Interesting Stuff Happens in Jerusalem

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Adelyss, Feb 9, 2011.

  1. R Richard P26

    R Richard P26 Ancient
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    You'd think that a Jerusalem news station would just point a camera out of a window. Honestly I think that it's faked, it would be all over the news if it had actually happened because of aformentioned news station the would HAVE to notice the shining ball hanging above their heads. Then more than just FOX would report it.(FOX has a tendency to support the fringe crazies, they made a "documentary" that was suppoesed to investigate the moon landings, but left several easy questions unanswered that left it looking like a fake. YouTube - Mythbusters Moon Landing photo hoax 1 and here is a little piece of the fallout from that go to the page and read the comments. I go back every few days just to see if the video's finally been removed or the page has burnt up or something due to the fiery hatred in the comments. I'm pretty sure that the ****utube74 guy is another guy who has gone through 3 accounts since I fist visited the page 3 months ago. He's not changed.)

    I'm killing a grunt, taking it's plasma pistol and newb comboing everything with a shield that comes at me.
    #21 R Richard P26, Feb 10, 2011
    Last edited: Feb 10, 2011
  2. Rorak Kuroda

    Rorak Kuroda Up All Night
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    The Jerusalem sighting's a hoax. Goddamnit. I really do hate hoaxes, it doesn't help the UFO community at all. But yeah, the Jerusalem videos are faked, each video can be disproven pretty easily. Sad faic.
  3. Nemihara

    Nemihara Ancient
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    It may be statistically improbable for aliens to not exist, but its probably even more statistically improbable that there are aliens that are near us both location-wise and time-wise.
  4. buddhacrane

    buddhacrane Ancient
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    As far as I know only one of the videos was confirmed fake (it was pretty obvious due to the horizon lines not staying parallel).
  5. MaxSterling

    MaxSterling Ancient
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    Perhaps it's not as improbably as you think. I mean we do find life in some of the most inhospitable areas of earth all the time. All we know is that the rules that apply for humans to exist, don't necessarily apply to other forms of life.

    With large pockets of rainforest still unexplored, as well as some of the deepest parts of the oceans, much of our planet is still unexplored. "Aliens" could very well be inhabiting Earth.
  6. Lolmeister

    Lolmeister Forerunner

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    Yeah it's got Rabies

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