Anybody else every play it much? I loved it so much I even got a 50 (without cheating) but since Halo 3/Oblivion came out, haven't been playing it at all. I remember the campaign missions were so hard on Perfect Agent, but amazingly fun.
This game was fun when it first dropped, but compared to FPS of late it's terrible. The MP is a mild disaster and lets not even get into the achievements .... I was dissapointed in this game. Joanna was the only really good part.
Perfect Dark For N64 rocked but i got bored of the xbox 360 version so fast, it was the first game i ever played on a 360 as well. It just gathers dust at the moment on my shelf.
Yea i rented this and thought it was horrible... a total disaster. the N64 version owns the crap out of this even with its framerate problems
the n64 game was much better, ..... although the PDZero Joanna was a lot better ...... a lot .... yeah
I loved it, my friends and I use to play it all the time right at launch since it was that and COD2. I remember how I freaked out the first time I ever played it because it looked so damn pretty. I loved the textures.
Yea i suppose it was pretty. I still want someone to remake how PD on 64 had the multiplayer you could fight the AI bots. That was so fun.
Well zero has the ability to fight the AI bots ..... but they are crazy though, it's mildly funny to watch them fight each other.