Narrow Extent

Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by leegeorgeton, Feb 10, 2011.

  1. leegeorgeton

    leegeorgeton Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Video update:
    Seems the guys at Machinima have created the video for Narrow Extent that I've been too lazy to do myself. I would've focused on some different things, but I appreciate the video none the less.

    YouTube - Machinima Features Narrow Extent

    Welcome to Narrow Extent

    Narrow Extent is somewhere between a small and medium-sized competitive map that supports all game types except for Race and Invasion. The map is perfectly symmetrical about its center point with a base on each end, a column-filled hall at the center and several figure-eight pathways moving through the map from end to end and vertically through the three levels.

    Narrow Extent plays best with two to eight players or 1v1 through 4v4 team games. While the Spawning is set up to support 16 FFA players or two teams of eight, the map is really too small to provide tactically competitive game play with that many players. If you enjoy crazy action with a lot of players, however, feel free to fill it up.

    I spent quite a bit of time working on a proper weapon set and came up with a relatively conservative collection due to the smaller size of the map and its layout. Initially, I placed a single sniper on the map with 2 spare clips and a 180 second respawn at the center of the main level (level 2). I thought it would be a good way to get traffic through the map center. I finally ended up settling on removing the single sniper rifle at that location and providing one sniper rifle on each team’s end of the map. I didn’t want to have a sniper rifle showing up at the center where neutral objectives were for fear that players would have a hard time picking up the objective or the rifle. During play tests I found that the majority of the traffic moved through the center of the map due to the layout of the paths without needing a power weapon to encourage it.


    (2) plasma pistol, 30 second respawn

    (2) needle rifle, 2 spare clips, 45 second respawn

    (2) DMR, 1 spare clips, 45 second respawn

    (2) DMR, 2 spare clips, 60 second respawn

    (1) shotgun, 1 spare clips, 180 second respawn

    (2) sniper rifle, 1 spare clip, 150 second respawn

    Below are accurate floor plans of the map showing only the weapon and basic objective layouts. As you can see, Level 3 consists simply of elevated pathways moving from the base ends of the map to the center. Be sure to click the bar at the top of each floor plan to see it more clearly.




    The most distinguishing aspect of Narrow Extent is the spiraling pathways moving from the base ends to the map’s center. I think they provide visual interest to the map and are a nice contrast to the darker interior areas. Movement can be slightly restricted along the paths due to irregularities in the floor surface, but after a few times through, it is easy to find the smoothest path. I usually end up doing a single small jump about halfway through to speed up travel from one end to the other.

    Blue Spiral

    Red Spiral

    View just before entering the blue spiral from the center area of the map.

    Spartan thrown in for scale

    View that is never seen by the players. Sad but true. Maybe in a different map.

    Though not quite as pretty as the spirals, the most prominent path through Narrow Extent is the long hall moving from end to end of the map on the main level. At the hall’s center, where the primary neutral objectives are located, is a large room with four columns creating multiple paths. If you look up from the objective, you’ll see the small, lonely skylight.

    View down main hall

    Looking down on the center of Narrow Extent where all primary neutral objectives are located

    Looking up from the map's center to see the sky

    Looking across Narrow Extent's center from one spiral entry/exit to the other.

    Below are some important areas of Narrow Extent you'll want to be familiar with.

    Red base (Blue base is the same)

    Shotgun Spawn at the center of Level 1

    Sniper spawn on Level 2 near the observation window under the spiral

    Strategic jump for access to level 3 spirals from the map's center. There are a few other strategic jumps in the map, placed......strategically.

    I have already constructed a condensed version of this map. It lacks the exterior bases, and I think it would work better with the Forge Hub 2v2 Throwdown. Check out the floor plans below and let me know what you think about it and if you have any suggestions for making it a better map for the contest. I will most definitely be losing at least two of the DMRs due to the Forge Hub 2v2 Throwdown game type, but any other weapon suggestions would be welcome. The name for this map will most likely change from what is shown on the plans below.




