Yahtzee Yahoo

Discussion in 'Reach Mini Game Maps' started by Spawn of Saltine, Dec 1, 2010.

  1. Spawn of Saltine

    Senior Member

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    by Spawn of Saltine


    Hello and welcome to another Mini Game. I decided that I would create a team based mini game this time around. This map has explosions, teamwork, chaos, fun, and interesting aesthetics to boot! I've spent a lot of time creating this map and a lot of changes have been made since the start of it. I hope you enjoy it as much as I had making it!

    The Basics
    The main objective of the game is to get more points in the hill than the opposing team. There are 6 rounds total (3 for each team). The shooters are trying to eliminate the team in the hill. The team in the hill tries to survive for as long as possible. Each round can take a maximum of 2 minutes. The length of each round is dependent on how long one team stays inside of the hill.

    The Shooters
    The shooters have one main objective; eliminate the opposing team. The shooters will spawn in one of four towers surrounding the hill. They are equipped with a grenade launcher and multiple viewpoints into the hill. The special mechanic that lets you control the explosion of the grenade is very key to victory in this game. If a shooter needs a new grenade launcher or a different angle on the hill he can walk behind him through the teleporter to a different tower. The teleporters will send you counter clockwise around the hill. When a shooter takes aim he should take gravity into consideration so he can rebound the grenade off the inside of the glass box. The shooters can eliminate the opposing team by dislodging the dice from the underneath the other teams feet by blowing up their grenade launchers.


    How to win as the Shooters
    There are several ways that will be effective to win as a shooter. The first strategy is using teamwork to target one person at a time to knock him off his die as quickly as possible. Another strategy might be to lay traps by planting a grenade on top (or beneath) an empty die. When an enemy is jumping towards it you blow the grenade up and watch the enemy fall through the floor to his death.

    It's a trap!

    told you..

    The Scoring Team

    The scoring team also have one main objective; stay alive in the hill as long as possible. The scoring team has excellent jumping strength and can traverse the dice fairly easily. As long as a player is in the hill your team will gain points. There are 6 dice in the glass box and 10 camping stools. A soccer ball will fall in to the glass box after 90 seconds. The scoring team needs to jump from die to die without dying (lol). If a player manages to break the map and get on top of the glass box he will no longer gain hill points and he will slowly die from the soft kill zone. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED :D


    According to legend a large cone will impale you if you break the map.

    How to win as the Scoring Team
    The most effective way to win as the scoring team is not by standing in one place, but by being active and being unpredictable. If you can fool the shooters than you can win. Grouping up on dice is not advised because it can earn the shooters an easy multikill. Look for camping stools in times of desperation, not to show off!

    Three of a kind!


    He's a tricky one!

    Here are some extra action shots



    Last, but not least, I'd like to thank all of the testers that helped me. Without all of you this would have been a failure of a map. You think it turned out pretty well, right?


    #1 Spawn of Saltine, Dec 1, 2010
    Last edited: Jan 23, 2011
  2. Sgt Surchin

    Senior Member

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    from testing this i say that tell this is very fun and original. i only have one suggestion though. instead of having the area below the plates just lead to the water you could have some sort of shallow box with a death barrier inside of it. the point of this would be to catch the grenades to increase the chances of them knocking the die around. it wouldn't be so shallow that it would give the players no chance to stay on the dice but it would be shallow enough to at least help the players who are shooting knock some people off.
    #2 Sgt Surchin, Dec 1, 2010
    Last edited: Dec 1, 2010
  3. Zow Jr

    Zow Jr Forerunner

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    Looks pretty awesome, I'm not gonna lie, but the concept is rather unoriginal.(sans die blocks) Don;t get me wrong thsi sin't much of a naysay. It just looks like you took the concept of your most recent feature flag frenzy and used it for a different game in Reach. Looks hellafun though, if not rather small. You got my dl 7.9/10
  4. MattKestrel

    MattKestrel Ancient
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    Lol, I remember testing this. It was pretty fun, although it seemed really random as to who won or lost since the grenades could bounce just about anywhere. It's a very clever concept with the use of capture plates, though. You should totally give the attackers jetpacks and let them hover around the edge of the map like vultures (with a hard kill barrier between them and the defenders obviously)
  5. Stevo

    Stevo Drunken Bantersaurus Rex
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    lololol this map blows!!!!

    Seriously... it sucks....

    ....what? it IS crap...


    Just kidding, I liked playing it alot, SOCCER BALLS FOR THE WIN! I've tested this map a lot and I hope you fixed the tower I pointed out to you!!! >:[
  6. Oo iRoNy oO

    Oo iRoNy oO Ancient
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    LOLZ I commented negatively in a sarcastic way just like this on the Halo 3 version of Genome when it first came out. I thought it was pretty obvious that I was playing around, but I still got the infraction. -_-

    Anyways, I've played/tested this map twice, maybe three times, and I thought it was awesome. I like it because it it's hilarious to watch the other team fall through the floor after receiving a noob-tube to the face. It's priceless. Really has some good aesthetics to go with it too.
  7. NlBBS

    NlBBS Forerunner

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    So much wrong with this I don't even know where to start. Unoriginal? Point me in the direction of a map that even slightly resembles this concept. Oh, AND plays well. Secondly, took the concept from Flag Frenzy? Are you kidding me, did you even play Flag Frenzy? That was rhetorical.

