Platform 2.0

Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by FreakyTy, Feb 5, 2011.

  1. FreakyTy

    FreakyTy Forerunner

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    Well here we are, Platform 2.0 is an updated version of my map Platform, so I bet you're wondering why there is a seperate thread, well thats becuase if you take a look at Platform so much changed they're two completly different maps.

    List of changes:
    1) First of and most notable would be the bridge system, I expanded it to a whole lower level and added two more rooms to the bottom of the map for a more close quarters battle area, while the top which is focused more for mid to long range fire fights.

    2) I removed the teleporters and the seperate island from the map completely, and there is now no sword present becuase of this.

    3) Becuase of all the new space added to the map there are now signifigantly more weapons scattered about. (See below for a list of weapon changes).

    4) The map becuase of it's altered state is now more suitable for a big team game and supports all BTB and multi team game modes, and there are two new flags added to stockpile and two more hills for king of the hill.

    5) Added a few needed soft kill zones to keep a-hole campers away.

    6) I also made support looking like structures to give the impression it's actually been built high up. As opposed to just floating randomly amongst the clouds, which I really don't like Probably the main reason they were added.

    7) Lastly there are now barriers on the top level to make the area feel less open and more like a patform itself, I also added barriers to the the rocket spawn to make it harder fo them to get away with them quickly.


    Previous version-

    DMR x4
    Assualt Rifle x2
    Sniper Rifle x2
    Grenade launcher x2 (only 3 shots each)
    Shotgun x1
    Rocket Luancher x1
    Plasma Pistol x2
    Needler x2
    Needle Rifle x2
    Energy Sword x1
    Frag grenades x4
    Plasma grenades x4

    This Version-

    Magnum x4
    DMR x8
    Assualt Rifle x4
    Sniper Rifle x2
    Grenade launcher x2 (only 3 shots each)
    Shotgun x1
    Rocket Luancher x1

    *There are now two mounted machine guns for each team added.

    Plasma Pistol x2
    Needler x2
    Needle Rifle x4
    Plasma Repeater x2
    Cuncussion Rifle x2 (1 spare clip each)
    Energy Sword (Removed from map)
    Frag grenades x9
    Plasma grenades x9

    I feel now that this map is one hundred percent complete (I even consumed the entire budget, thats a first for me :p), but if you find anything that could use a change or is bugged let me know and I'll gladly fix the problem. Now here are some screens.

    Thumbnail over head veiw. Also note the supports.

    The upper middle section/rocket spawn.

    The new bridge system 1 of 11

    2 of 11

    3 of 11

    4 of 11

    5 of 11

    6 of 11

    7 of 11

    8 of 11

    9 of 11

    10 of 11

    11 of 11 (how you get to the catwalk)

    The newly designed lower levels with shots of the supports.

    Okay scince I'm getting feedback saying it looks confusing I'll try to explain the catwalks. Basically each base has a small box like structure hanging off the side of the platform that will take you to the catwalk. Youll come to an intersection that splits into two different directions, one leading straight, and the other leading to the left.

    If you go straight you'll almost immediatly come to a corner that has a support attached to it that you can use to go to the lowest level quicker then if you progressed on ward along the catwalk. Coming in to the room you'll notice two more directions to travel straight and this time, right. going either way will take you to the support that leads you down.

    (Back at the intersection) Going left will take you down anoter small incline to a set of conjoined rooms with a bunch of pillars coming down in three rows of three. In the center lies the shotgun.

    Hope this helped!

    Final note: Remeber this map is completly symetric excluding one set of supports, but those don't actually factor into gameplay so the play feild is.

    Have fun!
    #1 FreakyTy, Feb 5, 2011
    Last edited: Feb 6, 2011
  2. GameTime49

    GameTime49 Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    this is such a massive and complex map!!!!! even with a billion teams and a full party i can see how ppl would easily get lost in here and have long search time before fighting

    for big team stuff definitely put some air vehicle in here

    also post some more pics of the under sides and catwalks
  3. Zuceeny

    Zuceeny Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    #3 Zuceeny, Feb 5, 2011
    Last edited: Mar 24, 2017
  4. FreakyTy

    FreakyTy Forerunner

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    I'll see what I can think of where to put them anyway.

    As for the walls Im awaiting you're reply I tried to make it feel more compact with the stuff in the middle, but wasnt sure.

    Thanks for the feed back :)
  5. 4shot

    4shot Bloodgulch
    Senior Member

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    Long range maps are supposed to be open. It's a very effective way for snipers to gain an upper hand.


    Map looks good, slightly uninteresting, but the top level reminds me of Sandbox to some extent. I'd need more screenshots to get a good picture of this map, but I'll give it a download for now.
  6. FreakyTy

    FreakyTy Forerunner

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    Okay thanks, I'll add a few more then.

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