game to be force ended, so well done on that one. Also, the soft kill barrier is a good, effective choice that completely stops people spawn camping, and allows the game to flow.

    Its a flawless gametype, with originally lots of replay value, but as theres nothing special, it won't last long on customs. Say, 5, 6 rounds tops.

    By the 12th round I'd had enough, and so had everybody else. I've gotten bored of it, and I doubt itll ever be as fun again


    This is a rare use of coliseum walls being used well. Unfortunatly, the map seems pretty small, especially when you have the full 16 people in as you have stated. Some higher sections, or an overall expansion of the map would suffice.

    The forging is neat and clean, but it lacks that something special about the look. You will have had a large budget left. Why not go nuts and try to build a 2d picture of a monster truck?

    Whilst gameplay is more important than aesthetics in a map, nobody will like a solid, boring box. You play upon the idea of a crash up derby. Why not make it so? Make sure theres always something that adds a feel of danger and destruction, and as a result, your players will thank you for the atmosphere.

    Remember, what your playing in can have a big impact on how your playing. Its too clean, its too sterile. Make it interesting!

    Having said that, the respawn jail is clean, and looks the part, so well done there.


    Nothing special. 'Nuff said. Youve failed to add a personal twist to this map, so theres nothing new. Theres nothing to make people say, "wow, that map was so much better than the other maps that do the exact same thing!"

    The monster trucks map is incredibly common now, and the only ones you see being played nowadays are the massive one with bountiful aesthetics, large explosions and a map that lasts just the right amount of time.

    Holes with landmines in. Not really that great, or fun, or useful, or original

    The only thing worthy of getting you a mark here is the respawn jail. Its been done before, but youve made the style your own a bit. But not enough all around


    A good, cleanly forged map, that lasts just the right amount of time. The biggest dissapointment for all of us is that your map is nothing special. Theres so much you could have done to it. You could have included zombies, you could have added random explosions, but youve sadly, failed to do so.

    Your missing something here, and I can't put my finger on it


    Enjoyment 6/10
    Durability 8/10
    Aesthetics 7/10
    Originality 3/10

    OVERALL: 24/40

    That score is not an entirely accurate reflection on your map. Taking out the originality factor, it would have just over 30, which is good.

    Something to take away from this, is that if your doing something thats been done before, be creative and add your own personal style to it. Thats how the best stuff, that you have the potential to do by far, is done.

    tl;dr: Just read the review...
    #9 Oli The G, Feb 17, 2011
    Last edited: Feb 17, 2011
  10. xfuzzlex

    xfuzzlex Forerunner
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    The first time i played this map i fell in love :D its so much fun even with 3 people. its also great that you gave the people in the jail an objective. It really has improved since the first time i played that map with you, keep these awesome maps coming :D
  11. Darth Human

    Darth Human Guy from Reach
    Senior Member

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    I'm sorry you didn't feel like this was an original. I thought making it king of the kill instead of just having a negative slayer scoreboard was original enough. Other people have done it, but this one is the only one that has 4 pits. This is the only one that spawns obstacles. This is the only one with 16 warthogs. This is the only one with jail cages. This is the only one that the hill is above the ground so only vehicles can win. This is the only one that is inside a dome. This is the only one with 2 way shield doors that give each player custom powerup traits different than the general traits. You want to use different vehicles? I said in the options:

    I have even thought about different game types. Here's an example for infection: One zombie on the platform, and everyone else is on a warthog. The hill is the safe haven, and humans just run away from the "alpha zombie". Anyone infected would spawn in the cages where the custom powerups change there orignal zombie traits. This is more "original". However it got boring more quickly, and if the zombie died, the game would never end as the zombie spawned in a cage.

    My point is that this gametype is really the only way it can work without any problems. And I have not seen another monster truck gametype that doesn't contain any problems. If you do, please go ahead and respond or send me a private message.

    Edited by merge:

    Throughout all your criticisms you did not mention any thought of an improvement. Thats whats missing from your post. An example: "Even still, eventually, as people develop their tactics, it becomes boring. Everybody has a game plan. The lack of explosions becomes dull." Okay so? People die less, longer rounds. It evolves into something that is more competitive. Everyone wants that one point. If there needs to be more obstacles, then at least mention them.
    #11 Darth Human, Feb 17, 2011
    Last edited: Feb 17, 2011
  12. Oli The G

    Oli The G Forerunner
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    ok, thanks for saying that. I'm practising to get into the review hub, so anything I can get is good.

    I don't think the bit about getting boring can be fixed. After a bit, you get to the point of OK, for the first x seconds my plan is this, ill keep an eye on the clock so when the time is right ill tuck away till the killballs spawn, and so on so forth.

    Ive already played several of these gametypes, and yours seems the same. Whilst you have made some changes, theres nothing that sticks out in particular.

    Thats what i'm trying to get at, and I hope that helps!
  13. Darth Human

    Darth Human Guy from Reach
    Senior Member

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    Yeah it helps, I mean I like criticism. It's just its fustrating becuase I did want something original, but this was the best I could do. I love derby games like this and never found any that stood out or was 'complete'. I guess this was just another attempt.

    But anyway, good luck on getting into review hub. It was very professional. Just including tips on how to improve is all that you were missing. But I can tell you tried the best you could.
  14. Oli The G

    Oli The G Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    thanks for that!
  15. Vicious Vice

    Vicious Vice Ghosts of Onyx
    Senior Member

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    Played it during my TGIF. Loved it 10/10 for Perfect TGIF 16 player fun. if you come up with a second arena i would love to add it to my rotation. Again thanks for a great map and mini game. All the other warthog battles don't support 16. but the best one (this one) does :)
  16. Talons013

    Talons013 Forerunner

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    Played this game only once and fell in love with it. This is definatly Halo:Reach's version of lava pit and it will stay on my hardrive for a very long time. I really like all the death "scenes" that happen when you screw up and hit something like a man cannon or a pit or similar. especially getting flung into your freinds face when there in the cage... >:3
  17. JB662

    JB662 Forerunner

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    This is a really good map, me and friends normaly play this for a good 2 or 3 hours at at a time, great job Darth :D

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