Vendetta YouTube - Halo reach: Vendetta Hello all welcome to my latest map. This map has been built in the colosseum. I made it in here for 2 reasons. Firstly the frame rate inside here is better than on forgeworld and secondly for the colouring and shadows it gives to the objects. This is my first published map using the space provided for us by bungie. This is a competitive style symmetrical map working on many objective games. The map is divided into 2 sections red and blue, it is always clear where you are on the map and which way you are facing using the colouring. It focuses on the inclines around the base and the cannons that take you to the middle of the map and a plasma launcher. All weapons and cover are mirror imaged on opposite teams. This is a remake of a map I published although spelt wrong and didn't look as good or play as well as this version. It is improved mainly from reducing the weapons and changing some of the aesthetics and cover. Also I have added lots more initial spawns for 8 teams of 2, or for ffa. And I added a great deal of spawns. Weapons: 8 x frag 4 x plasma grenade 4 x assault rifle 6 x dmr (45 sec respawn) 1 x sniper (central lower 120 sec + 1clip) 1 x plasma launcher (150 sec) central mid 1 x sword (90 sec) central top 3 x needler rifle (45 sec) 1 x needler (45 sec) 1 plasma repeater (45 sec) 2 x plasma blaster 2 x shotgun (120 sec + 1 clip) Every weapon has been carefully placed, mostly stood up, against bridges or crates, all central weapons are also stood up including the sniper, and of course all are set to normal When setting respawns of weapons I used the same spawn time as bungie uses on maps. 4 x health stations 8 x oversheild (aesthetics red side) take = instant kill. After 3 - 6 minutes the juice effect comes into play. It makes the map look well, and it helps that you have seen the map in full lightness for the first 3 minutes of the match to know where everything is. It does darken the game very slightly. So thats about it, I have it working on on all ctf's,KotH, slayers, land grab & terretories, jug, stockpile. There are many spawns and respawns to improve gameplay. The weapons are all evenly placed mirrored in a symmetrical lay out. spawn & Anti spawn red and blue for the gametypes to ensure spawning is fair. Also on the 4 cannons going to the center, if you jump straight after landing you can continue jumping to the other end of the base, with no damage (very occasionally you may loose a fraction of your sheild depending on how you take initial cannon). 4 cannons to get to top floor, 4 teleporters under these set to send you to other end of YOUR base blue - blue etc. Playing and testing there has been no reports of lag. The reduction in weapons mainly rocket launcher, thanks to Anime for help .... which invoved him destroying me for over an hour with a rocket and shotgun. This helped greatly in reducing weapons increasing respawn times and reducing ammo count where applicable. Thanks Anime Comments and feedback are greatly appreciated. Hope you all like this as much as I do Thanks for looking Finaly some action shots from tuesdey night test Big thanks to all that took part in tuesday night testing, I'd add the pic of the names but it doesn't seem to work but I will get it fixed download here
Well, the aesthetics are amazing, as usual. I really like how it looks with the juicy effect. It looks like the kind of map that would play best with KoTH, or Headhunter, and maybe stockpile.
The aesthetics are definitely pleasing, however I dislike the height variation. The upper level is only accessible by lifts and seems isolated compared to the lower level. Shooting down/up between levels is more difficult than it should be for a competitive map in my honest opinion. I enjoy the lower level's layout in relation to competitive gameplay. It provides a nice balance of open areas and areas that require more close quarter fights. I like the arched bridges, they are always nice to have where you can afford them over straight, flat bridges. The pinwheels look amazing aesthetically, I am impressed on how creative you are with all of your maps.
Thanks! This is made for competitive, aesthetics came second on this map and emphesis has been made to make the level play fairly and evenly, lines of sight have been broken in many places to keep the map moving and flowing well. Thanks for your feedback & checking out my map [br][/br]Edited by merge: Thanks! I am glad to hear you also like the juicy effect, I am unsure how people will percieve it as many don't like the use of the fx, but bungie has kindly given us them so I have tried to use it as well as possible. It doesn't spawn instantly on the map. It takes 3 minutes to spawn. I feel this gives clear views of the map from the start, so when it goes juicy you are awear of the surroundings. I agree it is best suited with KotH and stockpile games, territories also plays well and 1 flag, also slayer plays well on both team and free for all Thanks for your feedback and checking out my map !
So I'm glad to see there's an updated version, but i've been trying to download this one since the last version.... Am i the only one that the live login isn't working for. it's really kinda getting annoying. EDIT: Nevermind i figured out for some reason it's just not working for my firefox?.... not sure why, lol.
