This is a map i made as a hobby. I plan on submitting it to the mlg contest but don't really think it will win. My thoughts on designing this map were. 1.since there is a 4000K geometry limit and a hard 5000K total limit i figured that everyone else would be making little maps so i made a big one. 2. it said to use as little items as possible so i tried hard not to use to much instead of spamming blocks for thier low price i just used bigger peice even thought they cost more. 3. Dividing the map using line of sight - i feel that even thought the map is open the line of sight restrictions make it moveable. 4. to have easy transition across the map along the bottom while having a more open upper level that help keep people from just camping the top of the map. if you would could you give me a rating on how good of a MLG map this 1 - 10 and another rating for how well you think it meets the design elements i laid out 1- 10. Long Spike weapons - 1 Rocket launcher 2 sniper rifles 4 dmr 4 needle rifles 2 evades 4 plasma nades any suggestion on improving the weapon set would be awsome as well. Pic's Thanks for any advice you can offer and if you want you can help me test and im always willing to return the favor
Im sorry but this looks terribly bland. I'm sure it would play well but it just has no character. I would suggest going through and maybe spawning some objects around while staying within your guidelines. Blocks, platforms, inclines and walls all cost only $10 each.
Yeah i didnt think it turned out to great myself. It kinda hard to get things looking great with such a low buget. Im not exactly sure what you mean by spawning blocks around but i will see what i can do about adding a little personality to the map. But first things first got to make sure the gameplay is solid. This is just kinda like an early test im just wanting to get a feel of what people think and want to really get some good ideas going for improving the map and hopefully after a few weeks i will have something faily decent.
I actually think this map looks pretty cool, The very long sides would be pretty powerful for a sniper though, is there a sniper on the map? If you need some feedback post it in the testers guild or hit me up ConcentricThree. Other than that its looking pretty nice man if you've got a bit of budget left play around with decorative and incline pieces to make it look that bit more together.
Actually i was thinking about doing some leveling to the striats on the side closer to the base so that its easier to get out of your base while still keeping the long straits in the center. The biggest problem im facing right now is that the top is easy to control its hard to get out of the base on the top but if i open up the center top of the map Line of sight lets you control the whole map for your base. Once i got something i feel is acceptable i will probaly drop this map in testers guild and hit you up with a PM and if you still feel up to i would love to help you test this map and any others that you have planned to test. I also need to add some sort of feature that makes it stand out no matter how good i can make the map without something to make it stand apart it will get overlooked. Me personally am waiting to see how well it will handle multi flag give the open nature of the map and long lines of sight i think multi flag would be pretty good on this map and is definatally something i plan to make one of the strong points of the map.
With the speed increase in mlg evade is a bad idea. People could cross an incredible distance with two exude rolls. What are the other specifications for the contest and where do you submit. I have a map I could easily fix up to work for this.
Go to and create and account This is a link to the contest rules MLG Map Submissions - Major League Gaming Forums This is a link to MLG forgeworld forum. Halo: Reach Forge World - Major League Gaming Forums Yeah i thought the Evades would help clear the distance of the map. but seeing as i have a bunch of inclines and low railing they would probably end up flying off the map alot. Now its of to spread sheet to create a report FN hate school.