Aint Your Mama's Map Pack

Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by deathangle, Feb 7, 2011.

  1. deathangle

    deathangle Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Description - Plague is an arean type map thier are two tunnels in the center of the map and couple of viewing platforms. This map is meant for smaller games a 2v2 to 4v4 suites this map perfect.

    Weapons / Equipment
    AR - 2 - Normal settings
    DMR - 4 - normal settings
    Gernade Launcher - 1 - 5 clips - 180 Respawn
    Magnum - 2 normal settings
    sniper Rifle - 2 - 1 Clips - 150 - Respawn
    Energy sword - 2 -180 respawn
    Needle Rifle - 2 - Normal settings
    Plasma Pistol - 4 - normal settings -meant to help counter swords.
    Spiker - 2 - normal settings
    Plasma nade - 8 - normal settings
    Evade - 2 - normal settings
    Custom Pup 1 - not placed at start - 180 respawn
    Custom pup 2 - Placed at start - 180 Respawn



    HangMans Bridge
    Description - Hangmans bridge is a simple map by any measure. There are 4 routes across the map 2 of which you cross by hanging from your head. a teleporter that is really fricken hard to camp. and walk way. this map is recommend for really small teams 1v1 to a 3v3 suites this map best.

    Weapons / Equipment
    Note there are so many power weapons on this on because i used a custom weapon set for each gametype

    Ar - 2 - normal settings - all gametypes
    DMR - 8 - normal settings - all gameTypes

    Gernade Launcher - 2
    GL1 - 2 clips - 100 spawn - CTF only
    GL2 - 2 clips - 100 spawn - CTF only

    Shotgun - 6
    SG 1,2,3,4 - 1 clip -120 spawn - Oddball only
    SG 5,6 - 1 clip -120 spawn - Stock pile only

    Sniper Rifle - 4
    SR 1,2 - 2 clips - 140 spawn - Head hunter only
    SR 3,4 - 1 clips - 120 spawn - stockpile only

    spartan lazer - 3
    Lz1 - 120 spawn - Slayer only
    LZ2 - 95 spawn - Territories only
    LZ3 - 95 spawn - territories only

    Frag nade - 8 - normal settings - all game types

    concussion rifle - 2
    CR 1,2 - 2 clips - 120 spawn - KOTH only

    energy sword - 4
    Es 1,2,3,4 - 90 spawn - Oddball only

    fuel rod gun - 1 -1 clip - 110 spawn - Territories only

    Gravity hammer - 2
    GH 1,2 - 150 spawn - oddball only

    focus rifle - 2
    FR 1,2 - 150 spawn - Slayer only

    Needle rifle - 8
    NR 1,2,3,4 - normal settings - Headhunter only
    NR 5,6,7,8 - normal settings - all gametypes

    Needler - 4
    ND 1,2 ,3,4 - 2 clips - 50 spawn - Assualt only

    Plasma Launcher - 2
    PL 1,2 - 2 clips - 150 spawn - assualt only

    plasma pistol - 4 -normal setting - various game types(Got lazy)

    Plasma Repeater - 6 - normal settings - various Game types
    Plasma Rifle - 2 - Normal settings - various game types
    SPiker - 4 - Normal settings - various game types
    Plasma Nade - 4 - Noramal settings - all gametypes

    Active Camo AA - 4
    AC 1,2,3,4 - 150 spawn - CTF only

    Evade - 2
    Ev 1,2 - 90 spawn - Stockpile only

    Hologram - 2 - normal settings - all gametypes


    The spiders web
    Description - The spiders web is a large map that is kind of like hang em high. This map is great for a game of snipers. This is basically alot of hills and walk ways. This is my big team map and is ideal for and 6v6 to a 8v8.

    Weapons / Equipment
    Ar - 3 - normal settings
    DMR - 10 - normal settings
    Gernade launcher - 1 - 2 clips - 90 spawn
    Magnum - 2 -normal settings
    Rocket launcher - 1 -1 clip - 13- spawn
    Shotgun - 1 - 0 clips - 60 spawn
    Sniper Rifle - 1 - 1 clip - 120 spawn
    Frag nade - 3
    Concussion rifle - 1 - 1 clips - 100 spawn
    Energy sword - 1 - 75 spawn
    Focus Rifle - 1 - 90 spawn
    Needle Rifle - 8 - normal settings
    Plasma Repeater - 3 - normal settings
    Spiker - 3 - normal settings
    Plasma Nade - 11 Normal settings
    Armor lock - 2 - 45 spawn
    Drop shield - 2 - 45 spawn
    Jetpack - 1 - 75 spawn
    Active Camo - 1 - 120 spawn
    Overshield - 1 - 120 spawn


    Description - This is to be my throwdown submission the map revolves around the center of the map while the edges offer better cover you will find that if you camp you loose to he other team who is taking advantage of all the good stuff that spawn in the center. This Map is ideal for a 2v2 and works well for a 4v4.
    Weapons / Equipment
    Ar - 2 - normal settings
    DMR - 2 - normal settings
    Rocket Launcer - 1 - 0 clips - 80 spawn
    Sniper Rifle - 2 - 0 clips - 60 spawn - not placed at start.
    Frag - 8 - normal settings
    Plasma Nade - 8 - normal settings
    Armor lock - 2 - normal settings
    Evade - 2 - 120 spawn
    Overshield - 1 - 120 spawn


    RawestMap V3
    Description - This is a remake of my first ever map. This map is a small arena that has an very open upper level while providing lots of cover on DL. This map is Ideal for an 2v2 to an 6v6

