Flying Fox

Discussion in 'WIP - Works In Progress' started by ConcentricThree, Feb 10, 2011.

  1. ConcentricThree

    ConcentricThree Forerunner

    Likes Received:
    Map Name: Flying Fox


    Player Count: 1-8
    Download Link: Download
    Gametypes supported: AS CTF TS JN KOTH OB TT HH and SP
    Throwdown Version: Throwdown Competition Version Download

    Built for the 2vs2 Throwdown Competition I'm also happy with how this plays with 4vs4. High platform in the Canyon built around a "zipline". Fast paced tactical action!

    Weapon list:

    1xSniper - 100sec - 2 spare clips
    1xShotgun -80sec - 1 spare clip
    1xConcussion Rifle - 80sec - 2 spare clips
    2xNeedler - 60sec - 2 spare clips
    3xSpiker - 60sec - 2 spare clips
    3xPlasma Pistol
    4xNeedle Rifles
    2xAss Rifles
    2xPlasma Rifles
    4xFrag Grenades
    6xPlasma Grenades

    2xPlasma Batterys - 80sec respawn
    4xFusion Coils - 90sec respawn

    Map shots


    Action shots


    Thanks for looking!

    Add ConcentricThree

    #1 ConcentricThree, Feb 10, 2011
    Last edited: Feb 13, 2011
  2. Patsteirer

    Patsteirer Forerunner

    Likes Received:
    It's got Ass Rifles, it's gotta be good ;D On a serious note, it does look well made. It's just one of those maps that don't look like a bunch of forge objects thrown together, but instead an actual map.
  3. ConcentricThree

    ConcentricThree Forerunner

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    Okay so update, I've changed a few things I'm pretty sure this version is the release version. unless I find anything else that needs sorting but I'm pretty happy with it. Will be entering this into Throwdown as its good for 2vs2.

    Things I've changed in the last week:
    Removed back gravity lift, removed flashing yellow light (mainly for frame rate purposes), changed cover on needler spawns, added a few more kill boundaries (barely noticeable), added team spawns for multi team (3's and 2's for classic), lowered shotgun clips, added plasma rifles, fine tuned the zipline.


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