Well its here, Version 2 of my remake of the best Goldeneye multiplayer map, Complex. Let me restate why I put so much time into this map. While I was on forgehub.com a while back I came across a remake of Goldeneye Complex. I couldn't resist the download as Complex is my favorite map from Goldeneye. I saw a few things I didnt like. I wanted to see if there were other remakes of Complex, so I seached all custom content for the words Complex and Goldeneye (even perfect dark). I downloaded all of them. They all said near perfect, or exact remake, or best remake. Every single one of those maps were terrible. I thought it was awful what they had done to Complex. The one remake I found on forgehub was way better than any others. but it still wasn't good enough for me. I set out to make an exact remake. and I mean Exact. I spent 12+ hours on this map, playing an emulator of Goldeneye on my computer at the same time, so i could check and double check everything I placed. I used the design the original complex had on the walls to make measurements. For example the room I call the arena room turned out to be a 22x14 room (in halo reach terms it would be a 7x11). Of course I put in all of the secret rooms, they were the main feature in Complex, but I could not completley cover them in capture plates due to the object limit on capture plates. V2 is finished and ready, with more gametypes than V1 and a ton more aesthetics and cool scenery. Changes in V2. in order make this map better than it already was I: Spoiler replaced all of the floors which luckily got rid of all the bumps and cracks from the colesuem walls. changed almost every wall, to free up more blocks and walls/doors. added in the grid window in the Window Room. reshaped the left side of the balcony in Window Room (to the correct shape) added in scenery at the bottom of the pit. and made both shield doors level added the 30° ceiling in the cone room. Added my signature levitating cone to the Cone Room. remade the walls in the Column room, and added a 45°. ceiling to the other side of the column room. added the ceiling in the red room. added the railing on the main level in the Pit. Added in a glass wall with a Ghost behind it in the Ghost room. added 2 more jet packs and moved the 1st one from the bottom of the canyon to the top. added ceiling decoration in the Lobby and Arena. Made Headhunter, Territories and stockpile available. fixed most z fighting (not on the secret rooms). Weapons: you can always edit the weapon set if you like. Spoiler DMR x4 Needle Rifle x3 Needler x2 Gravity Hammer x1 (2 minute respawn) Concussion Rifle x1 Plasma Pistol x3 Rocket Launcher x1 (150 second respawn and only 2 shots) Grenade Launcher x1 Plasma Grenades x8 (or 6 i can't remember, lol) Sniper Rifle x1 Shotgun x1 (90 second respawn and only 6 shots) Plasma Repeater x2 Spiker x2 Hologram x1 Drop Shield x1 Jet Pack x3 Now, The pictures (if you want to see the changes for yourself, here is a link to V1) http://www.forgehub.com/forum/reach-competitive-maps/114431-goldeneye-complex.html Right, back to the pictures! (NOTE: all room names are what I have named them, not real names). Map Layout (this picture is a rough sketch, not exactly to scale) Spoiler The Lobby The Arena The Pit The Cone Room (why the cone room? Behind the glass wall on the upper level is my signature for every future map that I make, A cone levitating between 2 receiver nodes.) The Window Room (I was unaware, but i had the shape of the left side wrong and remade it to the correct shape.) Reverse shot of the Window Room The Canyon Reverse shot of The Canyon The Ghost Room The Office The Vent The Red Room The Column Room Well, there it is. If you want to see more pics to get a better feel of the layout, check out the spoiler below. Spoiler Video Walkthrough Spoiler Video Walkthrough YouTube - Marcass2021's 007 Goldeneye Complex Remake for Halo Reach Most Downloaded and Most Recomended YouTube - Marcass2021's Goldeneye Complex Remake Most Downloaded Sorry for the Quality of the videos, used a digital camera Notes for the Rooms. 1. There are killzones at the bottom of the Canyon and the Pit. so don't worry about getting stuck down there. 2. Red team spawns in the Window Room. Blue Team spawns in the Cone Room. 3. You can NOT get in the ghost in the Ghost Room, not even from behind. 4. You can NOT get inside the Cone's window. 5. You can NOT get outside of the window in the Window Room. Remember, if you dont like the weapon set you can change it yourself, you have forge too. Comments from people on Previous Version. (I do not know any of them, so there is no Biased friend comments) Spoiler "This is amazing its a perfect remake of complex! If only we had Perfect Dark/Golden Eye weapons right? Its a sure download. 5/5" -HLG Scemo "10/10 best remake of complex out there. I doubt anyone will come close to beeting your remake." -Shatsbassoon914 "WOW, this map is amazing. I have downloaded maybe 10 versions of this map. none of them were even close to what you have made." -Quinnjohnhan "IMO Complex is the best multiplayer map for a FPS ever. And like you, I've downloaded every remake of it I've seen here and other places for both H3 and Reach. This is by far the best. Good job." -Dr D04K "Perfect remake, thank you. Best complex for sure, I saw the other ones, and you put them to shame" -MEN1CEtoSOC1ETY "One of the best maps ever. Seriosly." -Ziqqe1337 Please Comment and share your thoughts on the map. :also, if you could, please like the good tags or add your own and comment on the map on bungie.net.
