I have been an addicted forger since Foundry came for Halo 3, and i have for a long time been trying to make my perfect map in Reach. And finally, after 3 weeks of trying and failing, 1 month of testing and 2 weeks of polishing i think i might have made what is to me the perfect map. Welcome to Ghost-Off Ghost-off is a non-symmetrical medium sized map, featuring both long distance, medium and close quarter fight. Movement around the map feels nice, smooth and logical, and orientation is extremely easy. Ghost-off is perfect for free-for-all slayer or Team slayer, as well as extremely fun for objective games. King of the Hill is my personal favorite. Weapons are nice and balanced, power weapons all give your kills a boost while not being so power full they dominate the map. Health packs are spread around the map in key tactical locations and act out pretty well. All in all the map was inspired by the cage, but after a lot of design changes during build it ended up as an original map feeling completely new and fresh. - Here's the promised fly-through of the map - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uAjY1WCdO6Q I appreciate feedback and downloads a lot, thank you for your time. Ghostintor out-
I can vaguely see the inspiration of the cage in here, however, i feel that blue base is much more substantial than red, and thus offers more cover. Since red is the defending team, this could pose a preblem, are my suspicions correct or is it just me?
Thread Updated I absolutely see where you get that from, yeah. I was a bit worried myself at first, but after massive amounts of testing both sides turned out quite equal. I think it is because Red team have the man cannon which let's them get quicker to the sniper tower, and they are closer to the machine gun turret. [br][/br]Edited by merge: If anyone have any more feedback it would be greatly appreciated [br][/br]Edited by merge: Just noticed only terretories was showing for game types, which is very wrong. Has been changed now