Funniest/Craziest Accidental betrayals?

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by guiltyspark412, Feb 6, 2011.

  1. guiltyspark412

    guiltyspark412 Forerunner

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    What were your funniest or craziest accidental betrayals? Were you kicked for them? Did you laugh when they happened?
  2. pyro

    pyro The Joker
    Senior Member

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    I also got betrayed myself after killing the core carrier and three of his teammates less than a meter from the drop point on boneyard by some teammate who accidentally fired three AR shots at my nearly dead banshee.
    #2 pyro, Feb 6, 2011
    Last edited: Feb 6, 2011
  3. guiltyspark412

    guiltyspark412 Forerunner

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    Yeah, one time I had a rocket launcher on a BTS match on the spire, and after locking on to an enemy Falcon, I shoot the rocket launcher a couple of seconds before a friendly boards it. KABOOM. I accidentaly killed the boarder and at least killed the people in the Falcon. Booted
  4. Security

    Security Ancient
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    I was playing BTB on Paradiso. I was in the Warthog turret shooting at someone in armor lock, when my teammate drives his ghost right into the guy in armor lock and blows up. For some reason I got the betrayal but I didn't get booted.
  5. pinohkio

    pinohkio Ancient
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    We were doing this massive tank rush on Paradiso, almost the whole team was standing on the tank, and when I shot, my idiot friend's foot was through the barrel. I think I had the longest respawn time ever.
  6. Neoshadow

    Neoshadow Forerunner
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    Probably the time I mistimed my jump off the spire and missed the lift. Quite luckily, a teamate was standing right beside it, and I landed on him. He died, and strangely enough I didnt.


    I just dont understand how thats a betrayal....
  7. IH8YourGamerTag

    IH8YourGamerTag Ancient

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    was in the scorpion on paradiso and an enemy banshee kept peaking out from behind the mountain. finally once when he did this i got him, only to realize i got the friendly banshee that was after him with the same shot. oops.
  8. Patsteirer

    Patsteirer Forerunner

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    BTB on Hemorrhage, I'm driving a warthog. I'm flying across the canyon, you know, being a bro. I hit a pretty awesome jump, and land on a wraith....just as my teammate was boarding it. I wasn't booted though, thankfully.
  9. Jex Yoyo

    Jex Yoyo POETRY, bitch.
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    I threw a sticky in a lift.... needless to say it was bouncing for like four hours before the betrayal came.

    In the time that it took for my dumbass teammate to boot me, I managed to get six flag caps, one extermination, and I was running the last one back for the win across that bridge at the top of sword base. I got booted and the flag fell down to the bottom.

    Score when I was booted? 8-9 them.

    When the game ended? 9-10 them.

    They froggle lost the game booting me /rage.
  10. Rorak Kuroda

    Rorak Kuroda Up All Night
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    So there's this enemy, and there's my friend with a sword, and there's me. I didn't see either of them, it was tight quarters on the top floor of countdown. Basically, I get between the enemy and my friend, armor lock in panic while my friend lunges, and my friend splatters himself on me. It was epic, though I'm surprised it counted as a betrayal.
  11. Talons013

    Talons013 Forerunner

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    funniest thing that ever happened to me in (halo 3) living dead...

    It was a tyipical game. me & my freinds, playing braaaaaaaaiins on orbital. we all were camping in the first room the humans spawn in cause ya know, it gives you an erie feeling. well it was dwon to five survivors (4 of which were us) and a zombie comes over. it was lunging towards my BFF (cosmo369) and, well i was walking towards it trying to get a shotun blast at it. I missed or the shot didn't go off and the infected hit me (I went back into theatr and his lung was on my freind, red n everything) weirdest thing was my freind didn't damage me but it said he betrayed me.

    we were all like "BUT I JUST SAVED HIS LIFE HOW DID HE BETRAY M- you backstabing little freind waster... (sniffels) how could you?! >:'{" lol it was hilarious because we are such good freinds... good times
  12. Gazzaverage

    Gazzaverage Ancient
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    Not a betrayal, but I had to laugh when in a recent game of bro slayer, 3 team mates all tried to spawn on my extremely high banshee and instantly fell to an amusing triple suicide.

    My best betrayal was on hemorage. I'm in the trees sniping and I spot a couple of enemies on our ledge. I zoom in, get the red dot and ..... An allied warthog zooms right past me at a gazillion miles an hour and I get a freak headshot on the gunner. Betrayal but not booted.
  13. II6clique jxIxj

    II6clique jxIxj Ancient
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    I once saw a red dot behind me on my radar. So I performed a 180 no scope. The bullet went through the head of my team mate (5ft away), throught the enemies head (20ft away) ricochet off of a wall about fifty feet away, then hit another one of my team mates through the head (20ft after hitting the wall). Double betrayel
  14. guiltyspark412

    guiltyspark412 Forerunner

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    most epic no scope ever
    and most funny :d

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