
Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by Spicy Forges, Feb 5, 2011.

  1. Spicy Forges

    Spicy Forges Ancient
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    High above installation 05, this ancient forerunner temple resides, waiting for the next sacrament of blood to be spilled...

    >DOWNLOAD V1.1<
    UPDATE 1.1:
    - Proper support for FFA gametypes
    - Fixed kill zones
    - Now supports stockpile
    - Objectives edited to be game specific (some flag stands were showing in slayer games)
    - Minor aesthetic edit

    This map is co-forge between me and Kittenpaste Company, created specifically for the 2v2 Throwdown contest. Special thanks to Gnappy As5a5sin and TheArdly.

    Backstory (its short but interesting):
    This map is created in a very unique place; high above the gulch, above the roof of forgeworld and in that large pocket of playable space up there. The location of the map allows for every object to not be affected by the light map. In other words, there are no dark or light objects, everything is uniform in light and makes it look spectacular.
    Also there is no framerate lag at all in single screen, but in split screen there is minor lag around the central area. We have attempted to cut down on as many objects as possible but there still seems to be some lag.
    The map is also based around a forerunner temple so you find mainly covenant weapons strewn about the map. There are 2 DMRs and 2 Magnums placed as well for convient ammo acces and for covy weapon haters.
    Also Kittenpaste kept saying we needed 'MOAR UP!' so we added a 3rd level of walls.

    Weapon/Equipment list:
    - 2x Stickies
    - 2x DMR
    - 2x Magnum
    - 2x Needle Rifle
    - 2x Needler
    - 2x Concussion Rifle
    - 2x Plasma Rifle
    - 2x Plasma Pistol
    - 2x Plasma Turret
    - 1x Gravity Hammer
    - 2x Evade
    - 2x Drop Shield













    >DOWNLOAD V1.1<
    #1 Spicy Forges, Feb 5, 2011
    Last edited: Feb 13, 2011
  2. Nobody Worthy

    Nobody Worthy Ancient
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    If I wasn't so tired (and resting my head on a pillow) I think my jaw would have dropped... seriously guys, this map looks freaking sweet. I'm really loving the basic and simple, yes awesomely thrown together design. Very nice use of forge pieces. I'll more than likely try to get a game on this and be back for more feedback.

    Judging on the screenshots alone though, I see that you have some turrets, although that surely adds a nice "twist" to things, I feel like they'll be more-or-less useless when it comes to actual gameplay. I'm also seeing a jetpack (or at least it looks like one)... and I really cant get a 100% feel (just by looking at the pics) but it does draw me some concerns of it being OP'd.

    I'm sure if things dont run smoothly though, this will turn into a great map. Awesome submission guys and I hope you fair well. I do wish someone would have made an asymmetrical map that looks/plays good for this though.
    #2 Nobody Worthy, Feb 5, 2011
    Last edited: Feb 5, 2011
  3. Kittenpaste Company

    Kittenpaste Company Forerunner
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    The turrets have actually proven to be quite useful in numerous tests, especially when detached. Many people don't realize just how fast they kill players. :p Nope, no Jetpacks on the map, check the list of stuff on the map. Thank you, though. n_n

    And holy ****, cry, you put that graphics together fast. XD Nice work! *high fives* Our baby looks so pretty. ;~;

    Just a heads up, Gnappy As5A5sin aided us in some design ideas as well as TheArdly. :3
    #3 Kittenpaste Company, Feb 5, 2011
    Last edited: Feb 5, 2011
  4. Nobody Worthy

    Nobody Worthy Ancient
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    Ah, yeah, that would have helped. --Well after view that list there... I'll replace my "jetpack" with the "dropshield"... ;P
  5. Spicy Forges

    Spicy Forges Ancient
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    Yeah turrets are actually quit powerful but added with the fact that they have no cover it becomes power weapon with a massive risk vs reward factor. No jetpacks, just cos. Also thanks for your comment! :D

    Me be da pro at the graphic design yep! Um what... anyway ignoring what I just said I have mentioned Gnappy and Ardly in the post. Gnappy helped a lot with minor adjustments and gameplay factors while ardly made those (horrible :p) walls? Anyway, you know if you helped and we thank you for that. :D
  6. Ociee

    Ociee Forerunner
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    I remember joining your game and checking this majestic beast out in its baby stages, it was awesome then but this is just straight up perfection now!

    I see you added turrets as well and Covy ones at that, nice job dude!
  7. Spicy Forges

    Spicy Forges Ancient
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    Thanks Ociee. I was never sure about the turrets (nor were a lot of other who saw the map in its early stages) but Kittenpaste insisted we have them there. After a couple testing sessions I joined the dark side and agreed to leave them in as they were actually quit useful (and now that I think, they are just awesome where they are)!

