
Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by Sk1lltak iz Bak, Feb 7, 2011.

  1. Sk1lltak iz Bak

    Sk1lltak iz Bak Forerunner

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    >>>>>>>>>>>> WalkTru available on my FileShare

    I made this made quite a while ago, when I was actually playing Halo Reach very often, if not every day. I took enough time to make the map perfectly symmetric (using detailed positionnig). It's meant to be played 4v4 Slayer or Objective or Multi team but it still can be played FFA or up to 12 players. I didn't try it at all so far, so if anyone is interrested in play testing it, please message me, I'd like to be part of it (logically..). The idea of the map basically emerged from the bridge (middle of the map).. the rest came along the way...

    The map is separated in 5 main parts : 2 Bases, The Bridge and two small side bases. There is a balance between outdoor and indoor spaces so you can actually walk without being shot across the map.
    The map as a total of 3 major levels (although there's a lot of alternative levels..) and all (3) power weapons are on the 3rd level; 1 Rocket, 2 Snipers (see below).

    1st level : Second floor of both bases, mancannons(2) and top of both side towers
    2nd level : highest floor of the mid bridge, first floor of bases and front bases
    3rd level : lowest floor of the mid bridge, all (4) side bridges and floor below the side towers

    Most of the action should be happening around the middle and both towers (green and yellow). The weapons are placed so you can't reach them without risking to be seen or killed (making their control even more important, especially for the rocket)

    Weapon list (doesn't contain nades)
    - 1 Rocket launcher; located on the top of the middle bridge
    - 2 Sniper rifles; located on each of the 2 sides towers (middle)
    - 2 Shotguns; located on each of the platforms beside the short side-bridge
    - Many DMRs; located to strategic spots (DMR battles and places that would otherwise not be used enough)
    - 2 Needler rifles; located on each of the 2 platforms aside the mancannon ramp
    - 2 Needlers; located on the long side-bridges
    - 2 Plasma pistols; located on the short side-bridges

    Objective location
    - Flag is on the top floor of both bases in multiflag (probablty 1flag too, not tried..)
    - Bomb (neutral) is on the lowest floor of the main bridge (under the rocket)
    - Hills (KOTH, headhunter) are located at different spots (mostly open areas)
    - Stockpile capture hill : in front of both bases (= 2nd floor)
    - Stockpile flags : 1 in each side towers and two on the middle bridge
    - Territories : total of 5 located on 2nd and 3rd levels


    I had issues making them appear as images, so here are the links (until the problem is fixed! * means more interresting!)

    Overall view (Bridge) *
    Middle bridge : Overview (Rocket Launcher)
    Middle bridge : Low floor 1 *
    Middle bridge : Low floor 2

    Blue Base : Overview *
    Blue Base : Side view 1 *
    Blue Base : Side view 2 (Shotgun, down/right)
    Blus Base : Back view 1
    Blue Base : Back view 2
    Blue Base : Inside upstair *
    Blue Base : Inside downstair
    Front of Blue Base : We see the ManCannon ramp in the background

    Side tower : Side view (Sniper rifle)
    Side tower : ManCannon Pathway *

    Please comment! Thanks!

    Edited by merge:

    For the pictures, It simply doesn't work!

    [​IMG] .. Here's what's happening! Nada!
    #1 Sk1lltak iz Bak, Feb 7, 2011
    Last edited: Feb 7, 2011
  2. franky1223

    franky1223 Forerunner

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    For the picture you put here the link to them in image shack, not the link to the images directly. For example your first image link is "http://img39.imageshack.us/i/bridge4o.jpg" when it should be "http://img39.imageshack.us/img39/2185/bridge4o.jpg". I don't know if you understand but you should read a tutorial about linking images here (can't give you a link right now).

    Now for the map I really like the aesthetics you put here and there. I really like how you set this map for many game modes. It probably plays CTF pretty well because of the tho side bases. However I can't get an idea of the general layout of the map. I probably will download it to see how it plays and that. Also I'm not very fond on mancannons. They tend to annoy most people who fall to their death because there was something deviating them. Anyway, I don't think it is really a problem because of the short distance you have to be in the air. Also, just to be sure, I hope you put hard kill zones on the pillars "holding" the bases, because someone could camp on these at their bottom.
  3. Sk1lltak iz Bak

    Sk1lltak iz Bak Forerunner

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    To answer the last question : the pillars are outside the hard safe zone so it's pretty much the same.. And I tried every way possible to fall off from the mancannon, it's impossible (in normal speed and gravity..)

    I'll try to fix the picture tommorow, thx for the explanation I understand what's the issue!
  4. Vincent Torre

    Vincent Torre Ancient
    Senior Member

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    You have twenty four (24) hours to make this post up to Forge Hub standards. These standards include:
    A thread thumbnail showing your map
    A description
    Pictures (at least 3 recommended)
    Any other information you would like to include

    A screenshot posting guide is found at the link below.


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