Download Mortar Launcher "Made by a mad Halo 3 Forger for mad Halo 3 players." Immediatly, when people think of a map called "Mortar Launcher", they think of something that is similar to a Machine that launches fusion coils from the start and you get bombarded with explosions, with no way out. Well, yes and no. If you wait for 3 minutes for something to happen, it will fire a few fusion coils, and stop, although it may take a few seconds or even a minute for the propane tanks at the spawn area to stop blowing up. But that isn't the point of the map, watching a few fusion coils go off, so let me explain this map's full potential. Here is the Mortar Launcher itself, sitting humbly and quietly in background, for now. At first, it looks like a simple structure, with a tube and a Mancannon at the end of it. But take notice of the "B" signs. These point toward the button, which activates this Monster, and sends Fusion Coils flying toward the respawn area. Let's show how this works. Here is the location of the button. Although it doesn't show the button, this picture does show the Defender's Starting Area, which is above the button on a ledge that has a Battle Rifle. Here is the actual button, already "pushed", below the Spartan (me) crouch-jumping into a tunnel that leads deep into this Mortar Launcher, to the Armory, which I will explain later. Here is the Spartan (me) demonstrating the activation of the Mortar Launcher, pushing the button. Take notice the barrels below the button. This requires more work in order to reach the Armory, which will be explained later. Let's see the result of "pressing" the button, shown below, in the respawn area. As you can see, in the middle of a part of the explosion, is a respawn point, seperated from the others, located in the area behind this respawn point. This is for the Defenders, who spawn at this respawn area. This is for balance. While the Defenders Start next to the Mortar Launcher, and have the advantage of easily reaching the Armory, which I will explain later, the catch is that they spawn in the middle of the on-going explosion, if they were to die. Also take notice of a few things. One of these things is that there are shield doors seperating the spawn area and the main part of the map. This is to prevent a majority of spawn killing on the floor. Also take notice that the hallway of Foundry is blocked off by doors. This prevents spawned people from escaping and hiding from the action. The last thing you will notice is there is a Mancannon, and behind a wall, a Teleporter. The Mancannon is a quick, easy way to reach the Mortar Launcher, while the Teleporter will bring you to a Ghost, and a Magnum. Unfortunatly, the Mancannon isn't safe from shooting Spartans and Elites, and shown here, from the Mortar Launcher itself. Here is where the Teleporter outside the Respawn Area brings you too. The two doors are there to prevent people using the ledge to escape behind the wall of Double Boxes. Now, remember the Armory I was talking about? I will explain this now. The first part of getting to the Armory is to crouch-jump into a tunnel just above the button area, shown here, just starting this process at the front end of the tunnel. After getting into this tunnel, walk off the area at the end of it. Then make a 180 degree turn to the right to the tunnel parallel to the one you started in. There are two options here. Simply crouch down to take the lower tunnel, which teleports you to the top of the Mortar Launcher. Or, crouch jump into the upper tunnel to go over the teleporter. This is the more difficult of the two crouch-jump tunnels. Don't give up, there's goodies over there! Once your crouched into here, simply go down this tunnel, shown here. Here is part of the Armory, with a Spartan (me) carrying a Flamethrower. Also shown is a Rocket Launcher and two Frags. Keep in mind that all weapons in the Armory never respawn. So once you take a weapon, take care of it. Go down the area the camera is angled at in the previous picture, and there will be a Fuel Rod Gun, a Hammer, and a Beam Rifle, with two Deployable Covers, and two Plasma Grenades. Once again, none of this respawns either. Now here's how to get out, out onto the top of the Mortar Launcher. Go back to the Teleporter you went over while going to the Armory, shown here. This will take you here, the top of the Mortar Launcher. Up here, is a Grav Lift, and a Carbine. The use of the Grav Lift on this map is strategic. You can deploy it down the 'Ammo feed' of