Remake Burial Hills

Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by hiddengamer, Feb 5, 2011.

  1. hiddengamer

    hiddengamer Forerunner

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    Burial Hills is a fairly accurate remake of the Halo 2 map Burial Mounds. Weapons are the same, with some weapons being replaced by their respective Halo Reach counterparts. The best example of this is the beam rifle being replaced by a sniper rifle (NOT a focus rifle). The warthog and ghost return. The best gametypes for the map is still One Flag CTF and Team Snipers. Burial Hills plays almost the same as the Halo 2 version.

    Some limitations of the map include the colosseum walls outlining the map instead of the well known rocks and hills the original had. This is because of no more rocks or building blocks are available. They are already used inside of the map. Also, some areas are a little rough, because of the complex inclines of the original. Killzones line the outside walls of the map. Soft Killzones line the tops of the buildings and most objects a certain distance above the map (for jetpackers). There is also a warning soft killzone at the top of the map, and then a hard killzone if a jetpacker goes too high.

    The map has gone not gone through much testing, just to check general killzones and gametypes. Hope you enjoy!

    #1 hiddengamer, Feb 5, 2011
    Last edited: Feb 6, 2011
  2. The Trivial Prodigy

    Senior Member

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    I would remove the outermost walls and replace them with some kill zones, and maybe some rocks for scenery beyond the map. The walls just look like they don't belong.

    Also, you may need a longer description. 500 characters is like a short, 3-4 sentence paragraph.
  3. hiddengamer

    hiddengamer Forerunner

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    Thanks for the tips about the longer description, this is my first post on Forgehub. I know the walls don't flow with the original design, but I'm out of rocks and I'd rather there be walls instead of a dropoff, as that would play much closer to the original.
  4. oz0 Bradley 0zo

    oz0 Bradley 0zo Forerunner

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    Wow, burial mounds is a hell of a map to recreate, i don't think i have seen it done before, nice job with it. Of course it wont be perfect but I think you have done well and the map looks nice, but does it have the same feel as BM?
  5. Wow, very nice remake. As the above posted stated, I have never thought anyone would ever try to recreate this map, it looks... phenomenal. The outer wall, looks fine to me, but since it's your map, do what you wish, either keep the walls or add a Kill Zone. But all in all, this map looks great.

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