    Thanks for checking out Narrow Extent and thanks to those who checked the map out while I was creating it and offered helpful suggestions and feedback. I hope you all enjoy playing on it.
    #1 leegeorgeton, Feb 10, 2011
    Last edited: Feb 26, 2011
  2. JGarb

    JGarb Forerunner

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    I am glad to see this map posted. I enjoyed testing this, and the map came out great. I like the small changes that you made to the map to make it that much better. The spirals look good, and nice thread.
  3. Marcass2021

    Marcass2021 Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    that look incredible. you have my DL. when i saw the 1st pic i was like "sweet another corkscrew thing".. then i saw how you made a map out of them. amazing job, this looks fun

    the corkscrew is awesome but its reall bumpy it you go the opposite direction. i guess its a good thing you made the flow of the map so there would be no reason to go back.
    #3 Marcass2021, Feb 10, 2011
    Last edited: Feb 11, 2011
  4. Ociee

    Ociee Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Jesus Christ dude, how the hell do you make those?!?! However you did it, you did a damn good job on a competitive map, I wish I could make cool stuff like this. This map definitely stands out amongst the others.
  5. serumembryo

    serumembryo Forerunner

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    Of course, you must hate me. You **** up my mind disastrously with Cubeskew (good map btw) and now, there is a version in competitive format. Well, you sir, haz won te internetz cuz im mindfawked, again. You are very talented on making these types of maps. I love them. Not sure how this will play, but im giving it an instant download. Good job, spartan!

    11/10 for instant mind ****
  6. Values

    Values Forerunner

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    I'm glad you finally got this out! Although I only played it once or twice, it was easily one of the better maps I have played. The architecture and design you put into not only this map, but all your maps amazes me. I remember you complaining about issues with your architecture, but I find it better than perfect. Downloading, playing, over and over..
  7. leegeorgeton

    leegeorgeton Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Thank you to everyone for the great positive feedback. While I initially envisioned this map providing more opportunities for some open, mid-range combat, it ended up being a bit more of a corridor-type map. Regardless, I think it offers a bit of a break from the typical, more open format of most forged maps, though I do usually prefer my maps more open.

    I'm glad I could mess with your mind again, Mocha.

    Ociee, here is how to make those spirals. Take pretty much any forge object and use the coordinate system to place a bunch of them side by side in a long line. Set your rotation snap to 5 degrees or whatever increment makes sense for your creation. Leave the first object unrotated, then move over to each subsequent object rotating one increment more than the previous one. Before you know it, you'll have a perfect spiral made of whatever object you've chosen. I've tried out many of the different pieces and come up with some beautiful spirals. The brace, however, is my favorite, and most useful as well. I made a spiral with the brace a few days after Reach came out and have been looking for an opportunity to use it in a map ever since.

    Marcass, you are correct about the corkscrew being harder to traverse when moving from the base end to the map's center. What you have to do is initially start moving on the right side of the spiral. Then as you approach the center of its length, you have to do a small hop over to the left side to avoid being slowed down by the jagged transition between the floor and wall. I move through the spiral with little effort now and even use the same method in the other direction as well. Thanks for noticing it though.

    III PH03NIX III Forerunner

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    Once again a nicely forged map Lee C G, and it is most certainly reminiscent of Cubeskew (which I finally attempted and beat yesterday, though it was certainly tricky to say the least). Nice thread and I hope you weren't using CAD on company time like I think you did with Velodrome layouts.

    Anyways I digress, digging the corridors and nicely done again. I'm on your XL friend's list so make sure to send an invite my way when ur testing and such, cause I'd love to help you out with your next creation if i've got the time.
  9. leegeorgeton

    leegeorgeton Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    III PH03NIX III, I have a personal copy of my CAD program at home (got it from my company a few years back as a bonus in lieu of a monetary bonus for the year) so I do my Reach maps outside of work. It'd be nice to get paid for drawing up Halo maps in CAD though, so If anyone wants me to CAD up his/her map, let me know. I'll try to be reasonable, but probably still too expensive.

    I'll try harder to invite you. I just get into production mode so often and usually like to have a mostly completed project done before I let people see it.

    If you see me on, send an invite. That'll help get me out of solitary mode. I have a few new projects that I'm pretty excited about and would love to get your feedback.
  10. Eightball

    Eightball Forerunner
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Wow, this looks insane. I really like the spirals, they add a lot of creativity and are very interesting to look at. This map looks neatly forged and has great aesthetics. You did a great job on making this map unique.
  11. ZombieGuitarist Alex

    Senior Member

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    Wow, I am absolutley baffled by the architecture in this map. Everything looks unique, and not just the twisty tunnels that everyone most likely viewed this map for :p

    download from me!
  12. leegeorgeton

    leegeorgeton Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Thanks. Both of you touched on the unique aspects of the map, which was important to me when creating it. The initial concept for Narrow Extent began with my vision for the main central square with the four columns. I then began designing a workable map layout around that hub. When it came to creating the upper paths, which are now the spirals, I just didn't think typical platform components such as bridges would make an interesting place to be in (I actually tried bridges and they were long and boring). Fortunately, I had created the spiral brace tunnel not long after Reach came out, but had not found an appropriate place to use it until now.

