
Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by GameTime49, Feb 3, 2011.

  1. GameTime49

    GameTime49 Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    so i made this symmetric map during winter break, winter break 1 to be exact since the world decided to shut down after a few inches of snow

    anyways i wanted to make a map that had some lava in it. After seeing the magic that my forgehub buddy nutduster did in one of his maps, eruption i think it was called where he had a map overlooking a volcano, and asking for permission of course, i delved deep underground to make what i like to call input

    the map goes as follows:
    • underground highway under construction
    • trolly thing that is digging away at the ground
    • lava
    • a drill piece in the lava
    • dark colors
    • intruding lava on already constructed highway road
    • more lava
    as you can see i like lava

    so here are some pictures i took of the map. no specific order, but here they are
    btw, the lava doesn't look that good in these pictures because its not moving, but in playing the map it looks pretty nice if i do say so myself






    the teleporters are there if you get stuck, they put you on the other respective side of the trolly wheels





    More in depth detail about the playing of the map:
    (for those to lazy to try for themselves)

    the map has obviously a gap between the sides and the middle trolly. the jumps aren't that difficult to make but when your on the lower section of the trolly, it can be alot more difficult. in fact, getting through the lower trolly gap is pretty difficult if you're trying to kill someone as well. you can see the gap in the lower trolly directly above on the lowest picture

    the top areas are pretty open, which adds risk to going up there, but their are rewards. Besides rockets being on the trolly, you can also find that having control of the top trolly will give a key strategic point in watching over the lower area of the trolly.

    the lower areas around the trolly are very much vertical fighting. It is key that one should definitely look around and check their corners before going in

    well thats it
    thanks for looking at my map
    if you have terrible things to say about my map please do... i give you full permission to...terrible can be terribly good or terribly bad

    Edited by merge:

    more photos on next page if you want to see a more overview look
    #1 GameTime49, Feb 3, 2011
    Last edited: Feb 5, 2011
  2. Eightball

    Eightball Forerunner
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Wow, good job with the lava, it looks so realistic. Sweet map man.
  3. firedrone8

    firedrone8 Forerunner

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    I really like the map, but I cant really understand how it looks like from the picture. try deleting walls and give us a side/over view. Because i see a drill on the other die of the rocks too (WTF). The pics here are too confusing
  4. Collateral Rage

    Collateral Rage Forerunner

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    Cool lava effect. Without reading, I kinda saw what you were going for, its a pretty good concept. Maybe if you did a V2.. on infection ? Lets say.. UNSC engineers are trying to protect the trolley while some kind of lava monster things attack ? lol
  5. Ociee

    Ociee Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Nice lava bro, also could you maybe get up a overview pic if that's possible, it would give me and others a better feel of the map. Maybe a weapons list as well?

    Nice aesthetics too.
  6. GameTime49

    GameTime49 Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    here u go, i did it in forge real fast so sorry for the spawns and objective stuff







    Edited by merge:

    what do you think the best way of going about making a v2 would be?
    #6 GameTime49, Feb 5, 2011
    Last edited: Feb 5, 2011

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