I'd like to see a Halo 2 remake, along with that. All the really good maps were gone after the first two Halo games. I mean, The Pit, Construct, Narrows, Guardian, Heretic, and a couple others were good, but they weren't nearly as good as the maps from the first two. I'd like to see a remake of Damnation and Battle Creek.
The Pit is one of the best Halo maps of all time, if not the best. As a whole though, Halo 2 by far had the best multiplayer levels in the series. It had better vehicle combat as well. Waterworks, Headlong, and Containment are some of the best big team battle maps.
You're looking at one serious Pit fan here, and also someone who barely played H2, but can you really call Pit the best? It's one of those maps that worked much better for CTF than it did for TS, the latter being inherently slow if the players/teams knew what they were doing. I don't think you can call a map even possibly the best if it plays arguably the core team gametype not as well as other maps. I genuinely prefer Asylum for TS, and only wish I'd clocked on to H2 enough to experience Sanc a bit more.
That makes me somewhat angry because I know it won't be the same now. Also, if there are ANY story tweaks whatsoever, I'm gonna **** bricks. I also generally didn't like Timeshift, so that's making me not like this even more.
I have to agree with Stick. On one company can recreate CE, that would be bungie. Though in who vile they say, the 343 industries grew their heart 3 times bigger than before that day. If this is just a myth then **** Dr. Seus.
I have no faith in that..Bungie made Reach. They added a lot of things to the Halo multiplayer sandbox that made the came much more catered to the casuals. CE is very not a casual game and it is likely that they would have attempted to turn it that way.
YouTube - M. BISON LIKES TO SAY YES thank you. im tired of not having chief so i dont get trolled or flamed lets just say i want the halo 3 cliffhanger ansewed, ive been waiting 2 games. i liked reach but i would swap odst for halo 4 in a heart beat
According to major nelson, there will not be a halo 4 in 2011. Halo media yes, probably another Greg Bear book, I suggest picking up the first in the series he just released. Nor would I expect a halo 4 in 2012 honestly. As far as who should redesign Halo CE....You guys do know Bungie didn't make the PC version of Halo CE...Gearbox did. So it isn't unprecedented for a different developer to take assets given to them by the original developer and redesign a game based on that.
I'd be happy if Halo 4 is never created. I'd rather spin-offs that don't involve Chief. I've always wanted to see a story that revolves around the Covenant and not the UNSC. The Arbiter missions were some of my favorites back in Halo 2. On the topic of Halo: CE, I guess I should probably get around to finishing it. I'm glad to see it being remade though. Can't wait to see how great it looks with some new graphics.
Amen! And 343 is composed of many former Bungie employees who were involved with the earlier titles ya know... I've got high hopes for 343.
If thats the case, I now hate Red Dead Redemption because I hated GTA4. I also now hate Black Ops because I hated WaW. I hate Mirrors Edge because I didnt like Battlefield bad company. Because a company makes one game badly, or one you dont like, doesnt mean another game they make is even going to be slightly similar. And I hated Timeshift too, but it had great multiplayer. Anywhoo....**** YEAH. I should really upload a pic of the latest OXM magazine that has an interview with 343 in which 343 mentions that they have NO Halo games coming out this year, but there are some books and other things. Cant wait for this. And for all of you who are afraid they will change the campaign at all: They wont. Lets just hope Multiplayer is epic, and that the engine lives up to all the other engines used to run Halo games. [br][/br]Edited by merge: 1. 4 books are confirmed for release this year. 2. Gearbox helped port it, they didnt outright redesign it at all.
It was the same engine that the xbox version was on. They didn't change anything at all. I never played RDR and I did hate GTA4 I do hate Blops and I do hate WaW I love Mirrors Edge and I never played BfBC All I'm saying is their track record isn't good seeing as the only game they have out (to my knowledge) wasn't very good. Also, the main point I was trying to make was that they're not using the Reach Engine which means they're attempting to remake the greatest game in the Halo series on a completely different engine. This kind of worries me as to how it will stack up against the original.