    This is a great map Spawn, truly fun for any party size (but smaller parties is my preference). Keep the odd mini-games coming.


    I can't wait to playtest your next map 5000 times.
  8. serumembryo

    serumembryo Forerunner

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    **** Wahoo? Whatza ****who?
    Lol, this map looks great. I have to give you credit for putting a random cone in there. It looks like Wraith Attack with a big twist. I really like the looks of this map. I will edit this post when I get to play this
  9. Spawn of Saltine

    Senior Member

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    Thanks. I'm not sure if your suggestions is needed though since the grenades cannot fall through the floor. Once they are inside the box they stay inside the box.

    Consider using spell check the next time you ridicule someone's map. This map is nothing like Flag Frenzy. It is somewhat similar to Tumbling Trinkets though.

    Thanks. Yeah the scoring can be slightly off, but I'm going to blame bungie on that one because you can't do a whole lot with the KOTH settings. Jetpacks would be kind of strange, but feel free to try it yourself =P

    Yep I made sure to fix it before posting =P Thanks for testing with me so much.

    Thanks for testing. It's always a pleasure to have you in mah games =)

    lol thanks. I've no clue what I'm going to go for next, but I'm hoping its fun =P

    IT RAINS CONES! (idea copyrighted by Tz) It is somewhat similar to wraith attack or Fly High from halo 3. Please tell me how your game went =)
  10. LD

    LD Ancient
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    Saltine, the god of mini games returned to bring you: However the mp is called, yay

    Once again, this has been tested and perfected to death, and every single testing session was fun. The game is easy to understand, fun as hell and the forging is brilliant.

    Yahtzee Yahoo is one of the few maps that actually make Reach fun for quite some time
  11. cluckinho

    cluckinho Well Known
    Senior Member

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    Brilliant. I wish I could come up with games like these lol. Mini games take real effort to create and its a shame this received such little attention. This is prolly one of the most creative maps that I've ever seen.
  12. Oli The G

    Oli The G Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    your video will be incoming soon.

    If you have any games with this map, please put them on your file share and send me a PM.

    The more footage I get, the better the video for this will be ;-)
  13. Sam

    Sam Ancient
    Senior Member

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    You may want to raise the ceilings of the grenadiers' boxes, because they are Elite inaccessible, which will lead Elite grenadiers to spawn in the Yahtzee box when they're not supposed to be in there.

    I enjoyed the game when I played it.
  14. Spawn of Saltine

    Senior Member

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    Fixed the map up now. I raised the ceiling in the shooting box things. Tell me if there are any new found problems. You can download up at the top again, or right here.
  15. Erupt

    Erupt Forerunner
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I played this with you in a TGIF lobby and it is by far my favorite mini-game yet in Reach. The only problem was the grenadier boxes. Organite kept spawning in the middle because...

    At least we know why now :)
  16. Doomreaper13

    Doomreaper13 Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    This map was a lot of fun when you get atleast 3v3 going.
    I really enjoyed this map with my friends.
  17. Talons013

    Talons013 Forerunner

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    welp, my first look at the minigames section in, oh what, 1 n 1/2 days and what do I find? this awesome digital blade of fun sharpened and forged to perfection in the fires of, well, forge... dont judge it.

    lol, anyway this looks great, Zow next time you get on, invite me to this and lets get a party started. WHOO!
  18. Oli The G

    Oli The G Forerunner
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    Yahtzee Yahoo is a small, four to twelve player map that utilises the king of the hill gametype. In this mini game map, one team, spread throughout four small buildings on the outskirts of the map, must make the other team, within a small central area fall through the floor using grenade launchers to push away a floor of dice, footballs, cones and chairs, held up by capture plates and thus make the opposition fall to their death. When an entire team falls through the floor and dies, the round is over. Teams take turns over ten rounds playing as both the attacking and defending team in a fast and furious mini-game.

    A game of Yahtzee Yahoo is won by having a team spend the maximum possible time within the central area. Therefore the team with the grenade launchers are under pressure to knock the other team off. Whilst this may sound frustrating, this is not the case. Players will enjoy the immersion this creates and possibly even the sweat trickling down their forehead as the opposition slowly but surely creeps towards their score. Because of the small size of the central area, a skill imbalance between the two teams has little effect on the outcome of this map. This means that to win, a team is forced to co-operate with one another, which helps to build up an immersive, exciting gameplay experience.

