Hey guys! This is my brand new minigame called XRS jenga! it is basicly the same as the halo 3 version except the zombie is now in a warthog and is flying over to bash down the tower himself! watch the video!!! YouTube - XRS jenga more pics coming soon
Halo jenga is awesome. i have a suggestion though. when the zombie goes through that teleporter, he doesnt reall yhave any control on the receiving end. i would make the hallway to the mancannons longer so they can aim their shots better
Well thats good because I have a couple ^^ I've played this map yesterday with some friends and the Idea of the game is awesome. but there was a couple of minor problems you should take a look at you should change the spawn time for the warthog because if you somehow loose it it takes 30 sek to get it back and you simply just dont want to wait that long. suggestion change it to 1 ;P and also one time I flew out from the vehicle in midair when I hit the pile of stuff and died falling down. and because there is only one life the zombie was killed and wouldnt spawn back. (gamekiller). suggestion: change the settings so you get unlimited lifes and make a spectators both for the dead humans to respawn in after they got killed. or even make a ramp from the other direction and have them join the zombie team so the pace of the game accelerates during the game ^^ nice map anyway.
wow i love thoose ideas thanks loads for the comments they will help a lot for when i make the secound version