Please note that this thread is not endorsing the use of cocaine, or any drug for that matter, but rather a discussion of how intolerant people are of the people who do drugs for recreational purposes. "For there was never any elixir so instant magic as cocaine. Give it to no matter whom, Choose me the last losel on the earth; let him suffer all the tortures of disease; take hope, take faith, take love away from him. Then look, see the back of that worn hand, its skin discolored and wrinkled, perhaps inflamed with agonizing eczema, perhaps putrid with some malignant sore, He places on it that shimmering snow, a few grains only, a little pile of starry dust. The wasted arm is slowly raised to the head that is little more than a skull; the feeble breath draws in that radiant powder. Now we must wait, One minute - perhaps five minutes. Then happens the miracle of miracles, as sure as death, and yet as masterful as life; a thing more miraculous, because so sudden, so apart from the usual course of evolution. Natura non facit saltum - nature never makes a leap. True - therefore this miracle is a thing as it were against nature. The melancholy vanishes; the eyes shine; the wan mouth smiles. Almost manly vigor returns, or seems to return. At least faith, hope and love throng very eagerly to the dance; all that was lost is found. The man is happy. To one the drug may bring liveliness, to another languor; to another creative force, to another tireless energy, to another glamor, and to yet another lust. But each in his way is happy. Think of it! - so simple and so transcendental! The man is happy! I have traveled in every quarter of the globe; I have seen such wonders of Nature that my pen yet splutters when I try to tell them; I have seen many a miracle of the genius of man; but I have never seen a marvel like to this." _____________________________________________________________ I wish people were not so intolerant of Bohemian lifestyles, and that ideals were not so uniform. It is my desire to meet the people who are open to the ideas of men like Mr. Crowley. It is my desire to never again find the need to pursure an argument with anybody on the morality of drugs, or sex, or anything for that matter. It does not matter what is right or wrong, but only that I, myself am happy. In the words of Jimi Hendrix "I am the one who has to die when it's my time to die, so let me live my life the way I want to live".
Well, as a man who loves to indulge in his vices, I could not agree more. Is cocaine, alcohol and tobacco harmful to me? Yes. But is it enjoyable to do? Absolutely. I still behave essentially the same way as I do normally, aside from alcohol making me more "ballsy" but these substances intensifies all the emotions and feelings. Love it. <3
Why do you say that? It is completely possible to lead a functional happy life while being a cocaine user. Just because their are widespread examples of people who have turned into fiends over the drug, doesn't mean that it is a bad lifestyle. It just means it's not for everyone.
OP, i have a great deal of respect for you already. i, myself indulge in psychedelic drugs, not for "recreational" use but for enlightenment. i get judged and ridiculed for this but it's my choice and my choice alone. i respect people who decide to live their lives with no "vices" (although i don't view mines as such) and i respect those who feel the need to resort to said things. it's nice to see someone with an open mind to this and a bohemian lifestyle. +1
If you can't contribute any reason supporting your opinions, there is no reason for you to post here. I completely agree with Dow on this topic for reasons already listed (and a few personal,) and I don't appreciate it when anybody tries to tell anybody that their beliefs are erroneous without giving overwhelming evidence supporting that statement, because that is merely an unprovoked insult and nothing more. This applies to the entire thread now. Sound good?
source None of this sounds like it is leading to a healthy lifestyle. I can see your point in finding "enlightenment," but there are many many alternatives to doing such a thing. I'm not going to post in here anymore because I'm not going to change anyone's mind, or start a huge rant war. If you are allowed your opinion I am allowed mine.
"I've seen my people's dreams die I've seen what they can be denied And "weeds not a drug" - that's denial Groundhog Day life repeat each time I've seen oxycontin take three lives I grew up with them, we used to chief dimes I've seen cocaine bring out the demons inside Cheatin' and lyin' Friendship cease, no peace in the mind Stealin' and takin' anything to fix the pieces inside Broken, hopeless, headed nowhere Only motivation for what the dealer's supplying That rush, that drug, that dope Those pills, that crumb, that roach Thinkin' I would never do that, not that drug and growing up nobody ever does Until your stuck, lookin' in the mirror like I can't believe what I've become Swore I was goin' to be someone And growing up everyone always does We sell our dreams and our potential To escape through that buzz Just keep me up, keep me up Hollywood here we come" its your life, you can do as you please. but personally, i do not agree with that lifestyle.
Yeah....crack is a bit much. You know that side effect SoS talked about, the sudden death one. Turns out that has a much higher chance of happening than a lot of those other side effects. What with famous athletes dieing during games after taking crack, musicians/actors OD'ing on it. You can take as much pot as you want and not OD on it. Not to mention crack severely increases the amount of dopamine in your brain. The more dopamine the more psychotic symptoms you begin to show. At least people who smoke cigarettes life expectancy is just 10 to 15 years lower than a person who does not smoke, but Crack users its 20 -30 years less. Not to mention it is a much more additive substance than Nicotine, or THC. And no rich people do not do it. Only "fake rich" people do it. Doubt anyone on the Fortune 500 list does cocaine. Actors/musicians/athletes are only rich while they do their job. You'll notice plenty of people in that group declare bankruptcy like a year or so after they've retired/quit/whatever. So to sum it up, I'm all for use of drugs to relax or be creative or whatever, but crack is dangerous and isn't a wise decision.
I wish I was "fake rich". The point is not that fortune 500 ****s do coke (but oh you'd be surprised...) the point is that coke is considered a drug of privilege, as the lower-grade and more dangerous form (crack) is cheaper. It's class warfare!! Coke makes me cringe a bit. I'm a firm believer in the principles of responsible use for any substance, but the risk/reward ratio just isn't there for coke, for me at least. Plus tolerance build-up is a ***** with coke. It's not that I disapprove (there is no right or wrong, things simply "are"). I actually respect those who manage to do hard drugs without it ruining them. In other words, all those cases that you never hear about. It takes self-education and discipline. No thanks, I'll stick with my green, it's all I need. Mr. Crowley was quite a fella, though.
Personally, I think that the excuse that hallucinogenic and recreational drugs are used for psychonautic "enlightenment" is just the ramblings of people naive and high enough to think that it's true. People who use Cannabis to relax though... That I can understand. At least it won't damage your liver and cause you to kill people while driving like alcohol. As for cocaine, just because there are those few people who manage to use it and live full happy lives, doesn't mean it should be legalised. You may as well legalise Russian Roulette for how damaging it is to the human body I'd be perfectly fine with that, because I'm a huge believer in personal responsibility. But drugs users aren't just a danger to themselves, but the people around them. I don't want some coke-head stabbing me as I stroll down the street during a paranoid delusion. But if you're a hermit, use all the cocaine you want. YouTube - Eric Clapton- Cocaine
agreed. The, "Its my body, I can do what I want with it" is crap. Unless you literally have no family and no one that cares about you it is an incredibly self centered egocentric view point.
why **** your family you should be able to do what you want as long as it does not hurt someone, if you hurt someone on drugs you should get charged with assault
You die, it hurts the people that care about you. ^ Right there is the viewpoint I'm talking about. It's bull crap. Are you seriously telling me that while in a drugged state your functional awareness of things are the same. What's to stop someone high on coke from backing out of their driveway and hit a younger sibling. I also hate when people quote parts of a response and miss the big picture. Big picture is it is dangerous and that isn't an opinion. There is a big line between using alcohol, cigarettes, and pot from a serious drugs like Heroin, Cocaine, LSD, PCP, E, etc.