Midship, Lockout, and Ascension as the first 3 PLOX! Why does no one ever suggest Ascension? It was amazing!
Im thinking that they didn't do lockout so that you'd be enticed into buying a Map Pack....I bet the next Pack has like 5 maps for 20$ I wish they'd bring back ivory tower....And I pray to god they dont bring back foundation.....Worst Map ever....I don't see why people love it so much....It's just a fight for the rockets and Brs...You control those and you can't lose.
That snowy place from the first one was awsome. I forget what it was called, but it was like a battle on a frozen lake or something. I wanty! Also ascencion. My friends always had Rocket launcher wars. And why does everyone drool over Lockout?!?
Ok, Going by all names, let's figure out exactly what needs to be remade and what has been. Some things are borderline, others are clearly defined. Battle Creek Beaver Creek Blood Gulch Coagulation Valhalla Boarding Action Chill Out Chiron TL-34 Damnation Derelict Gephyrophobia Narrows Hang 'Em High Tombstone Longest Elongation Prisoner Rat Race Sidewinder Wizard Warlock Ascension Backwash Burial Mounds Colossus Containment Desolation Foundation Gemini Headlong Ivory Tower Lockout Guardian Midship Relic Sanctuary Terminal Turf Waterworks Zanzibar Last Resort
Thank you for this!! I think I should add a poll and let people vote.. agree? Edit: I cant edit a poll in.. Can a mod get it?
EXACTLY!! we need Waterworks, Coagulation and Headlong. Coag/Blood Gulch is the classic Halo map. It's been in every Halo game except H3. And we need more maps with dynamic scenery like the falling stalactites in Waterworks. Headlong is straight-up the best map for Halo. I remember glitching out of the map and then walking onto the crane with a sniper rifle ;D
Damnation was the Covenenat Hydro processing center wasn't it? I really didn't like that map ... too many places to fall off and weird spawning.
blood gulch blood gulch blood gulch blood gulch blood gulch blood gulch blood gulch blood gulch Did I forget to mention blood gulch? Really? ... :'( :'( :'( I didn't care much for Halo 2, Halo PC (Mac) was my life...
I think everyone wants lockout... me included... I'd also like to see a Midship (loved the MLG on it), a sidewinder, and maybe a headlong or waterworks for some better BTB variety...