What is your favorite original map on Reach and why? Also post least favorite in reply's. [br][/br]Edited by merge: Oh and Firstly I apologize about jumbling all Forge World Maps together especially since I'm a huge fan of hemmorhage but don't like certain other ones... also my favorite is Sword base because I play alot of SWAT and Sword Base is very fun and fast paced for swat and I also play infection which is easy on Sword Base
Definitely Sword Base for me. Almost every game I've played on it has been fun, and I've started to have a really good track record on it lately too. I'm also fine with Countdown and Powerhouse.
nice poll idea, but spire is there twice, and "forgeworld maps" just isn't fair to represent asylum, pinnacle, the cage, hemmorage, and paradiso (even though those aren't my choices) I gotta go with countdown. I almost said powerhouse because of beta nostalgia, but countdown is a great map for all gametypes and playlists. It plays well with 4v4, and just as well with 8v8 without feeling cramped because of its multilevel layout. Its also one of the best maps for multiteam in my opinion, enough room for 12 people without being spawn killed. As a symmetrical map, even when you compare it to the new Anchor 9, I prefer countdown.
Oh wow my bad I guess i didn't realize it was in their twice i don't know how to fix surveys if that's even possible? If u know i'd love to know! And also I know the first thing i posted was an apology about that i can't fit all the maps because surveys only permit 10 choices.
Countdown was pretty nice had kind of the halo 3 rat's nest feel to it. However it could have been better if it also had the purple fx to it.
Countdown plays amazingly on every gametype, and the layout is just gorgeous. I've never played a bad game on it, ever.
Wow I like countdown but I wouldn't have guess it would be tied for first. And without my vote on Sword base it is in first.
I'm gonna go with Powerhouse because it suits my gameplay style. There are a few that I love, which are all doing fine on their own. I hope the new map packs really beef up the good maps list though, cause many of the defaults I don't really love.
my favorite is countdown because of the size and way the map was made. My least favorite are always the maps that I've played a couple jillion times, like spire. problems: 2 spires? results hidden? please tell
The Cage is def my favorite map. Although I do love me some invasion on Boneyard. But, I feel like we are talking slayer here, so The Cage it is.