Thanks! I am glad you like it. The oversheilds can be reached with jet pack or jumping, I have added instant kill so that it is impossible to get the oversheilds. I had to add kill zone as they would make the map un fair. [br][/br]Edited by merge: Hello, and thanks for checking out my map. I agree that there probably should have been a staircase from 1st to second. And cannons would be the only way to get up there. There are many ways down. The drop isn't far and you only die if you fall from very top of base to the ground, so as long as you drop down onto any platform there is no fall damage. I intended people to come down on either corner. In testing it wasn't a problem, but I agree it would propably help the flow of the map. Thanks for your feedback and comments. Definitly some things for me to take on board. [br][/br]Edited by merge: Hello ! Sorry to hear you are having problems downloading, hope you get it fixed asap. Add me up on xbox live if you like and we can play map and you can save off recent history. This version has quite a few improvements, it has much less weapons, rocket gone and a sniper has been added along with extra aesthetics. also I removed the wall outside so that you now can see forge world. Thanks for your constant support. Glad you got it fixed! Enjoy
You weren't by any chance influenced by my map, Parabolic, were you? You've got quite a few of the curved bridges, which I had in that map, and I remember you liking the bridge (at least you said you did in your reply.), so, is there any chance that that made you want to make them? (I know I wasn't the first to do it, Genome did it several months before)
styxman that was just a **** move on your part. If he was influenced by your map and used curved bridges who cares, imitation is the best form of flattery. Isn't this area meant to be critiquing someones map and not trying to toot your own horn? [br][/br]Edited by merge: Why is this listed as a remake if you don't mind me asking? I don't remember this map from anything, also why don't you just post 2 versions of the map, 1 with juicy and 1 without juicy and see which we like better? Maybe it plays fine with the juicy effects.
Hello, ok I remember your map, did have a few features I liked and commented on. I did also like the bridge. I commented on your map 1 week ago, I had already made the shape of this map by then, it also contained the small curved bridges. The upper bridges were added later. Directly...No I didn't copy your map, although perhaps from seeing your map it may have influenced slightly. But i don't think so to be honest. I first made the map making the inclines all around, then I added the small hunp bridges on either end, these are to break the lines up. The top bridges were added later in the version but were still part of the plan of the map. The bridge can be a useful bit of structure in breaking lines and creating some cover and elevation. [br][/br]Edited by merge: hello thanks for checking out my map and sticking in my corner about the bridges. I agree that good ideas can be used and adapted for individual maps. If we all take on board what we like off different maps on here and on bungie, eventually some awesome maps can be forged. But I wasn't copying anyony, but some times I am sure that I am influenced by seeing ggod forging. I was inspired to make a map in place I made as I liked xbg sicks maps in the same place and also Dieabolical. I like the colouring it gives. The juicy effect does come into play after 3 minutes. so you get to try both in the same download, but it is an interesting idea to have 2 downloads, although I do forge a fair amount and try to keep as much space as possible for new publications. Thanks for your feedback and checking out my map Also this is a remake, it has much more spawning changes in aesthetics and more gametypes and fewer weapons to play better
Man, I take a break from Reach and I come back and find this guy waiting for me! Dayum! I'll try to find some time this week amidst my papers to play this. Good to see your maps are still lookin good.
Thanks, hope you get your paper work sorted ha so you can have some fun! Thanks for checking in on my map! who's dayum? waiting for u? I didn't understand that lol
Thanks for the compliment, although I dont think my head will fit through the door now lol. Glad u like the map ! Thanks
People just don't see the potential in forge and all of the possibilities it has. If it weren't for maps like these, people would have quit playing halo 4 years ago. Looks like a great map. Some features looked dull until youadded the color effects. Thumbs up. Keep making maps.
Thank you! I am glad u like the map, I also like the effect, really gives nice colouring. Just been doing playtests tonight and it has gone really well and all people played liked and enjoyed so a result. The majority of play was going to the central part and jumping onwards, or holding central part. The above parts stopped camping as there were atleast 4 ways on kept map moving quickly. Played really fair too with no weapons being overpowering. Thanks for your feedback and checking out my map
More cool stuff to look at and I really like the size and lay out of this map. I was in there with just 3 other players and had no problem finding a fight. The problem stated before about top access was no worry because we usually play with Jetpacks and it is a great Jetpack map. Anyway, the map's not that big so there was no trouble getting to a lift when I wanted to use one. I dig the seldom used FX feature and anyone that doesn't like it can remove it easy enough, it's not hidden. I just finished a map that I "was" going to use an FX feature on but never thought about using the delay, it will work good that way though, thanks for the reminder.
Hello! Thanks for checking out my map! The size really played well, I was a bit sceptical on how it would play on 8 v 8 but it played really well. Having the central part and 4 cannon ways to get there and the extra jumps after has had many amuzed in games some just going back and forth all game lol. But even playing 1 v 1 it isn't too big and can still be fun. Yeah I rearly use the effects, I have used them occasionally in other maps but only on certain gametypes, It works really well on infection, getting really dark as the infection arrive. But usually on a competitive map they make things too dark. But again the effect worked although I should have added an explosion as the colour changed.
This map is very appealing from the screenshots! You have my download. I'll check it out in person and maybe have a battle or two on it. I'll be sure to give you my final review.
Thanks for checking out my map. It is a good battle area , made with slayer in mind, it is bast played with dmr as loadout and evade works well on the inclines around the map.