the Mortar Launcher, to push the Fusion Coils out toward you, and for a short amount of time, slow down or even stop the Mortar Launcher. This always doesn't work, for it can cause the Fusion Coils to go up with great force and cause a chain reaction, which could kill you. This is a good way to, in Team Slayer, to help your teammates, who maybe at the mercy of the Mortar Launcher. One more area of Mortar Launcher is this, just outside of the respawn area. It has an SMG, and a Power Drainer, used to combat people who attempt to use the Teleporter, where a Sniper sits. Here is the list of weapons on Mortar Launcher, and their locations: Weapon* Respawn Location Sniper Rifle 120 Near Respawn Teleporter Magnum 10 Where Ghost is Ghost 90 Where Respawn Teleporter takes you SMG (1) 45 On ledge area, next to Respawn Area SMG (2) 45 Next to Mongooses and the Button Bubble 60 Next to truck, under the ledge with the Ghost on it Assault Rifle 20 Leaning against wall, out of the Respawn area, near the middle of the Map Spikers 20 Near another wall, right of Assault Rifle Plasma Nades (1) 10 Against single Fence wall, near stairs Plasma Nades (2)** Never Armory Power Drainer 60 Next to SMG (1) on the ledge area Frag Nades (1) 10 Next to "B" sign, on a Fence wall, near Defenders Start area Frag Nades (2)** Never Armory Battle Rifle 45 At Defender's Start area, against wall Carbine 45 Top of Mortar Launcher, against wall Grav Lift 180 Top of Mortar Launcher, near Carbine Rocket Launcher (1)*** 180 Next to Wire Spools Rocket Launcher (2)** Never Armory Flamethrower** Never Armory Deployable Cover** Never Armory Hammer** Never Armory Beam Rifle** Never Armory Fuel Rod Gun** Never Armory 2 Mongooses 10 Next to Wire Spools *Weapons with single asterisk have two locations far from each other **Weapons with two asterisks are in the Armory ***Weapons with three asterisks don't appear at the start This map is a unique, tower of power-like map, with the Guardians killing as much as the people on the map do. The Defenders have a nice start, but are punished more than other teams/people by spawning in the middle of the explosion area. Balance was taken account into the making of this map.Mortar Launcher is made for Free-for-All Slayer, and Team Slayer. The amount of estimated sustainable players on Mortar Launcher is 2-8 people. This isn't currently made for any other gametypes, although if you want me to make one, suggest it in you comment to the map below. If you have found and want me to fix any problem on this map, again, say it in the comments below. Again, here is the link below Download Mortar Launcher Thanks for downloading, and please, criticize the map, not me.
It seemed to me that the map had very little astetic quality, however, the gameplay was good. I'd reccomend that: You add shelters from the launcher You interlock all of the objects You hide most of the launcher from view
You mean that you can't see the pics? And also Darkleathal12, I'm not sure that I could make cover from the Mortar Launcher, or hide it from view, but I probably add some asthetics and make more cover on the game field, and interlock all of the map. However, the idea of the Mortar Launcher is it fires in one direction, at the Respawn area, not all over the map, even though the Propane Tanks go far. The other part of Mortar Launcher is to get out of the line of fire of the Mortar Launcher as quickly as possible, then find cover after getting out of the spawn area. I think if I were to add cover from the Mortars, the people would spawn camp. I'm not entirely sure of that, and if they did, they have to worry about the Propane Tanks anyway. The only possible cover I could probably make is cover from shooting by using shield doors, but that wouldn't block the Mortars at all.
Good use of a trigger to make something happen. You have inspired me to make my own kind of mortar, but I will not tell you how i will make it >=) It looks ok, but if the entire map is based around that mortar, there should be a change in perspective. Make it so the mortar is just one of the many nick-nacks that make your map cool, not the focus. The rest of your map should be good too, instead of just the mortar itself. Those are my suggestions to make this map better.
I am not a fan of Armories..... Leads to total ownage for eh first guy in. this is the fith map that I've seen that has incorporated the "button" feature, and sorry,... it just didn't grab my attention. not much to the map besides that. No Dl from me.