This is my first time posting on this site, so don't be brutal. Hopefully I'm doing this right. There have been a few remakes of Elongation/Longest already, but none of them really struck me as being the best remake I've ever seen. Most remakes suffer from budget issues. Well I thought I'd have a go at it. I've been forging since Halo 3, but this is the first map I'm putting out there for people other than my friends. My kid and I tested it and everything seemed to be in working order (but I might not know everything to look for, so any help would be great). This is definitely NOT a 100% remake. The spawns and weapons are different because I had to go from memory and screenshots. I didn't have Halo CE or Halo 2 to pop in the xbox to have a look at. This map is modeled more after Elongation than Longest. The major difference in my map versus the original is there are obviously no working conveyors (just imagine they broke down). There are crates on the conveyors that can be used to access the upper level. I also opted to use blue and red on opposite ends like Longest, rather than opposite corridors as in Elongation. I replaced the crates in the blue base with blocks. And neither one of the bases are the same as the original, but what blocks and crates are there allow quick access to the shotgun and provide some cover. Oh, and the entrance and exits on the conveyors at either end spell death for those that venture too close. The crate entrances have soft kill zones, but the crate exits have kill zones to replicate the danger of falling down the chute. I didn't include an overhead shot because most Halo fans know the layout of the map. Weapons and Power-Ups: Concussion Rifles x 2 DMR x 2 AR x 2 Magnum x 2 Shotgun x 2 Plasma Pistol x 2 Frags x 4 Plasma Grenades x 4 Active Camo x 1 Anyways, enjoy. Here are some shots...
From one forge hub noobie to another. Map looks good. Going to download and play same games with my friends. We loved this map.
Map looks good best remake i have seen.BTW if you resize your pics to 650-365 the website wont have to and it will look neater.
I have a question. Have you tried jumping into the shield doors in those narrow ramped corridors? I can see someone getting stuck quite easily to the blue ones and ricocheting off the orange ones endlessly.
You know, that is actually pretty impressive. Looks well recreated, shame the "conveyors" can't dynamically move but I could definitely feel that elongation/longest vibe in the map. Your 7th picture is a dead ringer for this picture from a different angle.
To MattKestrel - The blue ramp has regular shield doors, so you shouldn't get stuck. As for the red ramp, well I guess it's pinball time. If it becomes a problem I can remove them. They are just there for aesthetics anyways.
Definitely a great remake, you did an excellent job of perfecting almost every aspect of the original map. It looks like you took your time and forged very neatly. Good job.
Actually, Elongation was the spiritual successor to Longest. It's a lot like Lockout to Guardian, really. Good map though, if it plays well, then I think this will be the best Elongation remake we will get. You should remove the pit-like area though. The only reason that was there before was so that the boxes on the conveyor belt could drop down. You could also cover it up. If you do, I think it would make a good area for catching your enemies off guard.