
Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Nyte, Feb 4, 2011.

  1. Nyte

    Nyte Forerunner

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    Hello Hubbers. I know none have you have seen me around here since some of the drama happened. I do apologize for that but i needed to take a step out of the public eye and crawl into a corner and cut myself a few times before i actually designed a map that looked good and played amazing. 1 Problem. Too small. I redid that map and now im almost done with it. But that is not the reason i am here. The reason is because some of you may remember a map that i co forged with a buddy of mine back in the forging days of Halo 3. That map was named Ironyte. Now Irony and I are back in action and co forging another beautiful map designed specifically for the 2v2 Throwdown Contest. We are not nearly as close to being done as the preview screens will show.

    Iranex is the sequel, or the young naive little red headed step child/should have been aborted, baby brother of Ironyte. While Ironyte was Asymmetrical (examples; Guardian, Lockout), Iranex is Inverse Symmetrical (examples; Citadel, Sanctuary). I saw the 2v2 contest on forge hub awhile back and thought nothing of it because of all the drama that transpired so i just left it. Then Irony approached me with his big black balls swaying back and fourth, and said; "Nyte; I am probably not your father, but we are making a fricken map because i miss you." Then i looked him square in the eyes and said "Duuurrrrrrrpppppppppp"

    Irony made me realize a couple of things. 1. he has huge balls. like wtf. 2. He and I are among some of the few who are staying more towards Halo 3 style forging because he and i have realized that most of Reach's maps are just trying to damn hard to be good when the map just is not that enjoyable. It also seems people are over forging their maps, like they are putting too much aesthetics into their maps and not enough game play. For example i went into a person who will not be named's game, and he had all this random **** throughout the map and when i asked him what the purpose of this is, his response was always the same. It just LOOKS good. Wtf? ok it looks good but it rapes map flow and basically gives a butt plug to the map. So we tried to make our map not only play good by actually make it look like some one didnt take a giant **** in the middle of forge world and call it a map.​

    So i guess that about it. Here are some of our abortions screens;

    Just a couple of overviews.


  2. Spicy Forges

    Spicy Forges Ancient
    Senior Member

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    You have strange stories nyte...

    Anyway... the map looks pretty shmexy but infinished. Uh, what else, if I'm ever online let me have a look pl0x. Also isn't rotational symetry not inverse symetry? Last question, is it gonna be fully enclosed?
  3. Nyte

    Nyte Forerunner

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    1. it is shmexy, we are are still testing it. Yes you may have a look anytime you'd like. Rotational would be maps such as onslaught, warlock. Inverse is similar, but there are 2 sides, not four. and fully enclosed, no sir, its staying how it is due to the plain fact that it will take more skill to bounce a nade off of the limited walls or objects then have a map fully enclosed and drop randoms nades across the map just because you can. The Throwdown gametype only starts you off with one grenade so you need to be able to save it and use it when needed.
  4. Erupt

    Erupt Forerunner
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Hey get on right now so I can ytest this! Seriously it looks pretty sweet. And I wont have anythin against it because my map that I was gonna submit has minor splitscreen framerate, so its ineligable. Sigh, anyways sorry I haven't been playing with you guys lately, but at least this gives me incentive! <3
  5. AceOfSpades

    AceOfSpades Talented
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    This looks really nice. I really love what you did with the Tunnel, Longs, especially.

    Can't wait to see it released.
  6. Nyte

    Nyte Forerunner

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    thank you my good sir, i haven't seen anyone do it so i'm kinda waiting for some one to release a map with what i did and then someone say i ripped the idea from them. it happens too often with original ideas, you think you the first to do it and boom, someone posts a map that has your idea (well i guess it was theirs also.)

    but yes i am also pretty pumped to release it, right now irony and i are debating whether or not to keep Camo or change it back to OS. The main reason is because the throwdown game type is a pre-patched game type (random OS, if you move your visible when you have camo) and you cant really tell who has OS until they start eating all of your bullets or you see them pick it up, i talked about this with a few members of FH in the chat box and everyone said i was trolling when i was just suggesting that they take a few moments to get a patched game type.

    So anyone who was in on that conversation i do apologize if i came off as an ass, but some people were just not thinking about the game at all angles, and one last thing, before arguing whether something about the game is broken or not broken, make sure you understand both sides of the argument before stating your opinion, because if you dont, then try to first research a bit and prove your statements to be not just poop that random people feel about the game, but valid points for or against your argument.

