the map is made for ffa and team slayer. the map has many counter attacks with it is a multi leveled map. enjoy. click to see the photos 1.¤t=SnapShot0.jpg&newest=1 2.SnapShot3.jpg picture by lachlan2008 - Photobucket 3.SnapShot2.jpg picture by lachlan2008 - Photobucket click here for the download of the map. : Reach : Player File Share click the link below to see the preview of my map http:// any feedback would be great
Looks like an interesting idea, but the forging and presentation seem somewhat sloppy... I feel your map would get a lot more attention if you fixed some simple things like choosing a thumbnail pic or capitalizing the title. And I noticed in the video that some of the pieces didn't exactly line up. If you fixed that, I feel like people would be more inclined to give your map a download.