Weird Map Overwrite

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Tedium, Feb 4, 2011.

  1. Tedium

    Tedium Lead Writer
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    Yeah, so I was working on this map of mine (let's call it "Tedium's Map") for ages and I decide to take a break. I load up someone else's map (Say, "Other Guy's"), make a small change and save that. I go to the list of map variants I have and select Tedium's Map. When the game comes back to the Forge Lobby, instead of "Tedium's Map" it says "Other Guy's" and when I load it up I'm in Other Guy's map.

    So now the map has been totally overwritten and I'm left without my map, and am stuck with a copy of another. Has this happened to anyone before? If not, what would you suggest I do? I've checked my Recent History of maps, but "Tedium's Map" is nowhere to be found even though I was on it only recently (Right before Other Guy's Map).

  2. Blaze

    Blaze Sustain Designer
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    This has happened many times to people including myself. Theres nothing you can do about it, sadly. :(

    The only thing you can do, is work to not have this happen again in the future. Save 2 copies of each map, or put it in your fileshare everytime youre done making changes, finish it in one sitting or something like that. :/
  3. Tedium

    Tedium Lead Writer
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    Do you have a lot of maps on your hard drive? I'm wondering if it has something to do with that.
  4. Titmar

    Titmar Le Mar du Teet
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    i have a shitload of maps saved and this has happened to me a couple times,
    but it turned out to just be a weird glitch and when i rebooted the system it was working normally again.
  5. Tedium

    Tedium Lead Writer
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    I tried that but to no avail though I'll keep it in mind. Thanks guys.
  6. leegeorgeton

    leegeorgeton Forerunner
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    This just happened to me a few nights ago. I was moving back and forth between two maps I'm finishing up. When I tried to open one of them up again, I was in the other map. I thought I'd just mistakenly chose the wrong map, but unfortunately that wasn't the case. No matter what I did, every time I chose the map with the correct name of the file I wanted, I'd end up in the other map. I even restarted the Reach disk, then even the system, but nothing could save the file. Fortunately the one I lost was a recently saved version of another file so I only lost about 3 hours of work, mostly spawn points and objectives.

    Still a bit scary though. From now on, I'm going to save a new version each time I start a new session to ensure at worst I only lose one session's worth of work.
  7. Gnappy

    Gnappy Ancient
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    When this happened to me, two of my maps got swapped. I just found the map that my progress was on and resaved it.
  8. RichIBuildJumps

    RichIBuildJumps Ancient
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    Happened to me with a finished map I hadn't even touched for about a month, got erased. Dunno what the cause is, probably because Bungie made the game
  9. Nemihara

    Nemihara Ancient
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    This has happened to three of my maps. From what I can tell, it has to do with being at the top of the list of variants. My test map called 'Airena' was overwritten by what I loaded up next, called 'Forgeinv'. Another map called '111' was overwritten by 'POW2'. I guess the best advice is to just name your maps so that they don't end up at the top of the list.
  10. Oo iRoNy oO

    Oo iRoNy oO Ancient
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    I just lost a map like that a few days ago. Boy did I get frustrated.
  11. Jex Yoyo

    Jex Yoyo POETRY, bitch.
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    The thing that commonly causes it; if you forge on one map, then switch and open up another, sometimes clicking "Save Map" instead of "Save as New" causes it to save as the last map you were working on.

    I've done it with the default forge-world varient... which is really interesting. It has no name or details and when you load it up; no objects.

    I just reccomend saving as a new map every time you switch, unless you just turned on the console. That way there is no chance for it to happen unless you get the bad side of some terrible glitch.
  12. Ociee

    Ociee Forerunner
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    OMFG I hate it when this happens, I find putting them on your fileshare at all times works best, lost probably 10 maps from this glitch.

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