Hey guys, I just finished my map, Trench Warfare 1943. The idea was based off of a trench based map in Halo 3, and considering nobody has made one in reach, I thought i'd recreate it, but give it my personal twist. An Overview: This barren landscape has been practially deserted, now its full of scattered boxes. boxes and cones. (that picture doesent do it justice, its actually better than that... SUPPORTED GAMETYPES: Spoiler Slayer (RECOMMENDED) Capture The Flag (RECOMMENDED) Neutral Assault Territories (RECOMMENDED) Headhunter N.B: All maps must require Armour Abilities disabled. FUTURE GAMETYPES Spoiler Invasion????? Invasion Slayer??? I have made this map in such a way that is uses what I call a "forced class" system. Otherwise, if you just picked what you were when the game began, then it could become boring (aka n00bs only playng as snipers) There are FIVE different classes, each with its own individual loadout. At spawn, you will find yourself in a little room hovering above the map. During gameplay, it can be very helpful to tel your team mates where the enemy are. After you have picked up your kit, then its off into the battlefield, via these doors: The classes are as follows: Spoiler SNIPER: Plasma Pistol Sniper Hologram Strengths - Picking off unaware infantry - Killing tanks - Taking out vehicles - Spotting - Long range combat Weaknesses - Assassinations - Stealth class - CQC (Close Quarters Combat) - Not as helpful in objective gametypes TANKS Turret Plasma launcher Armour Lock Strengths - CQC - Taking down advancing enemy - Vehicle destruction - "fear factor" - Securing land Weaknesses - stealth class - can't hide in trenches - slow - snipers!! Assault Assault Rifle DMR Sprint Strengths - All round combat - Advancing - Clearing out enemies - Leading charges - CQC against everything except stealth Weaknesses - Caught advancing - Vehicles - Stealth MEDIC DMR Spiker Rifle Drop Shield Strengths - Healing friendlies - Aiding assault class when advancing - Medium range combat Weaknesses - Gives away position (when drop shield deployed) - Poor at CQC - Can't survive by itself that well STEALTH Shotgun Pistol Active Camo Strengths - Picking out snipers - Sneaking behind enemy lines - Taking out solid defenses - CQC Weaknesses - Anything beyond CQC - Can be caught out if not careful - Not good at advancing Also, there are Spoiler GHOSTS Seems odd I know. The original trench wars had a banshee. I decided to change this to ghosts because of how seamlessly they flowed into gameplay. They glide over the trenches with ease, but you have to be careful!! Also, at the side of the map are little raised edges. These keep players in, but not charging ghosts! Be smart enough to lure a ghost towards the edge, let it charge, then jump and see your troubles fade away... They spawn after 56 seconds at each end Strengths - Quick land gain - Taking down advancing infantry - Last stand defence Weaknesses - Unable to travserse through trenches (go in an enemy occupied one and your a gonner!) - Combined fire - Tanks - Snipers Anyway, onto the map. There are 4 trenches that look like this: When standing, you can be seen, shoot and be shot When crouching, you cannot be seen, cannot shoot, and cannot be shot, unless the enemy know you are there. Each base looks like this: With two turrets at the top. These turrets may seem overpowered, but whilst they provide good defensive fire in taking down advancing infantry, they are easily picked off and taken down by snipers. Also, theres no more exciting feeling than being pinned in a trench, with turret bullets whisking over your head, that fear, the excitement, I love it, and so should you. Heres a few action screenshots to keep you for the meantime: An assault goes to gain ground A stealth makes its move A sniper takes a shot This map is currently in beta, and I am looking for some people to do gameplay on all the gametypes for not only feedback but also footage for the youtube video. When the video is finished, I will release the map, so if you are looking to help me test this out, send me a friend request (Oli The G) and just say forgehub. Any thoughts, feel free to post!!!
One of the greatest aspects of trench warfare I found were the defensive barriers. Things like landmines (like in the above post), barbed wire, and mortars would really help seal the look and feel of a real trench battle. Landmines are self-explanatory, but I have an idea on barbed wire. If you have the money left, you can put a few one way shield doors (absorbing side facing up) under the surface of the map. The shield door will slow player movement in that area and prevent the player from jumping, simulating a soldier getting hung up on the wire. Combine that with aesthetic pieces resembling barbed wire fences (railings positioned in an "X" formation?) and you have an obstacle that greatly slows movement through that barrier. For mortars I wouldn't expect a Wraith, but you could add a Revenant to each side. These are just my suggestions.
First, the sniper is OP and stealth will probably be useless, because when you leave a trench, you will be spotted, and the OP snipers will kill them. BTW i will have a gametype which might fit with this map. It's called War. I will get it up later. Otherwise, the map is great.
Just an idea to improve the trenches, I'd rework them so every few "feet" there was a steep angled ramp out of it. That way players wouldn't have to jump to get out of them. Or at least a ramp at either end.
Ill definatly add the barbed wire, that seem very interesting. As for land mines, im not entirely sure, ill have a play around with them. I agree that at the moment the sniper class is a bit OP. How do you think I could change it??? [br][/br]Edited by merge: just as a quick update: No where near enough money for barbed wire and shield doors im afraid. I toyed with the idea of just barbed with but I found it a bit repetitive and dull. As for the ramps, Ive added those, and i'm currently experimenting with landmines [br][/br]Edited by merge: Another update, I think ill put barbed wire outside both bases, but that may have to be just about it. [br][/br]Edited by merge: right, ive spread barbed wire around the map, and now im out of money, and out of pieces. [br][/br]Edited by merge: oh yes, and from what ive seen of stealth, its actually VERY useful. Still stuck on how to under power sniper though!
immune to headshots! also you could try tweaking the damage/ life/ shields percentages until the sniper takes an extra shot but other guns arent effected much
the only problem is that I want this map to work with multiple gametypes, and for that I can't really be editing them, only saying remove all AA's I have finished putting up barbed wire, and all the money is gone. I'm gonna continue playtesting now, so add me Oli The G