Heres how it goes. spartans spawn with two falcons fly to the base and open the roof. the elites cant do anything in phase one which is why this map is unique. second phase is the spartans getting the bomb on the roof and drop down and explode the base and the window. they drop down to get the bomb and run up the stair case to the rocket. there they plant it and win! PICS over view This is where the bomb spawns in phase 3 in the base of mission control. Rocket where you put the bomb in phase three 2 phase bomb plant spot 2 phase bomb spawn Blue spawn Red spawn Weapons- -focus rifle -sniper -plasma launcher -shotgun(x4) -plasma repeater vehicles- -revenant 3rd phase -ghost 3rd -warthog 3rd -mongoose 3rd Leave Feedback!!!!! vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv >>>>Gametype ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ <<<<
If you want to have your map tested and receive professional grade feedback you may submit your map to the Testers Guild. They're nice guys and will gladly do this to get a star ha ha. As far as the map goes I understand that you want to create something unique by completely stripping the elites of any chance to fight back in the first phase, but many players will not enjoy that. Interesting idea, but I can see a lot of people wanting to ragequit. I liked what you did with the cone tip, the circular inclines could use a little tuning, but overall the map certainly has aesthetic character to it!
This seems like a good idea for a map...however I agree that having the first phase impossible to lose a bad idea...people will find it annoying and may rage quit...also this would cut the gameplay for the map down by having the first phase a automatic win...You should make the other team possibly spawn halfway through the phase so that they could believe they have a chance to stop them but the other team will be halfway capping by the time they get to the structure their capping...besides that I find the aesthetics to be very good but from the pictures I have the feeling that the different structures are separated and not connected in the map...also I find the extra structures on the map to be pointless and only take up unused room on the map...such as the sniper nest and the pyramid placed in the background of the map...
I am working on a V3 and i am thinking of having twoo gravlifts spawning about 10 seconds in and they shoot elites up to the roof. i have added a banshee. also the buildings are just spawn points and have power weapons. thanks for the ragequit tip. i agree. if you have any idea for the buildings then please leave a comment