    As for the defending team within the central box, the gameplay can vary. The idea of Yahtzee Yahoo is to jump around the box, landing on the dice and chairs being held up by capture plates. This means that they are in constant danger of being hit by a grenade launcher round, and pushed away from the floor, and down into the abyss. However, players are much more successful if they hold on in a corner. This makes the experience less enjoyable for those players and also less enjoyable for the attacking team with the grenade launchers, as they will be almost impossible to force through the floor and out, making for a very frustrating experience all around. Succumb to this repetitive annoyance five times in a single game, and players are left with a poor replay value, or will to keep Yahtzee Yahoo on their Xbox. Although new objects occasionally falling down, such as cones and footballs, freshen the experience somewhat by providing new terrain as the round progresses, little is done to boost the replay value of this map.

    However, Yahtzee Yahoo provides a very unique experience. The entire game relies on the fact that objects cannot pass through capture plates, but players can. The floor can cause an annoyance for first time players, who will just jump to the capture plates expecting not to fall through. As Yahtzee Yahoo only offers one life per round, they will be forced to wait out the next few minutes. Even still, after the first couple of rounds players will be confident with the mechanics of the game, and focus on enjoying themselves, which is the main aim of Yahtzee Yahoo. Also, because Yahtzee Yahoo is based around an entertaining but much underused concept, players will enjoy the very different style of gameplay that Yahtzee Yahoo has on offer.



    In Yahtzee Yahoo, the team defending in the first round are often at a disadvantage. Because the opposition team is able to see from a higher location onto them, they are easily able to see how the best player holds out, giving them a significant advantage going into the next round. Although the success levels become more equal in later round, the team attacking first often benefit from this head start.

    Also, new players to Yahtzee Yahoo will often jump onto the floor when defending, killing themselves, and putting their team at a large disadvantage. The attacking team with the grenade launchers, on the other hand are able to see the error of that, and know to avoid it in the next round.

    On the other hand, because of the circular layout for the attackers, and single room for the defenders, no area of the map is overpowered or gives an advantage to either team, making Yahtzee Yahoo a smartly balanced map.



    The attacking team on Yahtzee Yahoo spawn in completely enclosed boxes, making escape impossible for them. As for the defending team, they are spawned in a box with an open top. The creator of this map put the ceiling deliberately high up so it is unreachable normally. However, through some careful jumping on falling pieces, a player on rare occasions can make their way to the top of the box. Even still, the creator of this map put a hard kill zone on the top of the box, making escape impossible.

    Also, players on both teams spawn with just a pistol. The attacking team have their grenade launchers placed in front of their box, so no separate load outs with their own set of honour rules are needed. This means that a player on the defending team cannot push their entire team down the map and out.

    The spawn system was also well thought out too. Because both teams have just one life, no respawns points are needed. This can cause a problem if a new player joins halfway through a round however, and the rest of the players will have to wait out the remainder of the round if they do not kill themselves. However, if all players are in at the beginning of a round, they will have no problems. The attacking team’s spawn is set out into four boxes, each connected via a teleporter. Each room contains two spawns and two grenade launchers. This means that Yahtzee Yahoo is able to support a full sixteen player game, even if it is not recommended. Because damage is disabled, and the attacking team cannot rely on plash damage to kill their opponents, they cannot kill themselves, effectively idiot proofing Yahtzee Yahoo.



    Yahtzee Yahoo consists of several carefully forged structures. All of the attackers spawn areas are built into the cliff side, and interlock with the central area. This makes the entire map look well thought out and solid, as it avoids random floating areas. All of the structures have been created out of forge pieces, and not pre made structures. This has allowed for a much greater flexibility with regard to the theme and feel of the map.

    Moreover, the things that really bring out the aesthetics of Yahtzee Yahoo to life are the finer details. The best example of this is the grenade launcher rack. In each of the attacking boxes there are two grenade launchers carefully held in place by two flag stands at either end of the gun. Also, coloured objects and lights have been carefully used to give a change from the greys of forge world without being underused or unsightly, and all the forging done is neat, smooth and clean.



    Yahtzee Yahoo provides a very unique game experience that brings life back to underused mechanics. Although they are not necessarily original in that respect the idea of using them to hold up chairs, cones, footballs and dice is definatly original.

    The area of forgeworld that Yahtzee Yahoo has been placed in is also new to the halo scene and this shows how Yahtzee Yahoo has broken the mould. The way in which the forge pieces have been used to make the map look as if it has been built into a cliff and the resulting forge pieces used are very unusual and interesting.



    Rating Multipliers

    Enjoyment: 8x3.0 = 24/30
    Balance: 6x3.0 = 18/30
    Durability: 9x1.5 = 13.5/15
    Aesthetic : 9x1.5 = 13.5/15
    Originality: 8x1.0 = 8/10

    TOTAL SCORE = 77/100



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  19. Darth Human

    Darth Human Guy from Reach
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