Fun that you took my comment too But it's true. I played on this map with friends today, and they also loved it. Really close to the original, in both looks and feeling. Great work!
wow, I remember playing complex a long time ago and watching the photos of this map kind of got me a little nostalgic. from the photos this map seems incredible accurate in the layout and it doesnt look bad either. I will DL it so me and my brother can play it for old times sake ^^ good job man
Wow this map is BOSS! I think it's cool you have your own cone signature within every map you make. I love how your gird window (anyway I can borrow/steal it for my next map if i give you credit?). It is a PERFECT remake of arguable one of the top 3 best FPS maps of all time
I actually remember playing on this map even though I only played it once. Awesome job, maybe now I can be good at it
Love the map. Looks awesome. Would you kill me if i haven't played goldeneye? it looks awesome tho. Anyway, i was thinking maybe you could raise the height of the vent, so that way elites can fit through. It's your call, not mine, so by all means if thats how you want it keep it that way.
ha, ya dude you can use the grid window. just so you know its a pain lol. it blocks all the other items.. like if i wanted to grab the railing medium that i used for a post, it would grab the grid, then i would have to move the grid and then grab the railing. lol but its worth it. that grid window looks bad ass. =) [br][/br]Edited by merge: I'm trying to remember,.. i think i made the tunnel as high as possible, without giving spartans the ability to just walk through it. i, havent had anyone play an elite on the map yet, ill look into it though... and to Simjiv, ha. thats hilarious, i read your comment and thought who is this guy?.. then i saw that you were Zigge1337. lol thanks for commenting on my map on Bungie.net.. did you read that BS those douchers were posting on it? anyway. I'm glad you and your friends enjoy the map.
amazing map. I remember the neighbourhood kids coming over for a 3v1 against me on complex. Only map Id play. SO glad theres finally a perfect remake. Best FPS map ever made.
sick, you'll have to invite them over and kick their asses again.. only its been like 10 years so it might be creepy, lol. i agree with you on complex being the best FPS map. lol thanks, i remember you commenting on my previous version. when i first put the ghost in the window you could crouch and get into it from the wall in the lobby. but i moved it and angled it at 30° so now you can't get to it from the front or back. im glad you and your friends enjoy it. and ya the cone.. its already in my next map. I just have to make it available to more gametypes then get some friends to test it.
finally. someone that respects goldeneye enough to make a perfect remake. I too have downloaded everyremake of Complex and any other goldeneye remake. This map is indubitably the best remake of Complex out there. Your technique for measuring the maps prooves how dedicated you were to perfecting this map. All goldeneye fans should have a high respect for someone like you. someone how says they have a perfect rmake, and delivers that perfect remake. not like others ive seen. who said "perfect remake" and "To scale" and haveing a map that looks like something a 4 year old would make out of legos. So, thank you for giving us the best remake of goldeneye's complex. 10/10 hands down best remake out there.
i know lol, i couldnt beleive how many people were dishonoring Goldeneye by not pouring everything they have into their remake. also indubitably.. nice word choice. thanks for the comment and support
it's disappointing how they would just make something so bad and claim that its an accurate remake. I dont doubt that your's will be the best remake in Reach until Bungie makes one themselves... with real map editing tools, not forge.
This is pretty much the closest to a perfect remake of Complex as you're going to get. I really enjoyed the nostalgia trip I had when I played this last week. Naturally I turned off jump height and took out the armour abilities . The game does play well in Reach settings as well though, with the added fun of being able to jetpack in the canyon area and jump through windows. The inclusion of the "secret walls" from the original is a neat touch, but if I had one nit-pick to make it would be that those secret walls shouldn't show any gaps. In the original N64 map you wouldn't know if someone was behind those walls, but in this version I can spot people hiding through the gaps. If you've got the capture points to spare then I'd cover them up. Still, a brilliant remake. Also, those neat little aesthetic touches definitely help give it character without removing the design, so well done. It also feels as though it's been scaled-up from the N64 version, but it works well.
Oustanding. I've recently "remade" the Facility, but ran out of space when I got to the bathrooms and had to fudge it a little. This, however, looks great. I can't wait to DL it, and try it out. Good jorb!
ya i was just looking for a new map to play for fun, on the most downloaded and saw it my map on there. Glad you enjoy this version more than the last. and thanks for the "cone"plement. HA