my older brother has been playing this game for years. I always thought it was stupid, he finally managed to get me to start playing it, and I gotta tell ya. Its freakin hard, harder than halo. some of the stuff these guys can do is crazy, I'm so n00b lol Well anyway the game is called Uniball, its an online multiplayer game (free like 2MB download) here's the link... Give it a go and discuss I'm keen to challenge some of you guys. Im not trying to advertise this game by the way
dude all i got was stupid pen stuff wtf that better not suppossed to be happening or else... OMG what is it with these pens lol
I was about half-way through my reply to you when I realised that you might be right about the game so I downloaded it and promptly broke my tv. jk but seriously that is easily as hard as 500 lines of tetris on lvl 10, I was impressed