Trouble (TM) This is a Halo version of the classic game Trouble. You play this in Forge mode with up to 4 people. You must make sure that you use the colors red, blue, green and orange because you use colored initial spawns as game pieces. Make sure you set the game to have sniper rifles with infinite ammo in order to roll the die. This die rolling system is similar to the original Boardgame. You shoot the mines surrounding the "Bubble" To start your roll The die will sometimes reset during your roll. If this happens just roll again This game follows the same rules as Trouble. I'm not sure if all of these are correct so you could always look up the rules yourself if you would like -You need to roll a 6 to bring a piece out and everytime you roll a 6 you roll again. -If you land on another players piece, they must move their piece back to their starting place. Red rolled a 2... Now Green must move his piece back to his starting zone. -You are not allowed to move one of your pieces onto another one of your pieces. See if maybe another piece can move the amount you rolled, if not then your turn is over. -The Goal of the game is to get all of your pieces to the goal area. If your piece is for example on the third space of the forth space goal area, if you roll anything but a 1, you cannot move this piece any further. Exact change only sir So thats about it. Hope you guys enjoy it. If you have any questions feel free to ask
You need an unedited thumbnail picture displaying your map. No biggie, just keep that picture of trouble in the main post and replace the thumbnail with a pic of your map comparing it.
I love the originality of this map! And the die popper machine is so fantastic! ot to mention its a forge-game. This is pretty incredible.
Great game, I will definetley play this, One thing I would reccomend to you is to make a custom gametype. It would make everything so much easier when games will be played. Other than that great job!
No sorry is a different game. they have a lot of similarities though. But this is played with dice and sorry is played with cards that have numbers on them.
Looks epic! Maybe if i get a respectable lobby with people who will actually follow the rules it will be great