As Christopher Walken once said- "I'll be honest.. fellas, it was sounding great. But.. I could've used a little more Scarab. So.. let's take it again.."
Covenant Reaper -small single-seat light reconaissance vehicle, hovercraft -spec-ops variant of the Covenant Ghost -hybrid of Halo 2 Spectre and the Ghost -hovers over any surface, including water -armed with single light Plasma Cannon (Banshee main gun) -features boost ability EDIT: Actually, I'm currently developing an idea for a new larger Forge World, about a third larger than the current one. Featuring three new vehicles and one new weapon. Above vehicle is one of the three new ones, the other two are listed below. UNSC Wasp -small single-seat light reconaissance vehicle, hovercraft -similar to the Hammerhead from Mass Effect 2 -looks like a Mongoose with a canopy, hover pods on either side of the body, turret mounted on the chin -hovers over any surface, including water -armed with single heavy machine gun (Warthog turret) -features boost ability UNSC Zodiac, need I say more?
something like the chopper(the front part) and cool sports cars that you saw on the side of the road in halo 2 and something like transport hog but for the ground. (not falcon)
How about..... A UNSC fighter change capable of missles, minigun fire, and tricks? In other words, UNSC banshee
A Golf Caddy with Nitros that can hold 4 people. It may be made of plastic, but it gets you there quick.
I would have liked to have seen the Locust from Halo Wars in campaign. Fighting that thing would've been nasty.
flak gun? (or flank gun, whatever the **** those anti arcraft things used in WWII were called.) possibly tracks onto aircraft, like the slugs would curve towards or a predictive gunnery system the elites have w/ needlers in invasion
Bungie said no pelican and transport vehicles because if they were destroyed there would be multikills and that crap. But we need a larger multiplayer type, like 20 or 30 per team, this way you could drop into battle with more vehicle. Also with this, the elephant could be actually used, it was always just a driver and a gunner on the elephant. Maybe the halo 3 hornet, or maybe a falcon that can hold flag/bomb carriers. maybe a larger map with many people on a team that you fight in pelicans (humans) against elites with phantoms? Thats just my opinion.
This x1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 It would be like an incredibly large focus rifle that does the same to vehicles to what the focus rifle does to infantry.
Make it so that only one part of the vehicle is destroyed at a time. Like for example, a pelican can have the gunner part destroyed, wings crippled (whole ship will lean and pull at the pilots controls making flying difficult, if both are damaged then you start decending at an uncontrol-able rate) then the cargo bay, then the cockpit (ship starts falling at the same rate as a falcon. players in the ship only take 1/2 fall damage only takes damage to the limbs it falls on. wings, gun, ect). or in any other order for that matter. each with its own individual health. The whole vehicle can only be destroyed when all the peices, or "limbs", of the ship are destroyed/crippled. for the Elephant, you would have the gunner's platform, cockpit, cargobay, and catwalk platform, along with both armour plates on either side of the vehicle. again same princibles would apply. this would eliminate the whole multi kill thing and make the crashed vehicle still usable as cover. can you imagin how cool it would be to have your wings/pilot destroyed in a pelican, fall, then get out and fight the enemy off by using the downed vehicle? I could, thats for one thing.
I feel like, in Reach, no matter where you shoot, parts falls off in the same order on the vehicle. But do you agree that if they include larger vehicles and weapons we need larger teams. i say we make a petition.. haha
I think a good vehicle would be a transport vehicle, but it can only carry 1 person, but has a cargo bay at the back of it which can carry vehicles etc. kind of like a pelican, but a lot smaller
sabre on forgeworld., or a space map where we can place them. UNMC doesn't have a decent single pilot fighter, and space dogfight would be fun invasion skirmish
haha, a petition. not a bad idea. But just for the record, parts only come off if you hit that specific area of the vehicle. -a warthogs rims only come off if a few bullets hit that specific rim. the bumber, turret guard, and windshield all work the same. -a scorpions armour for its treds only come off if that specific tred is damaged along with the pilots sliding door on top of the cockpit and (obviously) the main gun. mongeese and falcons have this trait as well and I think the wraith does too but im not sure. You can hold me up to my text on the two above though. Go try it sometime in forge.
Actually not, I tested this out on a warthog. Its just that if you shoot the same beat up vehicle part, the other have to automatically be destroyed!
What weapon did you try it with? i just sorta meant shooting it with an assault rifle from the front.