    Weapon / Equipment
    Ar - 4 - normal settings
    DMR - 10 - normal settings
    Rocket launcher - 2 - 0 clips - 180 spawn
    Sniper Rifle - 1 - 1 clips - 115 spawn
    Spartan Lazer -1 - 135 spawn
    Gravity Hammer - 1 - 140 spawn
    Needle Rifle - 4 - normal settings
    Needler - 2 - 2 clips - 40 respawn
    Plasma pistol - 2 - normal settings
    Plasma nade - 10 - normal settings
    Evade - 2 - 55 spawn
    Ghost - 2 - 150 spawn


    Download LINK - Hangmans bridge : Halo Reach : File Details

    Download LINK - Plague : Halo Reach : File Details

    Download LINK - The Spiders Web : Halo Reach : File Details

    Download LINK - Numb : Halo Reach : File Details

    DownLoad LINK - RawestMap V3 : Halo Reach : File Details
    #1 deathangle, Feb 7, 2011
    Last edited: Feb 7, 2011
  2. PatchworkZombie

    PatchworkZombie Ancient

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    First off the name of the map pack is wierd and not funny, plus the maps have wierd names. What does RawestMapv3 mean? I like the name Plague though. Secondly, it looks like you have far too many power weapons on most of these maps. Also you have left very very brief descriptions for all of them, showing no action shots at all. Some of these maps look well designed but I think you could have put a bit more effort into your map post. I have downloaded your throwdown submission so I'll give that a try later.

    EDIT: Just noticed you put your maps support Grifball. How does that work exactly?
    #2 PatchworkZombie, Feb 7, 2011
    Last edited: Feb 7, 2011
  3. deathangle

    deathangle Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Yea i have a hard time keeping the weapons down to a minum. I know i shouldnt but it alway seems such an easy answer to keeping people from staying in on spot to long. I don't care if the name of it is weird it has an element of mystery i think. Rawest map was the first map i ever made i kept the orignal name. i wish i had some action shot to be honest but unfornately my testing is done with a 1v1 and im playing both guys. I honestly just have a hard time finding something to say in the description. I think i will update the descriptions before to long. and on alot of my maps i would only put 3 power weapons but on a symmetrical map placing a power weapon on one side and not the other unbalances it. Anyway if you want to look over them and give me some advice i would appreaciate it. I was going to have them tested by the guilde but after a month of waiting the ended in all of them getting deleted i just moved on and posted em. Anyway time to go hit up the review hub to get advice for some V2's
  4. x LeGiT PopTart

    x LeGiT PopTart Forerunner

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    dude im going to be honest and say that some of these map suck balls. Plague is good and numb is mediocre. I have no idea what went on in your mind when you were making hangmans bridge... I tried some of your maps and they have alot of flaws. I think you have some stuped names too... If you took your time, some of these maps could be really good. Im not trying to be mean, im trying to make you a better forger. Keep trying and take your time, you have some good ideas.
  5. PatchworkZombie

    PatchworkZombie Ancient

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    You have a big problem then i'm afraid. How can you expect other people to play your map if you don't even know if it works properly in game? You should take down this map post and test all of your maps for all the gametypes you set them up for, then adjust spawn points/weapon placement/layout accordingly. Heck most forgers spend more time testing than actually forging.
  6. deathangle

    deathangle Ancient
    Senior Member

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    So im assuming that you actually played a game on at least one of them. Cant say that your wrong i have only ever gotten a single one map and that was snipers on spiders web and that went really well. Compared to some maps around here i could see you saying all my maps suck but to **** with what you think. I did take my time while making these maps. i follow a very simple formumla while making a map every place on the map need 3 or more ways to access it. Altrnate the time on weapon spawns so that people always have something to fight over(works better once everyon knows when to expect the weapon spawns) You say there are to many weapons on the map i say its a matter of taste. My maps are usaully very open on the higher level while having more cover on the lower levels. If i could actually get some testing in i could get the gameplay down to a science. most of my map is focused around balancing good postion vs cover availble vs weapon spawn.
    I know that they may not look great astectcally but i do know that there not that ar for right when it comes to game play and i could easilly fix the small problems with that i could actually test some of the maps once in a while.

    BTW Hangmans bridge Is what happens when i try to make an indoor map. and from what i can telll everyone around here really likes the indoor maps. me i have always liked maps like valhalla , sandtrap, and standoff. I have never been much for asethices either while i will put a small amount of them on some of my maps but in the end i usaully dont bother with em.
    #6 deathangle, Feb 7, 2011
    Last edited: Feb 7, 2011
  7. Marcass2021

    Marcass2021 Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    the 3rd map.. ( i think) reminds me of Hang em high... but the rest, nothing huge stands out about them. they are mostly boring and all have the same feeling. i agree with you a little on the aesthetics. i dont think they are that important, but things that look good attract more people.
    #7 Marcass2021, Feb 7, 2011
    Last edited: Feb 7, 2011
  8. deathangle

    deathangle Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Yeah thats my style I dont really see alot maps that are made like mine. It hard to make the maps feel different when they are actually pretty similar in design but there are some difference between them. i guess its just the way i forge. I mean some of the best maps that bungie has made have a fairly simple layout - midship
    the pit, The special map you unlock in halo2. Any with this done it on to my halo ce project i think the map will defiently be alot better since im not the on doing the layout. BTW if you want to help i have no problem with that or if you just feel like doing a couple of customs then put me on your hitlist - Xgschronicsbest
  9. x LeGiT PopTart

    x LeGiT PopTart Forerunner

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    Dude if you want people to be interested in your maps, and DL it, you need to have some aesthetics. You should be able to add some cool things, with the multitude of items given. Im sick of these bland maps... add a cool feature, or sumtin. This is not halo 3, you should make your maps interesting. I know what you mean by making a balanced map, but if you want your map taken seriously, you need to make something eye catching.

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