Rosevelt Research Center RRC is influenced by halo Ce. Mainly the last mission the part where the two walkways lead to the center viewing platform. To genrealize Is a simple competitive map that is Themed around a relaxed envirment. The test Room's these rooms house the test subjcets and have teleportation device for bringing in new supplies and specians for research. These are the main base area's of the map. there is a gerande launcher in each test room but has low clips 3 kills total if used perfectly. ((the teleporters dont actually their purely decor)) Lounge 1 this is where the scientist take their breaks after a hard day of experimenting the sniper rifle calls this room its home. since the sniper is the deadliest weapon on the map you may find your self duking it out here more than a couple of times. Lounge 2 this Is a relaxed mellow room well that was until you showed now go grab The shotty and show em who the boss is. Weapons / equipment 2 Gernade launcher's - 2 Clip - 100 spawn 1 Spartan Laser - 120 spawn 1 Sniper Rifle - 2 clips - 120 spawn 1 Shotgun - 1 clip - 120 spawn 2 needlers - default 2 plasma rifles - Defualt 2 plasma pistol's - Defualt 2 sprint's - 60 spawn 2 active camo AA - 60 spawn 4 DMR - default 4 needle rifle - default 2 plasma nades - 10 spawn (i know their should be more but with the Thowdown i wanted to treat them more like a power weapon) Weapon pics
Thank's for downloading if you ever get a game in let me know how she handles i'm alway curious as to what people think and finding new ways to improve my maps so if theres is any issues just let me know and i go right back to the bumb and grind and have em fixed in no time.
The map looks interesting...however I dont know how the camo effects the gameplay and I believe that there are too many power weapons for a map of this size...
Yeah there a few power weapons that why i swittched out the rockets with a laser. I actually don't consider the GL a power weapon unless you have alot of clips in it with 1 clip it pretty much a one kill gun if you know how to use it right and a 2 kill if you use it perfectly. The shotty and sniper are there to lure people out of the center of the map by placing them in places that requiers that they must move to get there i orginally had the map flow a little more congested making movement around the map harder but after testing it i relized that it was kind of hard to get around so the reason this is called a v3 is because i added a couple routes throught the center of the map. Anyway there is a few power weapons but don't knock it till you try it. Look at any of bungies maps the typacally have 4 -5 power weapons on the map only having 1 or 2 favors which ever team can get to them first while having a couple more makes it harder for one team to control all the weapon spawns. but comes at the risk of ruining the gameplay.