Heyas, I have a problem in Reach's Forge mode. Whenever I try to make a map or I have some idea and try to build something one piece is always higher than another and I can't get the 2 pieces to evenly match. Whenever I try adjusting the height of the object it goes lower/higher than what I wanted and I spend hours trying to figure out a way how to get my objects evenly matched, plus Edit Co-Ordinates doesn't work either, I look at all the maps here and they are all perfect and they have no objects out of place or protruding out of where they are originally supposed to be. Any solution to fix this?
Move it manually. Hold down the left analog stick and your monitor will move slower allowing for more precise adjustments. Also if you could post some pictures Im sure someone will know exactly what is wrong.
Though, technically having them on the exact same level is a negative thing. It causes z-fighting which occurs when objects "fight" for the same visible space. So long as there isn't a bump that interferes with gameplay, it should be fine.
Some objects sit on different coordinates. For instance, a colosseum wall moved only with coordinate editing will almost always be higher or lower than a 5x5 flat when they are both used as a floor. Just click and hold left thumb stick and tap the bumper for direction needed to move. For very minor movements try tapping the bumper and the A button almost simultaneously. if you practice that enough and get good at doing it, you will be able to adjust the object damn near a pixel at a time. Works well for keeping floors smooth while avoiding z-fighting. Does not work so well when co-forging online as the object will move up considerably then drift back down. so it's harder to tell if it's in the right place or not.
The Halo Reach engine has much more precision than the Halo 3 engine. That is to say you can actually have objects so close together the difference is invisible without having z-fighting. If you look directly down on an object, the movement speed decreases to the point that when you hold the left stick, you may never see that the object is moving, but do not doubt that it is. I've made a pile of 20 1x1 blocks so close together that it looks like one block, but there is still no z-fighting.
Alright guys, thanks for the help I appreciate it, so I just hold down the left stick. Cheers guys =D
yea that is true but having a slight overlap on the very edge never hurts but only if there is no other option. By chance you didnt place one object with out the object snap tool and the place the other using it. I done that once took me a while to figure it out. also some items like 2x2 flat block wont line up righ even if ur using the snap tool.
Colosseum walls, Brace large, any ramps... Damn near anything that is not set to default orientation will move off kilter when forging online. Only way to avoid it is to forge by yourself in a closed party. Better still to be off line. However if you really have to forge online with someone in it, you can just go in after wards offline and run through the map in monitor mode grabbing things and they will move to being flat without you having to readjust. A point to watch out for though. You have to have angle snap on for this to work so watch out for anything that you had to set to a custom angle.