    Edited by merge:

    Found 3 new images that didnt appear before on Bungie! Ramps, and 2 aesthetic images. Aren't they beautiful?
    #7 Spicy Forges, Feb 6, 2011
    Last edited: Feb 6, 2011
  8. PacMonster1

    PacMonster1 Senior Member
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    I had a playtest on this using the 2v2 throwdown gametype. The map played well, the tall feeling really gives it that Bungie-esque feel to it. The hammer is the clear power weapon and whoever has it will certainly dominate with it for the period they can hold onto it. The dropshield is a good choice for tactical use. I forgot who was on my team during the game and who was on crypto's but their team used the dropshield and had the hammer. We couldn't attack them of course while they were in that dropshield and they got a few easy kills as we tried to dart in and grenade it.
  9. Eightball

    Eightball Forerunner
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    This map looks sweet. It looks like you guys put a lot of hard work into this map. I like how you used the antenna satellites to make a cool design. This map really looks like it was inhabited by the covenant. Good work.
  10. Spicy Forges

    Spicy Forges Ancient
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    True that the grav hammer and dropshield are a lethal combination but with the open and closed spaces of Progenitor a competent team could easily lure the grav hammer guy out and pick him off with the DMR.
    Thanks for the comment pacmonster! That tall feeling was something integral to the map and we really wanted to enhance it as much as possible.

    Edited by merge:

    Thanks mike. The antennas have been used a lot before like that but we couldn't work out what else would suit that central area. Also don't you mean forerunner inhabited, not covenant?
    #10 Spicy Forges, Feb 6, 2011
    Last edited: Feb 6, 2011
  11. Audienceofone

    Audienceofone Forerunner
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    I love these asthtetics and design. The map looks very impressive, Ill download and play it when I get some friends!
    the way the map is designed is just fantastic too, So unique. What inspired you two to make this map?
  12. Spicy Forges

    Spicy Forges Ancient
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    Funny story. It started with the idea of building something way above forgeworld, you know, above the boundary of forgeworld and in that playable space up there. I then placed down a grid and said "lets build". We had no idea so Kittenpaste decided to draw up a design... it turned out looking like a ***** BUT its where the idea of the circular structure and large walls came from. From there some guy (Ardly I think) helped us for a bit and laid down those amazing floors.
    The map was sort half planned, half just placing objects and seeing what would look nice. Turned out good didn't it?
  13. Audienceofone

    Audienceofone Forerunner
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    yes, your *****-map turned out really nice. haha, that just cracks me up! Anyway regardless it is really impressive. makes me want to work on some competitive maps now, instead of the mini game ones Ive been doing.
  14. MattKestrel

    MattKestrel Ancient
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    Played this a while ago for Tester's Guild and I must say I'm impressed. The map has a unique feel to it, which I always like posting about, and apart from that douche who kept 5-shotting everyone I thought it was a great and balanced experience. :p I especially liked the use of the Turrets, they were just there if you fancied picking them up and running around with them.
  15. Noxiw

    Noxiw Ancient
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    I played on this map once in testing, it really does play great and deserves a place on 2v2 enthusiasts. :)
  16. Spicy Forges

    Spicy Forges Ancient
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    Yeah thanks gnappy. It was a pleasure having you help out. You actually did quite a lot! :D

    Thanks Noxiw!
  17. Eightball

    Eightball Forerunner
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Idk how you quote...but, Yeahhhh...I meant Forerunner...haha. My bad. Still this map looks really good.
    #17 Eightball, Feb 7, 2011
    Last edited: Feb 7, 2011
  18. serumembryo

    serumembryo Forerunner

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    Map looks very professional and well done. I played this 2 days ago four player split screen. And even how much my friends sucked at throwdown, it was very fun. The aesthetics are amazing. Weapon placement is good and turrets are useful as well. This is one of the good Throwdown maps I played so far. 10/10
  19. Spicy Forges

    Spicy Forges Ancient
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    Wow 4 player split screen? How'd it hold up in terms of frame rate? Anyway thanks for your awesome comment!
  20. Marcass2021

    Marcass2021 Forerunner
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    i just got done playing with your map in forge and slayer. this is a great map. im keeping it on my HD.. and that says a lot. i only keep ones that i honestly beleive surpass bungie's ability. anyway, i did find some things you might want to fix.

    the walkway covers and brace large's you used to make those 2 tunnels. you might want to cover the gap between them on the top, if you crouch on the top of them you can get out of the killzone. and somehow (i wasnt able to do it again) i fell down between them and got stuck.

    and you might want a hard killzone outside the map. i was able to fly out with the jet pack and land outside the map alive. and i was able to fall all the way down to forgeworld and live.

    other than those 2 things, this map is amazing. keep it up

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