The Boulevard is a new project I've been working on that will be more oriented towards objective games YouTube - The Boulevard 2.0 I also need help testing this, so if you are down, put your gt below
Reminds me of turf massively and i think it would benefit from some objects (make cars, train, some kind of vehicle..) in the 'street' because it think its too open in that area at the mo. Also, theres some long los present which could be broken up. Anyway, i like the feel of it actually being a real-life environment as opposed to blocks stuck together. Looking forward to the final product.
Well I wanted to keep it open for the possibility of adding some warthogs, but I'm thinking it might be too small for them. I might make a pretty BA looking car in the middle but idk
yeah or a truck or something, but i'd advise staying with the theme because i really rate maps with authenticity and recognisable environments.
I'm all over this one, I can test anytime that wouldn't be later than midnight pacific time, weekdays it would have to be later than 4pm pacific as well... but I totally want to help test this sucker out, looks great from the video.
I'll test this with you man, you've helped test Cargo Port after all. Try making a version with warthogs and a version without, and when we test we'll decide which works better. The map looks a little bare in the video, but I'm sure that'll change by the time you release this.
I've gotta say, I'm really loving the look of this map. You seem to have managed to make the best of what little color Bungie gave us when making the objects for Forge World. And just the aesthetics in general are really New Mombasa/Future City-esque. Like that one guy said, it reminds me a lot of Turf, and I loved Turf.