It is because it can't kill you right away. It causes liver damage over time, and you become a danger to others if you drink too much and drive home yes. That isn't dieing immediately upon ingestion I've had a lot to drink on occasion and end up fine the next morning. I have friends who tried some of the other drugs and their life isn't so great if you know what I'm saying. So hotpok I can't tell if your saying what your saying because your typing over a computer and have no emotional attachment to anyone here to actually say what you really do or how you really act, or you seriously can't think from anyone else's point of view but your own. "**** them off, I'll die if I want." That sounds like your a 15 year old girl who just got dumped who thinks their parents don't understand their "pain".
this so much PCP will **** you up and make you eat your sons eyeballs or somesh while e will just make you affectionate EDIT: umm alcohol can kill you right away, also nicotine is more addictive than heroin and alcohol addiction is worse than heroin addiction
So are guns and gangs and a whole bunch of other stuff. I'm not exactly sure what you are debating about. I'm not sure how you think you can continue to talk about drugs, if you're going to place LSD in the same category as PCP and Heroine, and then completely take the blame off of cigarettes and alcohol.,9171,149368,00.html - Cigarettes Harder to Quit than... Heroine ? - MDMA timeline - LD50 dose for Acid etc. you get the idea. educate ! (I know you're probably thinking what point I was trying to make with the Pickard Bust link, i'm just trying to say, where would you get that amount of acid to reach the LD50 anyway?) And what's stopping someone high on coke from backing out of their driveway and hitting a younger sibling? The same thing that stops them when they're not on coke. I've gone both ways on the slippery slope of addiction. Sure I agree, weak-minded individuals don't deserve the privilege called drug use. But we can't just go around, and say, anyone who uses any form of drug, is a terrible person.
My mommy does drugs and she beates my *****. DRUGRS R TURIBLAH In all seriousness, doing some sort of drug will put you at some disadvantage you wouldn't be at if you weren't high or low.
The responsible drug user is fully educated as to the risk of the drug he is using. In a perfect world, they would all be like this. However it's because of all the **** ups and people who can't control themselves (which is completely possible in a controlled environment) that give us responsible drug users a bad name. "Drug abusers make drug users look bad" - Anonymous.
I'd also like to point out that all of the medical research behind the negative effects of drug-use is only a potent arguement because the government wouldn't want to be seen shelling money into research that promoted their use. Last year the UK sacked their chief medical advisor for the Prime Minister because he said drugs like LSD and Marijuana were classified too highly. Bottom line is; any chemical compound (the more naturally occuring the better) has both good and bad effects. Hydrogen cyanide and Hydrogen sulphide, both of which could kill you instantly in a small dosage, both occur naturally within our own bodies, and both are currently used in medical research and will likely be used to put patients in suspended animation to prolong life during trauma en-route to hospitals. Now for a spliff...
And for anyone who is interested in reading more on those findings: Drug harms in the UK: a multicriteria decision analysis : The Lancet
From my personal observations, whenever I encounter a frequent user, they're complete idiots. Especially the ones who brag. These aren't the types of people who are necessarily addicted but they have some sort of passion for it that I will never understand. I'm more of a (infrequent) recreational user but I really can't stand the teenagers who are always talking about drugs. It doesn't make you "brutal" or "hardcore." You look and sound like a pretentious little *****.
This is a discussion around drug-use, isn't it the place you'd expect this to be the place you would find people who brag? I can tell you used that word loosely, because there are various reasons and motives when a person seems to be completely fascinated by narcotics. But really when you think about it, there aren't many places you can sit and discuss drugs, so you would expect people to be quite eager. Now I know that drugs create their own social influences, and there are many places on the internet to talk about this kind of thing freely, but compared to the number of people who actually consume recreational drugs, they aren't used nearly enough as they should be. So when you consider drugs as a topic of discussion to be like sports, you wouldn't be surprised to see a males basic instinct to boisterous or just manly.
Smoked pot once, well more than once, but I never let it rule my life. It ruled and still probably rules a lot of my friend's lives. So, in my experience, stupid people do drugs and continue to do drugs and I've never met a 'responsible' drug user. Responsible is arbitrary, but to me, it means doing more than expected for others. The people I've met that did drugs were selfish people, not all, but most were always on the lookout for themselves or the next time they could get high. I think it's pretty sad.
I think it's a fair assumption that if your involved in sketchy activities, you're going to come in contact with sketchy people.
I'm not saying they were sketchy, I'm saying they were dumbasses. That's not to say that drugs make you stupid. I've met stupid people who don't do drugs, but stupid + drugs doesn't make for long, happy, and healthy life. But, it doesn't really matter to me, live it how you see fit. I'll still think drug users are dumbasses though.
Again, I just have to take issue with these blanket statement. It's one thing to say that all the right ingredients are there for trainwreck stew when it comes to recreational drugs, and that usually this is what we get. But we can't be lazy about separating out factors. "...drug users are dumbasses..." doesn't fly as a point-blank statement. Anecdote is not evidence. I don't think I'm a dumbass (debatable). I don't think the majority of people posting in this thread are dumbasses. I don't think Carl Sagan, Aleister Crowley, Paul McCartney, or any number of exceptions I could name are a dumbass. Certain adjectives applay to each and every case mentioned but there is no unifying one that applies to all, certainly not dumbass. Dumbass. (jk lol)
All the people I smoked pot with were dumbasses. Only one person had potential, but didn't want to give up weed to reach it. So, while inherently he wasn't a dumbass, he's a dumbass for letting weed be a bigger, if not the biggest part of his life. I won't blanket statement every drug user out there. Only the ones I've personally come in contact with. I do think it's sad when a person places drugs at the top of their priorities. It's very sad.