I know BioShock came out ages ago, and everybody who'd be interested has probably already played it. But how many of you are there? Personally I think it's one of the most amazing single player campaigns that are out there, but what about you guys? Also, check out this insanely amazing BioShock commercial. It's just showcasing all the game's good reviews, but it's definitely worth a watch.
Speaking of Spike's VGAs... I've never actually played CoD4, or any CoD games for that matter. I'm guessing it's probably worth it though.
It's truly worth it. CoD2 was all I ever played until H3 came out, and I still believe CoD2 is great. Sarge... isn't it a new Price? :/
bioshock was a better single player game, but with multi COD4 is slightly better...bioshock was pretty amazing..did u beat it yet? cuz the ending is teh pwnz0rz
technically speaking... they haven't confirmed if it is a new Price, but he's in every single Infinity Ward CoD, and as long as the options out there that hes immortal like me... then ima go with that... and Insane... yes I beat it... once on easy (to get the story) then straight to Veteran
I beat games after marathon sessions (unless its like oblivion) For example... my friend just beat KH2 and I asked him to borrow it over the weekend, he said bring it back on monday, I agreed... I brought it back, took me 18 hrs and I was a level 20 when I beat it...he was amazed I beat Portal in like an hour or 2...then I went off to play halo... then CoD4 came out... beat that over the weekend (on easy) then got assassin's creed, beat it....went back to CoD4... beat it on veteran lol
I rather like BioShock's utopia gone awry story. All of the tape diaries and scenery details portray a once thriving city. Also, through the whole game, everything is told brilliantly without tearing you once out of the first-person view. It's like Half-life or Portal, and it makes the story more real. Geez Sarge, you're quite a powergamer. Are you actually able to pay attention to the whole story, rushing like that? Portal was a kickin' game, I'm working on getting gold medals on all of the advanced challenges.
I have played every Call of Duty games (even the original on computer). You do not have to play the others to understand 4 it is a completely different story. -Donuts
....um...bioshocks story is amazing...way better than COD4's thats forsure....especially the ending, its just like mindblowing right there.... halo 3's story FTL
Halo's story was OKAY. It wasn't great, but then again it wasn't terrible. Like I said, BioShock's story is pretty sweet.
I like to take my time when beating a game...With Cod4 I beat it on hard first then started to go back and beat it on veteran....The only level I had trouble with was the Airplane....Although I have yet to start the ferris wheel level Bioshock on the other hand is amazing....You guys check out the new DLC for it? New plasmids and the new achievment....Beat the game on hard without using a Vita Chamber! Story is amazing unlike any other game Cod4 story is ok but not great Halo has way to many holes plus who wants to read 5 books. Assassins Creed story was pretty good but nowhere near Bioshocks level or storytelling-The camera is pretty cool in Assassins Creed though
That new achievement looks mega-hard. I haven't found much use for the new plasmid, but the gene tonics are helpful.