I dont have a house, or an '07. I assume from your avatar you got a subaru?? Me too! 2004 WRX (not sti, couldnt afford it ) full turboback and bov i cant drive right now for like a few years so yea but i do have it lol
Personally I didn't really like the multiplayer (preffering CoD2 and Halo 3) but that's probably because idiots called in airstrikes left and right and I only played 2 matches However, the single player campaign is the best in the business. Simply put, its FREAKING AWESOME. The sniper mission (All Ghilied Up, One Shot One Kill) developed beautifully within the story and didn't feel like a mere plot ploy or filler segment, its also my favorite mission in the game, seeing as how I'm an inherent sniper in any game (its like a drug, I'm drawn towards that weapon). I've digressed long enough... GET THE GAME NOW!!!
No offense, but its my opinion dude. I only played two matches because I disliked the gameplay extremely, I'll probably try it again in a few days now that I have it back.
On the release date i think halo and cod4 both had equal hype, but its the extra features that will keep halo alive years longer that cod. I bought cod 4, played it for a couple weeks, got to 55 and now i dont want to restart. Why would i do that? Halo will by far outlast cod 4 no question.
But the ranking system is messed up. I was a 2 and I played 3 level 55`s. I pick up any weapon I can . The campaign hasn't really stood out to me yet, but I haven't gotten that far either.
Is an awesome game, however the singleplayer makes me so angry because there are some really hard parts that you just keep playing over andover. -Donuts
I haven't tried the single player yet. But i just played multiplayer for hours, and so far my conclusions are: *Its very fun and the graphics are awesome *The level design kicks ass *Caters way too much toward campers *Deep Impact and Juggernaut perks are super lame and unbalanced. *Matchmaking system is quick and hassle-free *Matchmaking system is unbalanced as all hell- ----I mean, come on, Im a low level and it puts me with people who are like level 50-200, there's like no skill based rank to it, its just exp and random matchups. I was against a clan of like all people who were over level 55. Other than that, its freakin awesome. Not as good as halo though.
Halo 3 takes actual skill to get to the top ranks, but I do love COD4 though. Man that barret .50 cal to someone's face makes me tingle all over.
I think it is fun but...it is way to easy to own. I've had it for 2 days and I always come out with great ratios (ex: 19/4). It isn't really skill based at all either, all the matches put you with like level 30's and 55's.
Its an endless levelling ladder, theres like 650 levels or something, thats why its so addicting to so many people.
Split screen is fun..I stayed up half the night playing with 3 other people on one xbox and we played the funnest games....Only pistols...Only knifes...Only snipers on shipment.... Such a good multiplayer game
i agree CoD is very addicting...but i only have a slight problem w/ prestige...you lose EVERYTHING when u go through that...i hated it but the good thing is that u level up pretty quickly becuz uve already gone thru the ranks regularly...but i styll wish u didnt lose everything when u went thru prestige
the game was on sale at Target last week for $37 so I bought it. I must say the MP is pretty damn fun. Halo 3's MM is definately getting a vacation for awhile. As long as XBOX LIVE stops having issues.
i just got it a few days ago. im lvl 23 or something but i was just wondereing what game type u guys play on to lvl up so fast.i always come in the top 3 in FFA but it still takes forever to lvl up. im completing challenges and everything. my friend has had it a few days longer than me and hes already lvl 40. any tips would be appreciated.