This is a small symmetrical map designed for aesthetics.It has a nice water feature through the map which can also be used tactically.A skilled player can also use the diamond ornaments to get to the grenade launcher spawn.It plays well with FFA and 2v2 flag but i do not recommend playing splitscreen as it will have a severe impact on the framerate.I hope you like this map and leave feedback. Weapons list: 8 DMR'S 2 spare clips 30 sec respawn 1 Grenade launcher 2 spare clips 180 sec respawn 1 Plasma launcher 2 spare clips 180 sec respawn 1 Focus rifle 2 spare clips 180 sec respawn
Very interesting map. I like the unique water feature you added and I will leave more feedback after a play a couple rounds of FFA on it with some friends. If you would like to play this with me, my GT is Squidkake
Wow, this has a lot of creativity. From the screen pics it looks very neatly forged. I'm liking how you used the inclines to make cool designs. Great work man.
Once again, great looking map. I really LOVE all of your maps. Your aesthetics are always superb and spectacular.
Hello! I really liked this map when you showed me this a while back! Good to see that you have posted, and very well done! I like your presentation! Will have to find where you get the halo fonts! The map is really cool! I feel this is one of the best uses of water I have seen in a competitive map that is actually competitive! Looks sweet too! Will download this updated version and your other maps to check them out! Great work
Thanks for the feed back i wanted to make a map with a water feature that didnt ruin gameplay as i think being under water doesnt work with competitive play.But i like the effects water can have with grenades and ar spray so i decided to make this.
WoW! This map is really nice looking. I love how you have the water branching from one side of the map to the other, in a canal style. That could actually prove to be extremly competative. The weapon placements seem up to up to par also. Another thing that stood out to me was the crystal like structures forged floating in the air. Overall great job! you deserve it.
Thanks for the feedback lethal blow.Yeah the canals can be competitive me and my friends are always screaming at each other for using them as its hard to out DMR somebody who drops into them in battle.The diamond features look cool but they can also be used to jump up tactically
Just had an amazing all v all with a few mates, amazing map for it, if your playing with a few mates defo get this map. forged perfectly, no dodgy bumps/walls, and the water tops it off. chuck nades in the water
I see that you have updated your map...very nice the improvement are very good...they create more pathways and improve the gameplay in doing that...the map overall has an excellent aesthetic layout with the use of different and alteranting objects...but more than that the combination of the water and the metallic surfaces creates a very nice aesthetic value...keep up the good work...
Thanks for the feedback guys i always appreciate contsructive critcism.This map plays ffa really well and is alot of fun i use for warmups often.I have 6 new maps almost ready to release. Will be play testing soon
Really love this map, it feels like the perfect size, the sight lines are great and has a very unique look, Well Done!
Thanks for the feed back Atlas.Btw your avatar is cool. I will check your maps out and do some customs with some friends
It's always nice to see a creative use of water, and that's exactly what you have done. Gameplay was sweet (love using the water :}) and fun. Overall solid map with great aesthetics and gameplay.
Hey I have some questions for you. I am pretty interested in creating a map that has this kind of ingenuity, and I was wondering about some forge techniques you used. You basically laid down walls/rocks at a specific depth and then made the map a few coordinates higher than them? Did you use coordinates, or just wing it? I haven't used coordinates yet, I only use the left thumbstick to approximate my adjustments. I can always download the map and figure it out on my own in forge, but I'd like to hear what you have to say. Thanks, and I love the waterways.