YouTube - Rubber Tomahawk- iTz CHEEZ3 This was just a random game of Team Death match, but what is so awesome is that this tomahawk bounces once off of a telephone pole thing, goes through glass, bounces twice off the floor and sticks a dude in the foot, For first blood. EDIT: So i will just post all of my Tomahawk/COD:BO clips here. YouTube - Cheeeeeeeeze - There was a wall there?‏ YouTube - Cheeeeeeeeze - Long barreled shotgun, and a spring loaded knife.‏ YouTube - Cheeeeeeeeze - Double Dream Headshots.‏ YouTube - Cheeeeeeeeze's girlfriend delivers a package!‏ YouTube - Another Tomahawk.- iTz CHEEZ3 YouTube - iTz CHEEZ3 - Black Ops Game Clip Danger: Beware of hallways. YouTube - iTz CHEEZ3 - Beware of Hallways. Open your eyes, Like a (Toma)Hawk. YouTube - iTz CHEEZ3 - Open your eyes, like a (Toma)Hawk. YouTube - iTz CHEEZ3 - C-C-C-Combo! YouTube - iTz CHEEZ3 - That slope is there for a reason.
Blops is dumb, but these clips are kinda cool Danger: Beware of hallways. YouTube - iTz CHEEZ3 - Beware of Hallways. Open your eyes, Like a (Toma)Hawk. YouTube - iTz CHEEZ3 - Open your eyes, like a (Toma)Hawk. [br][/br]Edited by merge: YouTube - iTz CHEEZ3 - That slope is there for a reason. YouTube - iTz CHEEZ3 - C-C-C-Combo!
Lawl wat? Bringing this back from the dead with 3 more clips! YouTube - Cheeeeeeeeze - Long barreled shotgun, and a spring loaded knife.‏ YouTube - Cheeeeeeeeze - Double Dream Headshots.‏ YouTube - Cheeeeeeeeze's girlfriend delivers a package!‏ [br][/br]Edited by merge: Here is another one. Just a no scope headshot through a wall. Nothing too big. YouTube - Cheeeeeeeeze - There was a wall there?‏