Remake Reach into The Pit

Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by no god anywhere, Feb 12, 2011.

  1. no god anywhere

    no god anywhere Forerunner
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    The Pit

    Reach into The Pit
    If you find anything that needs adjustment, PLEASE tell me so i can fix it.

    Download Link: Reach into The Pit

    'Reach into The Pit' is an almost too perfect remake of the Halo 3 map 'The Pit' that has aspects of MLG Pit v8. It supports Assault, CTF, Headhunter, KOTH, Oddball, Slayer, stockpile, and Territories. I like it, i hope you do too.

    Basic Map Info
    - The map has been designed to play according to the new play style of Reach. So you will notice that it is a little smaller/shorter to make up for the new jumping.
    - I have made sure every 'common' jump that was possible before is still so.
    - All hallways/angles/structures are fairly the same size and should prove to be lined up correctly with how you would find yourself using them before in Halo 3.
    - This map does support jetpacks, you should know your boundaries.
    -Unfortunately, sword bridge is not slanted, and bottom sword hallway is a little higher than i can help.

    Weapon/Equipment Breakdown
    6 - DMR - 30 sec - Placed as normal
    2 - Sniper Rifle - 150 sec/2 spare clip - Placed as normal
    1 - Rocket Launcher - 180 sec/1 spare clip - In green hallway
    1 - Plasma Pistol - 45 sec - In sword room
    2 - Health Pack - 15 sec - In flag
    1 - Custom Powerup- 120 sec - Bottom sword mid hallway

    Gametype Breakdown
    - Flag, Assault, and CTF are all the standard placement
    - KOTH placement/order matches MLG King
    - Headhunter, Stockpile, Oddball and Territories have been placed to be in the most competitive positions
    - All spawns match MLG The Pit v8, meaning this map is based on 4v4
    - I have added 9 FFA Initial Spawns

    Map Pictures (the gewdness rite?)

    Other Info

    I plan to replace all spawns/weapons/objectives/structures on the map with the original and add it within this thread once ive finalized the map.

    My Gamertag is 'no god anywhere,' Im really new here. So hi to all you cutiepies, and im ready to be a part of this community.

    Just some Facts:
    - I originally made this map for the remake competition four months ago, but i was too slow in submitting it so i never did until now.
    - I originally made the map lower, and recently had to raise EVERY piece one 1x1block unit higher so that i could add slants down into the sword hallway, but still need to raise it higher; i may do this again.(this takes years)

    Thanks to my friends/maptesters:
    iBKi 1C3 CR34M, im a BK now, TWiTCH v7, SNooKi Iz UgLy

    No Thanks to:
    God(lol i kid i kid, but no really), Z fighting, Shifting Braces/Coliseum Walls
    #1 no god anywhere, Feb 12, 2011
    Last edited: Feb 14, 2011
  2. Mulelish21

    Mulelish21 Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    My favorite halo map of all time. Okay first off sniper only had one spare clip not two. Next you should color the objects and make certain distinctions between both sides of the map because it, one it was hard to tell what some of the pictures were of, and two when people spawn and all they see is gray, they are going to be confused a hell for the first few seconds. Try sticking some covenant crates and spartan crates in the walls to distinguish sides of the map (do this by moving a piece a few coordinates, then placing a "phased crate" in your desired location, and then move the piece back, this should work). I'm glad you did this in the coliseum, most people hate it because it's too dark, but i think it's fine and it cuts down on frame rate lag. I sucks that runnway is a little high but all well. No sword bridge slant isn't a big deal since it isn't a hot zone. Overall not bad you should submit this to the map remake thread on bungie, sorry can't link you to it since it is against the rules. Lastly, i just want to say i mean all of this in a very positive way and good job
  3. no god anywhere

    no god anywhere Forerunner
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Im not sure what to tell you on the sniper because they both are set to 2 clips, i pinky swear.

    On the matter of color coding the sides, i get scared because i think it makes the map look dirty, but i will see what i can do.

    To me doing it in the coliseum, it actually is quite dark on the red side without the white lights i have, but they dont add any FPS issues that arent already there(ive checked). Unfortunately by saying already there, when you are in sword with your back against the wall facing the opposite side of the map, there is a small issue that i couldn't cure. Nothing that effects gameplay too much at least.

    Thanks for the advice and kind words. :]

    Edit: Coloring the map has proven purty, and by doing so i have found many flaws that i didnt find before! + plan to update pics soon
    #3 no god anywhere, Feb 12, 2011
    Last edited: Feb 12, 2011
  4. simonstwin

    simonstwin Ancient
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    The map is a great remake, and the heights between the platforms hit the spot. I also think that it shines new light onto Halo: Reach. Only one suggestion, the tunnel by the custom powerup seems to be on the short side... It's a bit too late to fix it, but you should try to make it longer.
  5. no god anywhere

    no god anywhere Forerunner
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    The runway or the hallway that the custom is in? If you mean the runway, then no its not too late, let me check out the map on halo 3 and i can see what i can do.

    Edit: I checked and youre right, was much longer. Geez how didnt i notice? Its now fixed and MUCH better. I have updated the DL link with version 1.1218726398127391823. :]

    New Update, almost the entire map has been redesigned and revised, it is much more visually appealing now.
    #5 no god anywhere, Feb 13, 2011
    Last edited: Feb 13, 2011

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