Refinery Hello again. This is a Halo Reach re-imagination of Rust from CODMW2. I personally loved rust for tactical and entertainment reasons and wanted to build a similar map that worked for Reach. This is pretty much complete but has had limited testing. The map is based on Rust and I have made changes where I felt suitable whilst keeping the overall feel of the map. The map HAS a boundary, and before people think ''wtf there isnt any walls?'' I realised how stupid it is that people feel they need to put walls all the way around the map. It really isn't needed but anyway the rocks around the map help to navigate the boundaries. Any thoughts and feedback would be awesome. Map Facts Supports (Some need testing) KOTL,ASS,CTF,OB,INF,TS,JN,HH Players recommended 1-8 Everything is shaded green to give it a unique feel. Built in the "Canyon" of forge world. Budget used. 100$ or so remaining. 1 Warthog and 1 Mongoose for each team on asymmetrical game types. Weapon List 1xSniper Rifle 90sec 1xGrav Hammer 130sec Does not spawn at start 1xPlasma Launcher 100sec 1xConcussion Rifle 60sec 1xShogun 60sec 2xNeedler 50sec 2xSpiker 50sec 2xPlasma Pistol 2xMagnum 4xAss Rifle 3xPlasma Repeater 4xNeedle Rifle 5xDMR 7xPlasma Grenades 5xFrag Grenades 3xHealth Packs Pictures Preview map, latest version Any thoughts etc would mean alot. Peace x
Looks pretty good! I've seen a lot of Rust remakes, so it's nice to see one which has a little bit more than the rest. In your first picture, there doesn't seem to be any boundary to stop people from roaming free. Now I know you've mentioned that there are in fact boundaries, but that may not be clear to those of us who just skim over the pictures. Your reasoning for not having any is sound, but may not be accepted by some people anyway. A small issue, nothing more. For the most part the map looks pretty nice!
Thanks man, I actually like the fact you can stroll out the side of the map particularly when your ripping around in a mongoose or warthog! I was worried people wouldnt accept it but I think if they give it a chance it will change their minds. Did you get a chance to download it and have a look around? I had a look at your map man and its sweet also, I like the sketch up too. Add me up on live
I really enjoyed this map during the playtests. the boundary didnt bother me at all, I actually think its a original and better way to do it then allways slamming up colluseum walls all around every map ^^ nice map man!