Cellmates Created by Damahr69 and Digital Legacy Final Edit by Damahr69 Description: This map originally started out as just a "fiddle around with stuff" forge session. My friend x ZiegSlarvic x (now known as Digital Legacy) joined in and we just started building random things. What actually started the map was the two "Outer Shells", the barriers around Side A and Side B. Once we had the Center Divide in we had to decide what we were going to do with the map and what kind of map it was going to be. We went over a few ideas and decided on a close-quarters objective/slayer map, and that is what we have here. This map supports almost every game type. Great for Multi-flag CTF and Slayer. This map is suited for 4-16 people Weapons/Equipment: 2 Rocket Launcher's.(Both sides, fairly hidden) 2 rockets per. No respawn. No spare ammo. 2 Brute Shot's.(One on each side) 2 Shotgun's. (One on each side) 180 respawn. 0 spare clips. Not placed at game start. 2 Mauler's. (Tunnels Mid-Field) Respawn 60. Spare clips 1. 1 Needler ("Hell Hallway" Mid Field) 2 Battle Rifle's (Two on each side) 4 SMG's (Two on each side) 4 Spiker's (Two on each side) 2 Sniper Rifle's (One on each side in the sniper nests) 4 Frag Grenade's (Two on each side) 8 Spike Grenade's (Four on each side) 2 Invisible Orbs. (One on each side) No respawn. 1 Regenerator (Side B) Respawn 150 1 Bubble Shield (Side A) Respawn 150 4 Plasma Rifles (Two on each side) Supported Gametypes: Slayer Multiflag CTF Oddball King of the Hill Assault Juggernaut Screenshots: Sniper's Nest Entrance Side B Side A Center Divide and "Hell's Hallway" Action Shots Coming Soon. DOWNLOAD MAP Suggestions and comments appreciated. Sorry if my description is a little vague, I am not too good at describing things.
Looks okay. I suggest learning how to interlock before making a map on Foundry. It greatly increases aesthetics, gameplay, and atmosphere of the map. Good luck on future forging!
looks....non-originalish sorry for the criticism but theres not too much out of the ordinary here, i mean, its really good for your first post, but compared to others this is just another map. i do like your weapon choices, but sometimes teleporters confuse people in maps and they're not used often, also, i dont think a rocket launcher per team is very smart, maybe put one in the middle with 2 clips, so it stays around longer and teams really hurry to go get it
metroshell.. i think your sig is too large. forgive me if im wromg but that looks bigger than 200x500 pixels. anyways, cool looking map.. but i could break out extremely easily. am i supposed to?
looks great i'd dl but i'm at my friends house i have to remember to get it when i get back to my house also like other people have said interlocking will help you and the map greatly
gah...people...you don't HAVE to interlock to make "great" maps, actually, this map doesn't look too bad for not interlocking...anyways...u should learn how to interlock so you don't get random craptalk like this...i think people misinterpret the necessity that is interlocking, its turning interlocking into a MUST instead of interlocking being a must when its for gameplay purposes...the criticism i do have though is that you should make your maps impossible to jump up on top of, unless that is what you were going for, because from what it looks like, once you get ontop the map, you kind of own the map... good job, keep it up
It's great how you've posted correctly to FH standards (you wont beleive how many people done do this) and the map does look great. If you want to take your maps to greater levels in the future look for the post "Forging 101" It teaches you how to interlock objects , merge items with scenery and many other handy methods.
This map looks good, it accually inspired me to make a mini-game. Good Job a little interlocking would look nice though.
Thank you all for your comments! I did not know about Interlocking until after the map was made, and honestly i didn't feel like taking another 5 hours to rebuild. I will be sure to work with it next time I make a map. Where would you consider on top of the map? As for the formatting, lol, I spent quite alot of time trying to figure out how to put this together. I viewed a few past submissions that got negative response due to formatting and I tried to do my best not to get that.
I see a double box from which you can grenade to the top of the map in at lease one of the pics. Other than that, the general structure looks good, but you might need to interlock in order to clean up some of the sloppiness. And I don't know if two rocket launchers with no respawn is good, I'd rather see one rocket with 180 respawn or something like that.
erm...on top of the map? there seems to be a lot of "topmap" like the center structure fenceboxes, all the way to each base