Absolution Created By: General Gilliam Absolution is a small symmetrical arena, best suited for doubles, or team slayer matches. While being an original map, it has many influences from past Halo maps. The top of the map was designed to play similar to Citidel, from Halo 3, but on a smaller level. I always liked the main platform in the center of Citidel, so I re-interpreted it Absolution, making it much bigger and more of a base than a platform. The bottom level of the map has heavy influences from Halo 3's Isolation, having 3 ways in, and a peephole across to the other base. While these two maps weren't exactly the most popular in Halo 3, after lots of testing, most people have agreed these elements play fantastically well in Reach. Equipment List: x1 Rocket Launcher x2 Shotgun x2 DMR x2 Needle Rifle x2 Needler x2 Plasma Repeater x2 Plasma Pistol x2 Magnum x4 Frag Grenade x4 Plasma Grenade x4 Health Pack Pictures Map Flythrough Video [bungievid]13696099[/bungievid] Hope you enjoy playing on this map as much as I enjoyed making it! Download
I don't know why, but most of the maps I see today I feel they remind me of many maps. Okay, like you said in the description, it does remind me of Citadel, but it also reminds me of Epitaph, which is pretty cool, since they are both forerunner-based maps. There are multiple doors or openings on the sides of what looks like the main hallway that seem to lead to smaller hallways (like epitaph and citadel both) that connect together. It's pretty interesting seeing maps that look like other maps from the past combined. I like that it was neatly forged and he aesthetics didn't explode to the point where it affected the gameplay, but I do think you could've added to them. If you were out of money, though, I understand.
Thanks for the feedback. I didn't even think about that when making it, but now that you explain it I can definitely see some Epitaph in there. I guess I subconsciously did that lol. I wanted to add more to the map and add a bit more detail, but I used up the entire global budget. I literally can't put down anything unless I delete something first, even if it costs $0.
This is a cool map, it looks neatly forged. Only one thing I'd change about the map is the shotgun spawns, they are almost like...hidden. Maybe trying putting one shotgun instead of two and put it in a more suitable place, like where the health pack is, in the front. Just my opinion though, good work.
This looks to be my kind of map.This i will play with my friends competitively.I like the bridge area were rockets spawn but i think you may get some overpowering highground issues if they are there.Good work it has my dl
The layout is symmetrical and balanced, but there are a few things I would like to point out. The Shotgun spawn is way to easy to camp, and there are two contested Shotguns. On most maps, there is either one contested weapon, or two given weapons, one for each team. Two contested weapons can result in one team managing to get both of the weapons. Plus, the Shotguns are in areas where they can be easily camped. What I thought would be a really cool idea would be to have teleporters that are linked to each other where the Shotguns are located, and put a Shotgun at each spot where the Plasma grenades spawn and removing the other Shotguns. This solves the Shotgun camping issue and two contested weapon issue. I'm also going to point out that the underground parts of each of the bases do not have sufficient RvR. Two Plasma grenades for the loss of significant height variation and line of sight make those areas of the map rather unused. I proposed adding the Shotguns there to increase the amount of flow in those areas. The Rocket Launcher in my honest opinion is in a too domineering location and should be placed in the small tunnel. Adding a Sniper Rifle on top in the gazebo might make the map more interesting, but it is not really needed. The map has a lot of open areas and heavily favors the team that controls the middle because of the height and line of sight advantage. I suggest adding cover in front of the spawns by using 1x4 blocks to imitate a sort of column structure. This will divide line of sight and cause a little more cover, which will help in avoiding getting spawn trapped. If you add a Sniper Rifle, cover in some of the areas would be necessary. These are just some suggestions to improve your map. EDIT: I'm confused, it says that this map supports Conquest.