I was thinking about what could possibly make assassinations more satisfying. What about if you could create your own custom assassinations using Xbox Kinect? It has the capacity to record your moves and then apply them to your spartan in multi-player. I know it is a far-fetched idea, but a man can dream. If you like this idea, what move would your assassination be?
Hmm, this sounds like a very interesting idea, and also a very good one Mine would probably be something to do with a knife to the balls or being strangled with a grav hammer... I could go on for hours with ideas, but I'm sure that other people will just go meh, so I'll stop here...
the assassination move I would create would be: Grab the guy by the throat and throw him over my shoulder.
Dude, I totally wish there was several custom assassinations for each different weapon. That would make it so much fun trying to find them all, and it would make the use of them much more diverse. I don't really go out of my way to assassinate because it takes too long to kill and i die/get my kill stolen a lot, but my button is sticky so I don't have the choice most of the time. It would be nice if there was more variation for my... nearly 600 multiplayer assassinations
spiker thrust through the lower jaw. 7wood and Gravity Hammer used like a baseball bat on assassinated players head. just a few ideas.
Now you're just getting into fetishes. On another note: teleporter assassinations. Now you're thinking with portals.
1. I'd kick em in the nuts then I would slash him with an Energy Sword (Elite Slayer only) 2.Hold him by the neck against a wall then i would shoot him in the heart with a magnum 3. Use a gravity Hammer like a baseball bat and sending him flying (Must have Gravity Hammer equiped)
If this was an option, I'd just abuse it by making a really long assassination that involves punching the other guy repeatedly until someone either kills me or they guy I'm assassination. For this to work, there's also the problem of being sure all custom assassinations actually involve hitting the enemy instead of just flapping your arms in the air like a bird then randomly the enemy dies.
Hahahaha! I would totally do one where I spazzed out and then the person just falls down dead! That would be freakin' hilarious, imagine peoples faces as you dougied or some **** until they died
I'd stand up straight, and as they turned around to face me, I would shoot them the bird, and then they would fall down dead.
I am going to fall in love with this thread, I just know it. anyway mine would be triping the guy by kicking the back of his knees/heels, fluently spining around, then, without even looking at the guy, shoving the knife into the back of his head/heart as he is falling backwards. =D
Energy sword sharpie in pooper With the needler, stabbing them with the back of needler, sticking all of the needles in their back at once. Kick them away as they supercombine. Knife Throat Slit Sniper Rifle into mouth, blow of brains Shotgun in the back Jump on back, magnum shot in the back of the head From behind, pin arms behind back, force to their knees, shot execution style. Throw enemy to the ground. Smash gravity hammer on skull For elite, throw onto ground, rip off jaw
Heh. Heh. Heh. Steal some killer moves from Soul-caliber 4 and making them into assassinations would be hilarious. But pretty stupid too.
I was thinking I should make one where I do the YMCA dance and then I'd punch them. It would be so painful to watch my horrible dances, and not be able to stop it.
I thought of some more 1. Circle him while using my jetpack to distract him then i would punch him in the solar plecsus making him struggle to breath and eventually die (must be using jetpack) 2.Use two knifes to first slice his throut and then stab the knifes into the chest then almost immediately pull them out 3. Scare him away then run and jump, pin him down then stab them in the back