    EXAMPLE: You have to stay still for camo to work fully.

    Pros: I feel as if camo was powered down from halo 3 to reach, so you cant just run around freely and do as you please for 30 seconds. Its not over powered so you pick it up and run clearly across the map to hit a back smack or whatever. No sprint camo, thats self explanatory. You actually have to play smarter to avoid being seen.

    Cons: You cant break a set up as effectively. You have to camp for it to work. You cant be as "sneaky" When moving your visible which totally contradicts the purpose of picking up camo. (come on, if you were a sniper in the army, would you wear dark green camo in the snow? yea.. i totally would)

    Now that was a short example but all in all, its your opinion, and everyone is entitled to their opinion and i respect that, but before you start an argument because someone opinion is not the same as yours, make sure you understand their side of the argument as well so you have more to say than "derp camo isnt broken its just different durp derp." Yes its different. congrats for pointing that out, you win the outstanding member of FH for the year. :3

    Good day sirs =)
    #6 Nyte, Feb 6, 2011
    Last edited: Feb 6, 2011
  7. Rorak Kuroda

    Rorak Kuroda Up All Night
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Well, it's incredibly simple, but not necessarily in a bad way. Looks like a citadel/midship cross, should be interesting.
  8. Nyte

    Nyte Forerunner

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    sticking to the halo 3 style forge, i feel as if people are over forging their maps now a days and in some cases ruining the entire map. i keep it simple, keep it sexy.
  9. Bleuprint

    Bleuprint Forerunner

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    This map is sweet and plays super awesome and I'm not just saying that because I beat you 1v1 on it (tbc..). Keeping simple, sexy and smooth is the way to go. Lovering this map, especially top mid ;)
  10. Nyte

    Nyte Forerunner

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    haha jeff you beat me by one point, and im constantly changing stuff to improve gameplay and promote map movement.
  11. Oo iRoNy oO

    Oo iRoNy oO Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Hey have you done any work on the map lately? I feel kind of bad that I haven't really done much lately because I've been pretty darn lazy.
  12. Lord Duckington

    Lord Duckington Ancient
    Senior Member

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    WELL SAID!! Oh, and the map looks freaking AMAZINGG!
    I agree with the over-forging thats going on, its getting really ridiculous.
    I love you you keep it sexy ;)
  13. Nyte

    Nyte Forerunner

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    haha yea i have i just need to submit it now.

    over forging is getting out of hand my good sir. i think people think if they are not using 95% of their budget just adding simple little things that dont really serve a purpose is just a waste of budget and frame rate. for example, i replaced 8 pillars on a friends map that were comprised of 5 pieces a pillar, so it was about 40 pieces for the pillars. and i cut it down to 2 pieces per pillar and saved him 24 pieces in a matter of about 5-10 minutes. my only advice is just to use objects wisely and dont be silly. lol
  14. Jex Yoyo

    Jex Yoyo POETRY, bitch.
    Senior Member

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    Yeah, this story wasn't as good as your last one. It looks like you were getting tired, and the top level of it was rather dull. I do like the IRONY of you saying that IRONY has massive balls, that really tickled me. Overall, the story needz moar interlokz 2/5

    Oh yeah, and I'm totally gonna steal those ramps cus they turned me on.
  15. Nyte

    Nyte Forerunner

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    haha i have a couple vids of gameplay on it to cap, and then imma release it tonight and submit it
  16. seredhras

    seredhras Forerunner

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    I do believe that your map is rotationally symmetric by 180 degrees, as in, if you rotated it (or Sanctuary) 180 degrees, it would be the same.

    I'm interested in what exactly those grassy areas do, are they jump ups or are they just there for aesthetics (because they do break up the grey nicely)
  17. Jex Yoyo

    Jex Yoyo POETRY, bitch.
    Senior Member

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    Yeah, this is true by the way. I meant to say something, but I totally forgot lol. Thats what I get for being sarcastic :)
  18. Nyte

    Nyte Forerunner

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    oh what ever i just like to call it inverse symmetric cause its easier dammit, and jex, your a damn tard. lol. but i love you anyway =) i should be releasing/submitting this tomorrow.

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