    So far, each of my maps has stemmed from a mix of several stand-alone visions for unique uses of forge parts and a map layout I feel I need to create. I then try incorporate those small components into the layout with the hope that my efforts will lead to an interesting, workable final map. I've been pretty happy so far, besides running into the technical limitations of the Reach Forge engine.
  13. Katanga

    Katanga Ancient
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    I had a quick game on this map with a friend, and I wasn't awfully impressed. Dint get me wrong, I love the aesthetics you have going on. Those spiral tunnels are gorgeous to look at, and the map itself is very smooth.

    However, I get is horrible feeling of style over function. The layout of the map never appealed to me, and the central pillars just added to the confusion. We were constantly trying to fight in the interesting parts of the map such as the spirals, but the flow of the map always takes you into that pillar forest, which was annoying to fight in. In fact, the spiral tunnels don't lead anywhere really, which is odd considering how much if an emphasis is put on them.

    I'm sorry if I sounded cynical here. Bear in mind this is only my opinion of the map. I love your inclusion of unique aesthetically pleasing structures in this map, and I have a lot of confidence that, once you find the balance of gameplay and aesthetic appeal, your maps will be superb.
  14. RedNeck

    RedNeck Ancient
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    Neck's pick for the week of 2/20/11 to 2/27/11.
  15. leegeorgeton

    leegeorgeton Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    While I don't agree with all of your points and feel you may be being a bit overly cynical regarding the style over function of the map, I appreciate your honesty and constructive criticism. I must admit that a few of your points were concerns of mine when making the map and after the play tests I conducted. I agree that the flow of the map definitely guides players to the column area (aka the meat grinder) and that combat within that area can be hectic and sometimes confusing. I even tried an iteration where the columns were removed completely. That lead to a fish in a barrel situation that I preferred less than the current design.

    The column area was not initially envisioned to be a central hub in a competitive map, but part of a side path across a map containing a power weapon or power up. When I began designing this map, however, I decided to take a chance on adding a real focused area of contention that players would either have to learn to fight and triumph in or avoid altogether. I feel it offers something quite different than most are accustomed to and decided it was worth it. That being said, don't expect to see any future map of mine with that column area as it's primary central hub.

    As far as the spirals being too much style over function and not leading anywhere, I don't agree with this. The fact that the spirals are very aesthetic, does not detract from gameplay and they are perfectly functional in that they provide an alternate route across the map. They also offer an elevated location overlooking the map's center and probably the most useful weapon on the map is located there (DMR with 2 spare clips).

    Again, though, I won't say your opinions or observations are incorrect. I have little doubt that there are others who might share your view. I am glad you shared your opinion of the map and I will definitely consider it in my future forging. Thank you.
  16. Ratheld

    Ratheld Forerunner

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    My Eyes are bleeding! How on earth do you have the patience to do these?! Everytime I reload a map and the walls are out of place I almost throw my remote at the T.V! Anyways good job and I am interested to see how this turns out.
    #16 Ratheld, Feb 23, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 23, 2011
  17. blackzombie111

    blackzombie111 Forerunner

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    Wow, this map looks amazing and I think it would be great fun to play. Nice job on the overall feel of the map and the post. It must have taken a while for all the spiraling pathways and the layout.
  18. Diclonius7

    Diclonius7 Forerunner

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    Im not sure if you ever got a chance to see the Escher prototype but Ive been practicing along time with distortion physics and you sir, have done a spectacular job with the bending effects of the stairs as well as general aesthetics of the entire map.

    This easily qualifies as an aesthetic map as well as casual, as well as competitive.
    I recommend posting it in one (if not all of those) seeing as the moderators are kinda lenient if it does indeed qualify for all three...And just like that - WELCOME TO THE GREY AREA!
  19. Gazzaverage

    Gazzaverage Ancient
    Senior Member

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    When I saw the thumbnail pic, I just said 'gimmicky asthetic map' to myself and ignored it....

    However, since it got pinned, I actually took the bother to look and I must say I am really impressed simply by the amount of planning that you have clearly given this project.

    I've downloaded and looking forward to playing.
  20. Kazerra

    Kazerra I Beat the Staff!

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    I love how you have merged eye-catching, colourful aesthetics into an extremely practical map that flows beautifully. I like the multiple routes you can take through this map, and I was amazed at the fact that all of the effort hasn't just gone into those fantastic spirals (and after reading your earlier post, I was also fascinated at how simple they are to make!).

    You won my download and I showed all my friends this map yesterday- they loved it! Great job!

    Oh... and can you give me tips on how to complete Cubeskew? ;)

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