Defend The House

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by MacNCheese, May 9, 2008.

  1. MacNCheese

    MacNCheese Ancient
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    Map Title: Defend The House
    An innovation to Territories

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    This is my 1st real map that is actually meant to play on. It goes with the game type "Takeover". It is a map for territories (I know what you're thinking, "Territories? Oh no, no one likes that!", but read on.)

    There are 2 bases (not sloppy bases either, nice and interlocked), filled with weapons, and then a place for the attackers to start, also filled with weapons. There are 3 ways for the attackers to get out, a top open box, with a turret, a bottom open box, with a turret (both aimed at 1st base, or the "1" territory, but you can shoot at the "2" with the top turret,) or go through a teleporter that leads to a higher part with another turret, where you can snipe from. Also there is a man cannon that shoots you to the entrance of the 1st base.

    The 1st base is floating, with stairs to lead to it, and there are warthogs underneath, which help a lot when attacking. There is a window to snipe out of in the 1st base and also another turret aimed at the bottom open box. In the 2nd base, it's a
    lot bigger than the 1st base, but that makes it harder to defend. Again it is floating, but not too high, with stairs leading up to it, but theres also gravity lifts underneath it to shoot you into it so there is not just 1 way to get in.

    Inside the base, there are neatly interlocked floors, and 2 teleporters, they both lead to a higher part to snipe from with turrets, except one is on 1 side, and the other is on the opposite side. I know this sounds like a lot, but everybody I've shown this to likes it. It's not even close to a pro made map, but it's nice and very fun with 4 on 4. I know a lot of people frown upon maps with armories, but trust me, this map wouldn't be fun without it.

    This is the 1st base

    2nd base

    A view of inside the attackers base

    The front/exit of the attackers base

    Wow, my 1st map post, I hope I did it right!
    #1 MacNCheese, May 9, 2008
    Last edited: May 10, 2008
  2. LOCK.xcf

    LOCK.xcf Ancient
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    its good for a first, but i couldn't see any interlocking, and thats almost a must for a good/descent map.
  3. Norlinsky

    Norlinsky Guest

    Wooow, too many power weapons. People would be getting killed every second
  4. vinco onmia

    vinco onmia Ancient
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    Where exactly is the house?
  5. LOCK.xcf

    LOCK.xcf Ancient
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    totally agree, maybe cut it down to just assault and BRs, then the quality of the game-play would be better
  6. ghostarsenal

    ghostarsenal Ancient
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    im not really a fan of the "Put ALL of The Weapons In One Place" genre
  7. MacNCheese

    MacNCheese Ancient
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    I've tried it with just ARs and BRs and it wasn't as fun, I know a lot of people think any maps with a lot of power weapons aren't quality but in my opinion that is what makes this map and game fun. And to the question about where the house is, at 1st I started with just one base to take over, and it looked more like a house, then i changed it when I added the 2nd base, but didn't change the name. To the person who asked about the interlocking, there is some in the floors of the bases, not much in the 1st base, but a lot in the 2nd base, underneath the floors (which are really walls) and some with the walls.
  8. Killamanjaro123

    Killamanjaro123 Ancient
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    My first map had an armory, so I'll say to you what they said to me,

    An armory? looks like a great place for camping! bring a tent!

    but seriously, these aren't even like my armory! your armory is all power weapons. mine was made of snipers, shotguns, brs, and ars
    #8 Killamanjaro123, May 9, 2008
    Last edited: May 9, 2008
  9. MacNCheese

    MacNCheese Ancient
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    Aren't you supposed to camp when defending? And there will be no use camping when attacking. And even if you do camp, you will die fast, trust me, a lot of people have tried it. But whatever, I think the weapons is what makes this map fun (well, I find it fun, and like 85% of my friends do). Can you at least try it out for me? And just to let you know, snipers and shotguns are considered power weapons.
  10. DRiSCOLL

    DRiSCOLL Ancient
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    same here too many weapons, the maps just plain to me
  11. hangman3745

    hangman3745 Ancient
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    Just cut down the power wapons a bit,you can have like 1 or 2 rockets on each base or whatever,but be percise on weapon placement.But great map though,looks really tactical,put too much power weapons aren't that tactical,so cut it down a bit. 4/5
  12. xSharpshooter94

    xSharpshooter94 Ancient
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    the post is good but thbe map is mediocore. It really doesn't stand out and there is too many power weapons. Also you do need to interlock a couple of things to see a well interlocked map check-out my map cyclone.l
  13. Boukary777

    Boukary777 Ancient
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    big wall of text makes me not want to read your description. Maybe press enters after a couple of sentences to give nice visual breaks.

    It also makes it easier to read the description instead of losing their place while reading.
  14. ZCT

    ZCT Ancient
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    I agree completely

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