SHENIGANS ON ROAD-KILL WARNING: May Contain Nuts! Hello Forgehub Community. Today, Is the release of my First Halo:Reach Map. "Yeah took long enough". But still. Before I begin, This map is mean't about dying.... ALOT!!!!1!! The Impact of the Warthog or Mongoose braking the Sound-barrier can easily lead to death. This map was made in about 8 Hours. Trying to figure new and cool ideas. But ended up being even more complicated than the original concept. The map is a better version of the map HOLY POTATOES! Yes, Holy Potatoes! Sadly, Since I couldn't use the original name, I decided to go with what the gameplay is pretty much about.... ROADKILL. The original had alot of flaws. Like how players would camping in the spawn and how the humans sunk under-neath the map. But I fixed and the gameplay is fun and will kill you from to much laughter.... DERK. If you've played Double Rainbow by Rifte Gifle, you'll see a simularity with gameplay. This map was co-forged by x45K Derk, Dj12123 and R3AP3R 2117. Okay, now that is done. Lets go to some pictures, and to make sure that I don't get any complaints about videos. Theres a Video Too. P.S: Don't sit in the passenger seat with Zow Jr. *Warthog Explodes*, SEE! 10 Seconds to get into a vehicle and drive! BONUS VIDEO [bungievid]12942015[/bungievid] Sorry about the limited and short video. The Map is quite small and dull but, the gameplay is solid and fun. We will accept ideas if anyone has any. We already tried ramps and rolling objects. So if you have any ideas, comment below. We will be making a better version sometime this weekend. And release hopefully by feburary. Also, Note that the Beta had sprint for zombies. Now its been replaced with Evade! SHENIGANS! DOWNLOAD SHENIGANS DOWNLOAD ROADKILL
I've played maps like this in customs, it is a pretty good concept. Only thing what I don't like in this map is that it isn't very original idea, it looks A LOT like Speed by Darth Human and I'm pretty sure that it plays like it too. Only difference I can see from the pictures is that this map has mongooses.
I also have to agree that this is a pretty unoriginal concept... Ive personally played 2 varients of this already, and know of at least 1 other is posted somewhere around here. I would reccommend adding some aesthetic touches to it, its a little bland as is. The starting room seems fine, but the rest of the map is pretty dull because of the way you used those colliseum walls i.e for everything
Im sorry to say that Speed By DarthHuman has already done this concept. Try looking at his map and using it to improve yours and add some new concepts. Maby the zombie spawn next to a turet instead of with a hammer?
Guys, his map may be just like/ very similar to another map and maybe he should've given some credit to the original creator, but this is still HIS variant. Any further comments stating that he "stole" this game will be infracted.
If you read DarthHuman's post for his map Speed. You notice he gives Credit to the unknown creator for the original map and gametype which was named Writer's Mind on Writer's Creation. Although, each variant is different, one can make you flip more, one can make you flip less. It all depends. I'm quite anxious to see what happens on this map after I DL it.